--- title: "Color Blend State" date: 2021-01-27T14:11:42-08:00 weight: 1 --- Color blend state is comprised of three fields - a logical operation, whether that logical operation is enabled, and some blending constants. `LogicOp` lets you do a bitwise combination of the original and new color. You can read about that in more detail [over here](https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2/html/chap28.html#framebuffer-logicop). `BlendConstants` are used by the blend factors to produce result colors. You can read about that [here](https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2/html/chap28.html#framebuffer-blendconstants). Let's put it all together: ```cs var myBlendConstants = new BlendConstants { R = 1f, G = 1f, B = 1f, A = 1f }; var myColorBlendState = new ColorBlendState { LogicOpEnable = true, LogicOp = LogicOp.And, BlendConstants = myBlendConstants }; ``` Further blending state control is provided in GraphicsPipelineAttachmentInfo, which will be discussed later.