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2019-05-29 04:05:36 +00:00
title: "Motion Engine: The Revenge"
date: 2019-05-28T18:01:49-07:00
weight: 500
2020-07-21 22:21:40 +00:00
Before we begin you might want to skim the [docs for Bonk](http://moonside.games/docs/bonk/). But the short version of what you need to know is that SpatialHash is a structure that lets us do fast, inaccurate checks to quickly eliminate potential collision checks.
2019-05-31 17:32:34 +00:00
2020-07-14 23:02:50 +00:00
First, we add entities with CollisionComponents to the SpatialHash.
2019-05-31 17:32:34 +00:00
2020-07-14 23:02:50 +00:00
Next, we consolidate MotionMessages by their entities to get a total movement value for each entity.
2019-05-29 04:24:48 +00:00
2020-07-14 23:02:50 +00:00
Finally, we go over all entities with a PositionComponent and CollisionComponent, and sweep over the distance it has moved to check for collisions. If any entity overlaps, we dispatch a CollisionMessage.
2019-05-29 04:05:36 +00:00
2020-07-14 23:02:50 +00:00
First let's create a CollisionComponent. In **PongFE/Components/CollisionComponent.cs**:
2019-05-29 04:05:36 +00:00
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using Encompass;
using MoonTools.Bonk;
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namespace PongFE.Components
public struct CollisionComponent : IComponent
public Rectangle Rectangle { get; }
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public CollisionComponent(Rectangle rectangle)
Rectangle = rectangle;
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This is pretty straightforward. We just pass in a Bonk Rectangle.
2019-05-31 17:32:34 +00:00
Let's rewrite our MotionEngine.
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2020-07-14 23:02:50 +00:00
First, let's create a Bonk SpatialHash. Every frame we will empty the hash and re-add all relevant entities.
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In **PongFE/Engines/MotionEngine.cs**:
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using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Numerics;
using Encompass;
using MoonTools.Bonk;
using MoonTools.Structs;
using PongFE.Components;
using PongFE.Messages;
2019-05-29 04:05:36 +00:00
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namespace PongFE.Engines
[QueryWith(typeof(PositionComponent), typeof(CollisionComponent))]
public class MotionEngine : Engine
private readonly SpatialHash<Entity> _spatialHash = new SpatialHash<Entity>(32);
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public override void Update(double dt)
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foreach (var entity in TrackedEntities)
ref readonly var positionComponent = ref GetComponent<PositionComponent>(entity);
ref readonly var collisionComponent = ref GetComponent<CollisionComponent>(entity);
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_spatialHash.Insert(entity, collisionComponent.Rectangle, new Transform2D(positionComponent.Position));
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2019-05-29 04:05:36 +00:00
2020-07-14 23:02:50 +00:00
Next, let's consolidate our MotionMessages per Entity.
private readonly Dictionary<Entity, Vector2> _moveAmounts = new Dictionary<Entity, Vector2>();
foreach (ref readonly var entity in ReadEntities<PositionComponent>())
ref readonly var positionComponent = ref GetComponent<PositionComponent>(entity);
_moveAmounts[entity] = Vector2.Zero;
foreach (var motionMessage in ReadMessagesWithEntity<MotionMessage>(entity))
_moveAmounts[entity] += motionMessage.Movement;
2019-05-29 04:05:36 +00:00
2020-07-14 23:02:50 +00:00
This is where our *IHasEntity* optimization comes in - it allows us to use the **ReadMessagesWithEntity** method.
