remove some dependencies

cosmonaut 2021-01-29 16:18:46 -08:00
parent 49ea9e7a5d
commit 6f9dfd5cd1
10 changed files with 624 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
using System;
namespace Encompass
public static unsafe class MemoryHelper
public static void Copy(uint* src, uint* dest, int count)
for (; count != 0; count--) *dest++ = *src++;
public static void Fill(uint* p, int count, uint value)
for (; count != 0; count--) *p++ = value;
public static void And(uint* p, uint* q, uint* result, int count)
for (; count != 0; count--) *result++ = *p++ & *q++;
public static void Or(uint* p, uint* q, uint* result, int count)
for (; count != 0; count--) *result++ = *p++ | *q++;
public static void Not(uint* p, uint* result, int count)
for (; count != 0; count--) *result++ = ~*p++;
public static bool Equal(uint* p, uint* q, int count)
for (; count != 0; count--) if (*p++ != *q++) { return false; }
return true;
public unsafe struct BitSet512 : IEquatable<BitSet512>
public static BitSet512 Zero { get; } = new BitSet512(0);
public static BitSet512 Ones { get; } = new BitSet512(uint.MaxValue);
private const int _uintLength = 16;
private fixed uint _buffer[_uintLength];
public BitSet512(uint value)
fixed (uint* p = _buffer) MemoryHelper.Fill(p, _uintLength, value);
public BitSet512(uint* src)
fixed (uint* dest = _buffer) MemoryHelper.Copy(src, dest, _uintLength);
public static BitSet512 operator &(BitSet512 a, BitSet512 b)
var tmp = stackalloc uint[_uintLength];
MemoryHelper.And(a._buffer, b._buffer, tmp, _uintLength);
return new BitSet512(tmp);
public static BitSet512 operator |(BitSet512 a, BitSet512 b)
var tmp = stackalloc uint[_uintLength];
MemoryHelper.Or(a._buffer, b._buffer, tmp, _uintLength);
return new BitSet512(tmp);
public static BitSet512 operator ~(BitSet512 a)
var tmp = stackalloc uint[_uintLength];
MemoryHelper.Not(a._buffer, tmp, _uintLength);
return new BitSet512(tmp);
public static bool operator ==(BitSet512 left, BitSet512 right)
return left.Equals(right);
public static bool operator !=(BitSet512 left, BitSet512 right)
return !(left == right);
public BitSet512 Set(int index)
var tmp = stackalloc uint[_uintLength];
fixed (uint* p = _buffer) MemoryHelper.Copy(p, tmp, _uintLength);
tmp[index / 32] |= (uint)(1 << index % 32);
return new BitSet512(tmp);
public BitSet512 UnSet(int index)
var tmp = stackalloc uint[_uintLength];
fixed (uint* p = _buffer) MemoryHelper.Copy(p, tmp, _uintLength);
tmp[index / 32] &= ~(uint)(1 << index % 32);
return new BitSet512(tmp);
public bool Get(int bitIndex)
var bitInt = (uint)(1 << bitIndex % 32);
return (_buffer[bitIndex / 32] & bitInt) == bitInt;
public bool AllTrue()
return this == Ones;
public bool AllFalse()
return this == Zero;
public static BitSet512 BitwiseAnd(BitSet512 left, BitSet512 right)
return left & right;
public static BitSet512 BitwiseOr(BitSet512 left, BitSet512 right)
return left | right;
public static BitSet512 OnesComplement(BitSet512 bitSet)
return ~bitSet;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return obj is BitSet512 set && Equals(set);
public bool Equals(BitSet512 other)
fixed (uint* p = _buffer) return MemoryHelper.Equal(p, other._buffer, _uintLength);
public override int GetHashCode()
var hc = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < _uintLength; i++)
hc ^= _buffer[i].GetHashCode();
return hc;

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@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
using MoonTools.FastCollections;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

