adding more beginner friendly getting started stuff

Evan Hemsley 2019-06-09 20:23:41 -07:00
parent 5b5ea00ebc
commit c2922a2d5b
6 changed files with 40 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ Encompass is currently available with a TypeScript implementation that fully sup
A C# implementation is forthcoming.
If you are here to learn how to use Encompass and don't care about the justifications for it, I recommend skipping ahead to [Chapter 2](getting_started).
If you are here to learn how to use Encompass and don't care about the justifications for it, or you've never made a game before, I recommend skipping ahead to [Chapter 2](getting_started).

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
title: "Case Study: LÖVE"
date: 2019-05-22T10:38:01-07:00
weight: 10
weight: 12
First, install [LÖVE](

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
title: "The Text Editor"
date: 2019-06-09T20:12:16-07:00
weight: 9
You will want some kind of text editor to develop Encompass projects.
I _highly_ recommend [VSCodium]( if you are on Windows or OSX, and Code - OSS if you are on Linux. These are open-source distributions of Microsoft's VSCode editor, which features excellent Typescript integration and various convenient features, like an integrated Git interface and terminal. (Make sure you set the terminal to Git Bash if you are on Windows - this is under File -> Settings.)
Of course, if you prefer some other editor, that will be perfectly fine.

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@ -16,6 +16,6 @@ If we look at the Encompass/LÖVE starter project, it looks like this:
**game/game.ts** contains a class that defines three methods that are called by LOVE: load, update, and draw. They do what it says on the tin. You will set up your WorldBuilder in the load method. (We'll talk about that in a bit.)
The rest of it is pretty straightforward. Put your music and sprites and such in the **assets** folder. Define your components in the **components** folder, your engines in the **engines** folder, your messages in the **messages** folder, and your renderers in the **renderers** folder. (Again, we'll start getting into exactly how to define Encompass these in a minute.)
The rest of it is pretty straightforward. Put your music and sprites and such in the **assets** folder. Define your components in the **components** folder, your engines in the **engines** folder, your messages in the **messages** folder, and your renderers in the **renderers** folder. (Again, we'll start getting into exactly how to define these in a minute.)
Finally, a quick note about **helpers**. I like to use classes with static methods for common behaviors that will be useful for many different engines, for example a `Color` class with a `hsv_to_rgb` conversion function. Be careful not to abuse helpers. If your helpers need to be instantiated, that is usually a sign that the behavior belongs in an engine.

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
title: "The Terminal"
date: 2019-06-09T20:05:57-07:00
weight: 8
Which operating system are you using?
If you are on OSX, great! You have an app called Terminal. You can use it to build and run Encompass projects.
If you are on Linux, great! You are probably a pretty savvy user, but just in case, you probably have a program called Terminal or Konsole on your machine. You can use it to build and run Encompass projects.
If you are on Windows... things get a bit trickier. The built-in terminals are garbage. I recommend installing [Git For Windows]( and installing Git Bash when it asks you which terminal you want. It's good enough.

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
title: "Version Control"
date: 2019-06-09T20:17:54-07:00
weight: 10
I _strongly_ recommend using some kind of source control software. It is incredibly foolish to develop without it. Version control lets you make changes to your code without worrying about irreparably ruining your code base, so you can make changes with peace of mind.
I strongly recommend [Git]( You'll have to download and install it if you're on Windows.
There is an excellent tutorial on how to use Git [on the Git website](
The basic Git workflow is this: when you make changes, you review them and "stage" them, and then "commit" them with a message. Think of a commit as freezing your code at a particular place in time. You can always revert to this exact place once you commit. It's incredibly useful.