fixing sweep test

Evan Hemsley 2020-01-05 13:10:52 -08:00
parent 9777429d07
commit 354912d674
4 changed files with 118 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -73,7 +73,38 @@ namespace MoonTools.Core.Bonk
foreach (var t in hashDictionary[key])
var (otherShape, otherTransform) = IDLookup[t];
if (!id.Equals(t) && AABB.TestOverlap(shape.TransformedAABB(transform2D), otherShape.TransformedAABB(otherTransform)))
if (!id.Equals(t) && AABB.TestOverlap(box, otherShape.TransformedAABB(otherTransform)))
yield return (t, otherShape, otherTransform);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves objects based on a pre-transformed AABB.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="aabb">A transformed AABB.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public IEnumerable<(T, IHasAABB2D, Transform2D)> Retrieve(AABB aabb)
var minHash = Hash(aabb.Min);
var maxHash = Hash(aabb.Max);
for (var i = minHash.Item1; i <= maxHash.Item1; i++)
for (var j = minHash.Item2; j <= maxHash.Item2; j++)
var key = MakeLong(i, j);
if (hashDictionary.ContainsKey(key))
foreach (var t in hashDictionary[key])
var (otherShape, otherTransform) = IDLookup[t];
if (AABB.TestOverlap(aabb, otherShape.TransformedAABB(otherTransform)))
yield return (t, otherShape, otherTransform);

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@ -30,6 +30,16 @@ namespace MoonTools.Core.Bonk
public bool IsSingleShape<T>() where T : struct, IShape2D
return ShapeTransformPairs.Length == 1 && ShapeTransformPairs[0].Item1 is T;
public (T, Transform2D) ShapeTransformPair<T>() where T : struct, IShape2D
return ((T, Transform2D))ShapeTransformPairs[0];
private static AABB AABBFromShapes(IEnumerable<(IShape2D, Transform2D)> shapeTransforms)
var minX = float.MaxValue;

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ namespace MoonTools.Core.Bonk
public static class SweepTest
/// <summary>
/// Performs a sweep test on rectangles.
/// Performs a sweep test on rectangles. Returns the position 1 pixel before overlap occurs.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <param name="spatialHash">A spatial hash.</param>
@ -27,67 +27,88 @@ namespace MoonTools.Core.Bonk
foreach (var (id, shape, shapeTransform) in spatialHash.Retrieve(sweepBox))
if (shape is Rectangle otherRectangle)
Rectangle otherRectangle;
Transform2D otherTransform;
AABB otherTransformedAABB;
if (shape is Rectangle)
var otherTransformedAABB = otherRectangle.TransformedAABB(shapeTransform);
float xInvEntry, yInvEntry;
otherRectangle = (Rectangle)shape;
otherTransformedAABB = shape.TransformedAABB(shapeTransform);
otherTransform = shapeTransform;
else if (shape is MultiShape multiShape && multiShape.IsSingleShape<Rectangle>())
Transform2D rectangleOffset;
(otherRectangle, rectangleOffset) = multiShape.ShapeTransformPair<Rectangle>();
otherTransform = shapeTransform.Compose(rectangleOffset);
otherTransformedAABB = shape.TransformedAABB(otherTransform);
if (ray.X > 0)
xInvEntry = shapeTransform.Position.X - (transform.Position.X + transformedAABB.Width);
xInvEntry = (shapeTransform.Position.X + otherTransformedAABB.Width) - transform.Position.X;
float xInvEntry, yInvEntry;
if (ray.Y > 0)
yInvEntry = shapeTransform.Position.Y - (transform.Position.Y + transformedAABB.Height);
yInvEntry = (shapeTransform.Position.Y + otherTransformedAABB.Height) - shapeTransform.Position.Y;
if (ray.X > 0)
xInvEntry = otherTransformedAABB.Left - (transformedAABB.Right);
xInvEntry = (otherTransformedAABB.Right) - transformedAABB.Left;
float xEntry, yEntry;
if (ray.Y > 0)
yInvEntry = otherTransformedAABB.Top - (transformedAABB.Bottom);
yInvEntry = (otherTransformedAABB.Bottom) - transformedAABB.Top;
if (ray.X == 0)
xEntry = float.MinValue;
xEntry = xInvEntry / ray.X;
float xEntry, yEntry;
if (ray.Y == 0)
yEntry = float.MinValue;
yEntry = yInvEntry / ray.Y;
if (ray.X == 0)
xEntry = float.MinValue;
xEntry = xInvEntry / ray.X;
var entryTime = Math.Max(xEntry, yEntry);
if (ray.Y == 0)
yEntry = float.MinValue;
yEntry = yInvEntry / ray.Y;
if (entryTime > 0 && entryTime < 1)
var entryTime = Math.Max(xEntry, yEntry);
if (entryTime >= 0 && entryTime <= 1)
if (entryTime < shortestDistance)
if (entryTime < shortestDistance)
shortestDistance = entryTime;
nearestID = id;
nearestRectangle = rectangle;
nearestTransform = shapeTransform;
shortestDistance = entryTime;
nearestID = id;
nearestRectangle = otherRectangle;
nearestTransform = shapeTransform;
if (nearestRectangle.HasValue)
return new SweepResult<T, Rectangle>(true, ray * shortestDistance, nearestID, nearestRectangle.Value, nearestTransform.Value);
var overlapPosition = ray * shortestDistance;
var correctionX = ray.X > 0 ? -1 : 1;
var correctionY = ray.Y > 0 ? -1 : 1;
return new SweepResult<T, Rectangle>(true, new Position2D((int)overlapPosition.X + correctionX, (int)overlapPosition.Y + correctionY), nearestID, nearestRectangle.Value, nearestTransform.Value);

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@ -20,15 +20,23 @@ namespace Tests
var farthestRectangle = new Rectangle(4, 4);
var farthestTransform = new Transform2D(new Position2D(12, 0));
var downRectangle = new Rectangle(12, 4);
var downTransform = new Transform2D(new Position2D(-6, 20));
var spatialHash = new SpatialHash<int>(16);
spatialHash.Insert(1, otherRectangle, otherTransform);
spatialHash.Insert(2, farthestRectangle, farthestTransform);
spatialHash.Insert(3, downRectangle, downTransform);
SweepTest.Rectangle(spatialHash, rectangle, transform, new Vector2(12, 0)).Should().Be(
new SweepResult<int, Rectangle>(true, new Vector2(8, 0), 1, otherRectangle, otherTransform)
SweepTest.Rectangle(spatialHash, rectangle, transform, new Vector2(-12, 0)).Hit.Should().BeFalse();
SweepTest.Rectangle(spatialHash, rectangle, transform, new Vector2(0, 20)).Should().Be(
new SweepResult<int, Rectangle>(true, new Vector2(0, 16), 3, downRectangle, downTransform)