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@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using Encompass.Exceptions;
using MoonTools.FastCollections;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

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@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Encompass.Exceptions;
using MoonTools.FastCollections;
namespace Encompass

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@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
using MoonTools.FastCollections;
namespace Encompass
namespace Encompass
internal struct EntitySetQuery

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@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Encompass
internal class DirectedGraph<TNode> where TNode : IEquatable<TNode>
protected HashSet<TNode> nodes = new HashSet<TNode>();
protected Dictionary<TNode, HashSet<TNode>> neighbors = new Dictionary<TNode, HashSet<TNode>>();
protected HashSet<(TNode, TNode)> edges = new HashSet<(TNode, TNode)>();
public IEnumerable<TNode> Nodes => nodes;
public IEnumerable<(TNode, TNode)> Edges => edges;
public void AddNode(TNode node)
if (!Exists(node))
neighbors.Add(node, new HashSet<TNode>());
public void AddNodes(params TNode[] nodes)
foreach (var node in nodes)
public void RemoveNode(TNode node)
var edgesToRemove = new List<(TNode, TNode)>();
foreach (var entry in neighbors)
if (entry.Value.Contains(node))
edgesToRemove.Add((entry.Key, node));
foreach (var edge in edgesToRemove)
RemoveEdge(edge.Item1, edge.Item2);
public void RemoveEdge(TNode v, TNode u)
CheckEdge(v, u);
edges.Remove((v, u));
public void AddEdge(TNode v, TNode u)
CheckNodes(v, u);
if (Exists(v, u)) { throw new ArgumentException($"Edge between {v} and {u} already exists in the graph"); }
if (v.Equals(u)) { throw new ArgumentException("Self-edges are not allowed in a simple graph. Use a multigraph instead"); }
edges.Add((v, u));
public bool Exists(TNode node)
return nodes.Contains(node);
public bool Exists(TNode v, TNode u)
CheckNodes(v, u);
return edges.Contains((v, u));
protected void CheckNodes(params TNode[] givenNodes)
foreach (var node in givenNodes)
if (!Exists(node))
throw new System.ArgumentException($"Vertex {node} does not exist in the graph");
protected void CheckEdge(TNode v, TNode u)
CheckNodes(v, u);
if (!Exists(v, u)) { throw new ArgumentException($"Edge between vertex {v} and vertex {u} does not exist in the graph"); }
public IEnumerable<TNode> Neighbors(TNode node)
return neighbors[node];
public DirectedGraph<TNode> Clone()
var clone = new DirectedGraph<TNode>();
foreach (var v in Nodes)
foreach (var n in Neighbors(v))
clone.AddEdge(v, n);
return clone;
public DirectedGraph<TNode> SubGraph(params TNode[] subVertices)
var subGraph = new DirectedGraph<TNode>();
foreach (var n in Nodes)
if (Nodes.Contains(n))
var neighbors = Neighbors(n);
foreach (var u in neighbors)
if (subVertices.Contains(u))
subGraph.AddEdge(n, u);
return subGraph;
private IEnumerable<TNode> PostorderNodeDFSHelper(HashSet<TNode> discovered, TNode v)
foreach (var neighbor in Neighbors(v))
if (!discovered.Contains(neighbor))
foreach (var node in PostorderNodeDFSHelper(discovered, neighbor))
yield return node;
yield return v;
protected IEnumerable<TNode> PostorderNodeDFS()
var dfsDiscovered = new HashSet<TNode>();
foreach (var node in Nodes)
