remove non-static Normalize + return identity on zero vector

cosmonaut 2023-03-29 10:06:37 -07:00
parent 80f3711f4c
commit 8209051a3c
10 changed files with 71 additions and 334 deletions

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@ -996,8 +996,8 @@ namespace MoonWorks.Math.Fixed
z = Vector3.Normalize(forward);
Vector3.Cross(ref forward, ref up, out x);
Vector3.Cross(ref x, ref forward, out y);
x = Vector3.Normalize(x);
y = Vector3.Normalize(y);
result = new Matrix4x4();
result.Right = x;

View File

@ -214,23 +214,6 @@ namespace MoonWorks.Math.Fixed
/// <summary>
/// Scales the quaternion magnitude to unit length.
/// </summary>
public void Normalize()
Fix64 num = Fix64.One / (Fix64.Sqrt(
(X * X) +
(Y * Y) +
(Z * Z) +
(W * W)
this.X *= num;
this.Y *= num;
this.Z *= num;
this.W *= num;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a <see cref="String"/> representation of this <see cref="Quaternion"/> in the format:
/// {X:[<see cref="X"/>] Y:[<see cref="Y"/>] Z:[<see cref="Z"/>] W:[<see cref="W"/>]}
@ -759,12 +742,16 @@ namespace MoonWorks.Math.Fixed
/// <param name="result">The unit length quaternion an output parameter.</param>
public static void Normalize(ref Quaternion quaternion, out Quaternion result)
Fix64 num = Fix64.One / (Fix64.Sqrt(
(quaternion.X * quaternion.X) +
(quaternion.Y * quaternion.Y) +
(quaternion.Z * quaternion.Z) +
(quaternion.W * quaternion.W)
Fix64 lengthSquared = (quaternion.X * quaternion.X) + (quaternion.Y * quaternion.Y) +
(quaternion.Z * quaternion.Z) + (quaternion.W * quaternion.W);
if (lengthSquared == Fix64.Zero)
result = Identity;
Fix64 num = Fix64.One / Fix64.Sqrt(lengthSquared);
result.X = quaternion.X * num;
result.Y = quaternion.Y * num;
result.Z = quaternion.Z * num;

View File

@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
namespace MoonWorks.Math.Fixed
public struct Transform2D : System.IEquatable<Transform2D>
public Vector2 Position { get; }
public Fix64 Rotation { get; }
public Vector2 Scale { get; }
private bool transformMatrixCalculated;
private Matrix3x2 transformMatrix;
public Matrix3x2 TransformMatrix
if (!transformMatrixCalculated)
transformMatrix = CreateTransformMatrix(Position, Rotation, Scale);
transformMatrixCalculated = true;
return transformMatrix;
public bool IsAxisAligned => Rotation % Fix64.PiOver2 == Fix64.Zero;
public bool IsUniformScale => Scale.X == Scale.Y || Scale.X == -Scale.Y;
public static readonly Transform2D Identity = new Transform2D(Vector2.Zero, Fix64.Zero, Vector2.One);
public Transform2D(Vector2 position)
Position = position;
Rotation = Fix64.Zero;
Scale = Vector2.One;
transformMatrixCalculated = false;
transformMatrix = Matrix3x2.Identity;
public Transform2D(Vector2 position, Fix64 rotation)
Position = position;
Rotation = rotation;
Scale = Vector2.One;
transformMatrixCalculated = false;
transformMatrix = Matrix3x2.Identity;
public Transform2D(Vector2 position, Fix64 rotation, Vector2 scale)
Position = position;
Rotation = rotation;
Scale = scale;
transformMatrixCalculated = false;
transformMatrix = Matrix3x2.Identity;
public Transform2D Compose(Transform2D other)
return new Transform2D(Position + other.Position, Rotation + other.Rotation, Scale * other.Scale);
private static Matrix3x2 CreateTransformMatrix(Vector2 position, Fix64 rotation, Vector2 scale)
Matrix3x2.CreateScale(scale) *
Matrix3x2.CreateRotation(rotation) *
public bool Equals(Transform2D other)
Position == other.Position &&
Rotation == other.Rotation &&
Scale == other.Scale;
public override bool Equals(System.Object other)
if (other is Transform2D otherTransform)
return Equals(otherTransform);
return false;
public override int GetHashCode()
return System.HashCode.Combine(Position, Rotation, Scale);
public static bool operator ==(Transform2D a, Transform2D b)
return a.Equals(b);
public static bool operator !=(Transform2D a, Transform2D b)
return !a.Equals(b);

