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Primitive Type 2021-01-27T15:32:11-08:00 6

A "primitive" is just a shape that can be interpreted from a stream of vertex data. So PrimitiveType determines how a stream of vertex information will be interpreted as shapes by the pipeline. There are 5 types of primitives that MoonWorks supports.

PointList will interpret the data as a list of points.

LineList will interpret the data as a list of lines.

LineStrip will interpet the data as a strip of lines.

TriangleList will interpret the data as a list of triangles.

TriangleStrip will interpret the data as a strip of triangles.

The primitive type you will use the most by far is TriangleList - the vast majority of 3D model exporters will give you vertex data in the form of a list of triangles. The others are mostly niche cases.