if (!dfsDiscovered.Contains(node))
foreach (var thing in PostorderNodeDFSHelper(dfsDiscovered, node))
yield return thing;
public IEnumerable<TNode> TopologicalSort()
return PostorderNodeDFS().Reverse();
public bool Cyclic()
return StronglyConnectedComponents().Any((scc) => scc.Count() > 1);
public IEnumerable<IEnumerable<TNode>> SimpleCycles()
void unblock(TNode thisnode, HashSet<TNode> blocked, Dictionary<TNode, HashSet<TNode>> B) //refactor to remove closure
var stack = new Stack<TNode>();
while (stack.Count > 0)
var node = stack.Pop();
if (blocked.Contains(thisnode))
if (B.ContainsKey(node))
foreach (var n in B[node])
if (!stack.Contains(n))
List<List<TNode>> result = new List<List<TNode>>();
var subGraph = Clone();
var sccs = new Stack<IEnumerable<TNode>>();
foreach (var scc in StronglyConnectedComponents())
while (sccs.Count > 0)
var scc = new Stack<TNode>(sccs.Pop());
var startNode = scc.Pop();
var path = new Stack<TNode>();
var blocked = new HashSet<TNode>
var closed = new HashSet<TNode>();
var B = new Dictionary<TNode, HashSet<TNode>>();
var stack = new Stack<(TNode, Stack<TNode>)>();
stack.Push((startNode, new Stack<TNode>(subGraph.Neighbors(startNode))));
while (stack.Count > 0)
var entry = stack.Peek();
var thisnode = entry.Item1;
var neighbors = entry.Item2;
if (neighbors.Count > 0)
var nextNode = neighbors.Pop();
if (nextNode.Equals(startNode))
var resultPath = new List<TNode>();
foreach (var v in path)
foreach (var v in path)
else if (!blocked.Contains(nextNode))
stack.Push((nextNode, new Stack<TNode>(subGraph.Neighbors(nextNode))));
if (neighbors.Count == 0)
if (closed.Contains(thisnode))
unblock(thisnode, blocked, B);
foreach (var neighbor in subGraph.Neighbors(thisnode))
if (!B.ContainsKey(neighbor))
B[neighbor] = new HashSet<TNode>();
var H = subGraph.SubGraph(scc.ToArray());
var HSccs = H.StronglyConnectedComponents();
foreach (var HScc in HSccs)
return result.Distinct(new SimpleCycleComparer<TNode>());
protected IEnumerable<IEnumerable<TNode>> StronglyConnectedComponents()
var preorder = new Dictionary<TNode, uint>();
var lowlink = new Dictionary<TNode, uint>();
var sccFound = new Dictionary<TNode, bool>();
var sccQueue = new Stack<TNode>();
uint preorderCounter = 0;
foreach (var source in Nodes)
if (!sccFound.ContainsKey(source))
var queue = new Stack<TNode>();
while (queue.Count > 0)
var v = queue.Peek();
if (!preorder.ContainsKey(v))
preorder[v] = preorderCounter;
var done = true;
var vNeighbors = Neighbors(v);
foreach (var w in vNeighbors)
if (!preorder.ContainsKey(w))
done = false;
if (done)
lowlink[v] = preorder[v];
foreach (var w in vNeighbors)
if (!sccFound.ContainsKey(w))
if (preorder[w] > preorder[v])
lowlink[v] = Math.Min(lowlink[v], lowlink[w]);
lowlink[v] = Math.Min(lowlink[v], preorder[w]);
if (lowlink[v] == preorder[v])
sccFound[v] = true;
var scc = new List<TNode>() { v };
while (sccQueue.Count > 0 && preorder[sccQueue.Peek()] > preorder[v])
var k = sccQueue.Pop();
sccFound[k] = true;
yield return scc;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Encompass
internal class SimpleCycleComparer<TNode> : IEqualityComparer<IEnumerable<TNode>>
public bool Equals(IEnumerable<TNode> x, IEnumerable<TNode> y)
return x.SequenceEqual(y);
public int GetHashCode(IEnumerable<TNode> obj)
return obj.Aggregate(0, (current, next) => current.GetHashCode() ^ next.GetHashCode());