View File

@ -200,16 +200,6 @@ namespace MoonWorks.Math.Fixed
return (X * X) + (Y * Y);
/// <summary>
/// Turns this <see cref="Vector2"/> to a unit vector with the same direction.
/// </summary>
public void Normalize()
Fix64 val = Fix64.One / Fix64.Sqrt((X * X) + (Y * Y));
X *= val;
Y *= val;
/// <summary>
/// Turns this <see cref="Vector2"/> to an angle in radians.
/// </summary>
@ -423,7 +413,14 @@ namespace MoonWorks.Math.Fixed
/// <returns>Unit vector.</returns>
public static Vector2 Normalize(Vector2 value)
Fix64 val = Fix64.One / Fix64.Sqrt((value.X * value.X) + (value.Y * value.Y));
Fix64 lengthSquared = (value.X * value.X) + (value.Y * value.Y);
if (lengthSquared == Fix64.Zero)
return Zero;
Fix64 val = Fix64.One / Fix64.Sqrt(lengthSquared);
value.X *= val;
value.Y *= val;
return value;

View File

@ -309,21 +309,6 @@ namespace MoonWorks.Math.Fixed
return (X * X) + (Y * Y) + (Z * Z);
/// <summary>
/// Turns this <see cref="Vector3"/> to a unit vector with the same direction.
/// </summary>
public void Normalize()
Fix64 factor = Fix64.One / Fix64.Sqrt(
(X * X) +
(Y * Y) +
(Z * Z)
X *= factor;
Y *= factor;
Z *= factor;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a <see cref="String"/> representation of this <see cref="Vector3"/> in the format:
/// {X:[<see cref="X"/>] Y:[<see cref="Y"/>] Z:[<see cref="Z"/>]}
@ -733,11 +718,14 @@ namespace MoonWorks.Math.Fixed
/// <returns>Unit vector.</returns>
public static Vector3 Normalize(Vector3 value)
Fix64 factor = Fix64.One / Fix64.Sqrt(
(value.X * value.X) +
(value.Y * value.Y) +
(value.Z * value.Z)
Fix64 lengthSquared = (value.X * value.X) + (value.Y * value.Y) + (value.Z * value.Z);
if (lengthSquared == Fix64.Zero)
return Zero;
Fix64 factor = Fix64.One / Fix64.Sqrt(lengthSquared);
return new Vector3(
value.X * factor,
value.Y * factor,

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@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ namespace MoonWorks.Math.Float
Vector3.Cross(ref cameraUpVector, ref vector, out vector3);
vector3 = Vector3.Normalize(vector3);
Vector3.Cross(ref vector, ref vector3, out vector2);
result.M11 = vector3.X;
result.M12 = vector3.Y;
@ -730,16 +730,16 @@ namespace MoonWorks.Math.Float
Vector3.Cross(ref rotateAxis, ref vector, out vector3);
vector3 = Vector3.Normalize(vector3);
Vector3.Cross(ref vector3, ref rotateAxis, out vector);
vector = Vector3.Normalize(vector);
Vector3.Cross(ref rotateAxis, ref vector2, out vector3);
vector3 = Vector3.Normalize(vector3);
Vector3.Cross(ref vector3, ref vector4, out vector);
vector = Vector3.Normalize(vector);
result.M11 = vector3.X;
@ -1701,8 +1701,8 @@ namespace MoonWorks.Math.Float
Vector3.Normalize(ref forward, out z);
Vector3.Cross(ref forward, ref up, out x);
Vector3.Cross(ref x, ref forward, out y);
x = Vector3.Normalize(x);
y = Vector3.Normalize(y);
result = new Matrix4x4();
result.Right = x;

