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Color Blend State 2021-01-27T14:11:42-08:00 1

Color blend state is comprised of three fields - a logical operation, whether that logical operation is enabled, and some blending constants.

LogicOp lets you do a bitwise combination of the original and new color. You can read about that in more detail over here.

BlendConstants are used by the blend factors to produce result colors. You can read about that here.

Let's put it all together:

var myBlendConstants = new BlendConstants
    R = 1f,
    G = 1f,
    B = 1f,
    A = 1f

var myColorBlendState = new ColorBlendState
    LogicOpEnable = true,
	LogicOp = LogicOp.And,
    BlendConstants = myBlendConstants

Further blending state control is provided in GraphicsPipelineAttachmentInfo, which will be discussed later.