View File

@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Linq;
using Encompass.Exceptions;
using MoonTools.Core.Graph;
using MoonTools.Core.Graph.Extensions;
namespace Encompass
@ -20,7 +18,7 @@ namespace Encompass
private readonly int _entityCapacity;
private readonly List<Engine> _engines = new List<Engine>();
private readonly DirectedGraph<Engine, Unit> _engineGraph = GraphBuilder.DirectedGraph<Engine>();
private readonly DirectedGraph<Engine> _engineGraph = new DirectedGraph<Engine>();
private readonly ComponentStore _startingExistingComponentStore;
private readonly ComponentStore _startingUpToDateComponentStore;
@ -130,16 +128,29 @@ namespace Encompass
var messageReceiveTypes = engine.ReceiveTypes;
var messageSendTypes = engine.SendTypes;
foreach (var writeImmediateType in engine.WriteImmediateTypes.Intersect(engine.ReadImmediateTypes))
foreach (var writeImmediateType in engine.WriteImmediateTypes)
throw new EngineSelfCycleException("Engine {0} both writes and reads immediate Component {1}", engine.GetType().Name, writeImmediateType.Name);
foreach (var readImmediateType in engine.ReadImmediateTypes)
if (readImmediateType == writeImmediateType)
throw new EngineSelfCycleException("Engine {0} both writes and reads immediate Component {1}", engine.GetType().Name, writeImmediateType.Name);
foreach (var messageType in messageReceiveTypes.Intersect(messageSendTypes))
foreach (var messageReceiveType in messageReceiveTypes)
throw new EngineSelfCycleException("Engine {0} both receives and sends Message {1}", engine.GetType().Name, messageType.Name);
foreach (var messageSendType in messageSendTypes)
if (messageReceiveType == messageSendType)
throw new EngineSelfCycleException("Engine {0} both receives and sends Message {1}", engine.GetType().Name, messageReceiveType.Name);
if (messageSendTypes.Count > 0 || engine.WriteImmediateTypes.Count > 0)
@ -147,7 +158,7 @@ namespace Encompass
foreach (var componentType in engine.QueryWithTypes.Union(engine.QueryWithoutTypes))
foreach (var componentType in engine.QueryWithTypes)
_trackingManager.RegisterComponentTypeToEngine(componentType, engine);
if (engine.ReadImmediateTypes.Contains(componentType))
@ -156,7 +167,26 @@ namespace Encompass
foreach (var receiveType in engine.ReceiveTypes.Union(engine.ReadImmediateTypes))
foreach (var componentType in engine.QueryWithoutTypes)
_trackingManager.RegisterComponentTypeToEngine(componentType, engine);
if (engine.ReadImmediateTypes.Contains(componentType))
_trackingManager.RegisterImmediateComponentTypeToEngine(componentType, engine);
foreach (var receiveType in engine.ReceiveTypes)
if (!_typeToReaders.ContainsKey(receiveType))
_typeToReaders.Add(receiveType, new HashSet<Engine>());
foreach (var receiveType in engine.ReadImmediateTypes)
if (!_typeToReaders.ContainsKey(receiveType))
@ -214,7 +244,24 @@ namespace Encompass
foreach (var senderEngine in _senders)
foreach (var messageType in senderEngine.SendTypes.Union(senderEngine.WriteImmediateTypes))
foreach (var messageType in senderEngine.SendTypes)
if (_typeToReaders.ContainsKey(messageType))
foreach (var readerEngine in _typeToReaders[messageType])
if (senderEngine != readerEngine)
if (!_engineGraph.Exists(senderEngine, readerEngine))
_engineGraph.AddEdge(senderEngine, readerEngine);
foreach (var messageType in senderEngine.WriteImmediateTypes)
if (_typeToReaders.ContainsKey(messageType))

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@ -25,8 +25,6 @@
<PackageReference Include="MoonTools.Core.Graph" Version="1.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="MoonTools.FastCollections" Version="1.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="System.Collections.Immutable" Version="1.7.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Bcl.HashCode" Version="1.1.0" />

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">