Finally, let's implement our sweep test.
private (bool, bool, Position2D, Entity) SolidCollisionPosition(Rectangle rectangle, Position2D startPosition, Position2D endPosition)
var startX = startPosition.X;
var endX = endPosition.X;
var startY = startPosition.Y;
var endY = endPosition.Y;
bool xHit, yHit;
int xPosition, yPosition;
Entity xCollisionEntity, yCollisionEntity;
(xHit, xPosition, xCollisionEntity) = SweepX(_spatialHash, rectangle, Position2D.Zero, new Position2D(startX, startY), endX - startX);
if (!xHit) { xPosition = endX; }
(yHit, yPosition, yCollisionEntity) = SweepY(_spatialHash, rectangle, Position2D.Zero, new Position2D(xPosition, startY), endY - startY);
return (xHit, yHit, new Position2D(xPosition, yPosition), xHit ? xCollisionEntity : yCollisionEntity);
private (bool, int, Entity) SweepX(SpatialHash<Entity> solidSpatialHash, Rectangle rectangle, Position2D offset, Position2D startPosition, int horizontalMovement)
var sweepResult = SweepTest.Test(solidSpatialHash, rectangle, new Transform2D(offset + startPosition), new Vector2(horizontalMovement, 0));
return (sweepResult.Hit, startPosition.X + (int)sweepResult.Motion.X, sweepResult.ID);
public static (bool, int, Entity) SweepY(SpatialHash<Entity> solidSpatialHash, Rectangle rectangle, Position2D offset, Position2D startPosition, int verticalMovement)
var sweepResult = SweepTest.Test(solidSpatialHash, rectangle, new Transform2D(offset + startPosition), new Vector2(0, verticalMovement));
return (sweepResult.Hit, startPosition.Y + (int)sweepResult.Motion.Y, sweepResult.ID);
First we sweep in a horizontal direction, and then in a vertical direction, returning the positions where collisions occurred. This means that objects won't awkwardly stop in place when they touch something.
Now that we have a mechanism for detecting sweep hits, we can send out our CollisionMessage and UpdatePositionMessage.
In **PongFE/Messages/CollisionMessage.cs**
using Encompass;
namespace PongFE.Messages
public enum HitOrientation
2019-05-29 04:05:36 +00:00
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public struct CollisionMessage : IMessage
public Entity EntityA { get; }
public Entity EntityB { get; }
public HitOrientation HitOrientation;
public CollisionMessage(Entity a, Entity b, HitOrientation hitOrientation)
EntityA = a;
EntityB = b;
HitOrientation = hitOrientation;
2019-05-29 04:05:36 +00:00
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It is useful to differentiate between a horizontal hit and and a vertical hit, so we set up an enum to track that.
2019-05-29 04:05:36 +00:00
2020-07-14 23:02:50 +00:00
And in **PongFE/Messages/UpdatePositionMessage.cs**
using Encompass;
using MoonTools.Structs;
namespace PongFE.Messages
public struct UpdatePositionMessage : IMessage, IHasEntity
public Entity Entity { get; }
public Position2D Position { get; }
public UpdatePositionMessage(Entity entity, Position2D position)
Entity = entity;
Position = position;
2019-05-29 04:05:36 +00:00
2020-07-14 23:02:50 +00:00
This is pretty straightforward. We'll use this message to set an entity's position.
foreach (var entity in TrackedEntities)
Vector2 moveAmount = _moveAmounts[entity];
ref readonly var positionComponent = ref GetComponent<PositionComponent>(entity);
var projectedPosition = positionComponent.Position + moveAmount;
ref readonly var collisionComponent = ref GetComponent<CollisionComponent>(entity);
var rectangle = collisionComponent.Rectangle;
var (xHit, yHit, newPosition, collisionEntity) = SolidCollisionPosition(rectangle, positionComponent.Position, projectedPosition);
if (xHit || yHit)
projectedPosition = newPosition;
if (xHit)
SendMessage(new CollisionMessage(entity, collisionEntity, HitOrientation.Horizontal));
SendMessage(new CollisionMessage(entity, collisionEntity, HitOrientation.Vertical));
SendMessage(new UpdatePositionMessage(entity, projectedPosition));
Putting it all together. We go over everything with a Position and Collision component, sweep test for collisions, and send appropriate Collision and UpdatePosition messages accordingly.
Now let's handle those collision messages.