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Goal Collision 2019-06-03T12:39:11-07:00 10

A goal destroys a ball, and then spawns a ball. So let's set up a new actor-receiver-response set of components to model this behavior.

Our Actor: PongFE/Components/CanDestroyComponent.cs:

using Encompass;

namespace PongFE.Components
    public struct CanDestroyComponent : IComponent { }

Our Receiver: PongFE/Components/CanBeDestroyedComponent.cs:

using Encompass;

namespace PongFE.Components
    public struct CanBeDestroyedComponent : IComponent { }

Our Response: PongFE/Components/SpawnBallAfterDestroyComponent.cs:

using Encompass;

namespace PongFE.Components
    public struct SpawnBallAfterDestroyComponent : IComponent
        public float Seconds { get; }

        public SpawnBallAfterDestroyComponent(float seconds)
            Seconds = seconds;

Now let's create PongFE/Messages/DestroyMessage.cs:

using Encompass;

namespace PongFE.Messages
    public struct DestroyMessage : IMessage
        public Entity Entity { get; }

        public DestroyMessage(Entity entity)
            Entity = entity;

In CollisionEngine.cs:


    CheckBounce(message.EntityA, message.EntityB, message.HitOrientation);
    CheckBounce(message.EntityB, message.EntityA, message.HitOrientation);

    CheckDestroy(message.EntityA, message.EntityB);
    CheckDestroy(message.EntityB, message.EntityA);


    private void CheckDestroy(Entity a, Entity b)
        if (HasComponent<CanDestroyComponent>(a))
            if (HasComponent<CanBeDestroyedComponent>(b))
                SendMessage(new DestroyMessage(b));

Don't forget to add typeof(DestroyMessage) to CollisionEngine's Sends.

Now let's create PongFE/Engines/DestroyEngine.cs:

using Encompass;
using PongFE.Components;
using PongFE.Messages;

namespace PongFE.Engines
    public class DestroyEngine : Engine
        public override void Update(double dt)
            foreach (ref readonly var message in ReadMessages<DestroyMessage>())
                if (HasComponent<SpawnBallAfterDestroyComponent>(message.Entity))
                    ref readonly var respawnComponent = ref GetComponent<SpawnBallAfterDestroyComponent>(message.Entity);

                        new BallSpawnMessage(
                            new MoonTools.Structs.Position2D(640, 360),
                            new System.Numerics.Vector2(-200, 100),


Notice that SendMessage has an extra argument here. What's that about? If you pass a numeric value along with SendMessage, the message will be delayed, and send after the given number of seconds has elapsed. This can be very convenient for producing timing-based behaviors. Be warned however, that there is no way to cancel a delayed message send. So if you need to be able to cancel a timed action, it's probably better to set up a component/engine structure that keeps track of the time.

We'll need a way to create our goal entities now.

Create a file, PongFE/Messages/GoalBoundarySpawnMessage.cs:

using Encompass;
using MoonTools.Structs;

namespace PongFE.Messages
    public struct GoalBoundarySpawnMessage : IMessage
        public Position2D Position { get; }
        public int Width { get; }
        public int Height { get; }

        public GoalBoundarySpawnMessage(Position2D position, int width, int height)
            Position = position;
            Width = width;
            Height = height;

And a file, PongFE/Engines/Spawners/GoalBoundarySpawner.cs:

using Encompass;
using PongFE.Components;
using PongFE.Messages;

namespace PongFE.Spawners
    public class GoalBoundarySpawner : Spawner<GoalBoundarySpawnMessage>
        protected override void Spawn(in GoalBoundarySpawnMessage message)
            var entity = CreateEntity();

            AddComponent(entity, new PositionComponent(message.Position));
            AddComponent(entity, new CollisionComponent(new MoonTools.Bonk.Rectangle(0, 0, message.Width, message.Height)));
            AddComponent(entity, new CanDestroyComponent());

Let's add some components to BallSpawner.cs:

    AddComponent(ball, new CanBeDestroyedComponent());
    AddComponent(ball, new SpawnBallAfterDestroyComponent(0.5f));

Finally let's add our new engines and spawn messages to PongFEGame.cs:


    WorldBuilder.AddEngine(new DestroyEngine());


    WorldBuilder.AddEngine(new GoalBoundarySpawner());


    // right boundary
        new GoalBoundarySpawnMessage(
            new MoonTools.Structs.Position2D(1280, 0),

    // left boundary
        new GoalBoundarySpawnMessage(
            new MoonTools.Structs.Position2D(-6, 0),

Now when the ball hits the left or right side of the play area, it will destroy and respawn. Great!