Wellspring uses JSON output from [msdf-atlas-gen](https://github.com/Chlumsky/msdf-atlas-gen) to generate buffers. It also uses [stb_truetype](https://github.com/nothings/stb/blob/master/stb_truetype.h) for additional kerning support. At render time, bind the image data from msdf-atlas-gen with buffers generated by Wellspring for beautiful MSDF font rendering.
Using msdf-atlas-gen
A full explanation of msdf-atlas-gen is beyond the scope of this project, but note that Wellspring only accepts MSDF atlas types with JSON output.
Your atlas generation might look like this:
msdf-atlas-gen -yorigin top -font ~/mygame/myfont.otf -imageout ~/mygame/content/forgotten_dream.png -json ~/mygame/content/forgotten_dream.json