View File

@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
namespace MoonWorks.Math.Float
public struct Transform2D : System.IEquatable<Transform2D>
public Vector2 Position { get; }
public float Rotation { get; }
public Vector2 Scale { get; }
private bool transformMatrixCalculated;
private Matrix3x2 transformMatrix;
public Matrix3x2 TransformMatrix
if (!transformMatrixCalculated)
transformMatrix = CreateTransformMatrix(Position, Rotation, Scale);
transformMatrixCalculated = true;
return transformMatrix;
public bool IsAxisAligned => Rotation % MathHelper.PiOver2 == 0;
public bool IsUniformScale => Scale.X == Scale.Y;
public static readonly Transform2D Identity = new Transform2D(Vector2.Zero, 0, Vector2.One);
public Transform2D(Vector2 position)
Position = position;
Rotation = 0;
Scale = Vector2.One;
transformMatrixCalculated = false;
transformMatrix = Matrix3x2.Identity;
public Transform2D(Vector2 position, float rotation)
Position = position;
Rotation = rotation;
Scale = Vector2.One;
transformMatrixCalculated = false;
transformMatrix = Matrix3x2.Identity;
public Transform2D(Vector2 position, float rotation, Vector2 scale)
Position = position;
Rotation = rotation;
Scale = scale;
transformMatrixCalculated = false;
transformMatrix = Matrix3x2.Identity;
public Transform2D Compose(Transform2D other)
return new Transform2D(Position + other.Position, Rotation + other.Rotation, Scale * other.Scale);
private static Matrix3x2 CreateTransformMatrix(Vector2 position, float rotation, Vector2 scale)
Matrix3x2.CreateScale(scale) *
Matrix3x2.CreateRotation(rotation) *
public bool Equals(Transform2D other)
Position == other.Position &&
Rotation == other.Rotation &&
Scale == other.Scale;
public override bool Equals(System.Object other)
if (other is Transform2D otherTransform)
return Equals(otherTransform);
return false;
public override int GetHashCode()
return System.HashCode.Combine(Position, Rotation, Scale);
public static bool operator ==(Transform2D a, Transform2D b)
return a.Equals(b);
public static bool operator !=(Transform2D a, Transform2D b)
return !a.Equals(b);

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@ -194,16 +194,6 @@ namespace MoonWorks.Math.Float
return (X * X) + (Y * Y);
/// <summary>
/// Turns this <see cref="Vector2"/> to a unit vector with the same direction.
/// </summary>
public void Normalize()
float val = 1.0f / (float) System.Math.Sqrt((X * X) + (Y * Y));
X *= val;
Y *= val;
/// <summary>
/// Turns this <see cref="Vector2"/> to an angle in radians.
/// </summary>
@ -717,7 +707,14 @@ namespace MoonWorks.Math.Float
/// <returns>Unit vector.</returns>
public static Vector2 Normalize(Vector2 value)
float val = 1.0f / (float) System.Math.Sqrt((value.X * value.X) + (value.Y * value.Y));
float lengthSquared = (value.X * value.X) + (value.Y * value.Y);
if (lengthSquared == 0)
return Zero;
float val = 1.0f / System.MathF.Sqrt(lengthSquared);
value.X *= val;
value.Y *= val;
return value;

View File

@ -302,21 +302,6 @@ namespace MoonWorks.Math.Float
return (X * X) + (Y * Y) + (Z * Z);
/// <summary>
/// Turns this <see cref="Vector3"/> to a unit vector with the same direction.
/// </summary>
public void Normalize()
float factor = 1.0f / (float) System.Math.Sqrt(
(X * X) +
(Y * Y) +
(Z * Z)
X *= factor;
Y *= factor;
Z *= factor;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a <see cref="String"/> representation of this <see cref="Vector3"/> in the format:
/// {X:[<see cref="X"/>] Y:[<see cref="Y"/>] Z:[<see cref="Z"/>]}
@ -900,11 +885,14 @@ namespace MoonWorks.Math.Float
/// <returns>Unit vector.</returns>
public static Vector3 Normalize(Vector3 value)
float factor = 1.0f / (float) System.Math.Sqrt(
(value.X * value.X) +
(value.Y * value.Y) +
(value.Z * value.Z)
float lengthSquared = (value.X * value.X) + (value.Y * value.Y) + (value.Z * value.Z);
if (lengthSquared == 0f)
return Zero;
float factor = 1.0f / System.MathF.Sqrt(lengthSquared);
return new Vector3(
value.X * factor,
value.Y * factor,

View File

@ -267,23 +267,6 @@ namespace MoonWorks.Math.Float
return (X * X) + (Y * Y) + (Z * Z) + (W * W);
/// <summary>
/// Turns this <see cref="Vector4"/> to a unit vector with the same direction.
/// </summary>
public void Normalize()
float factor = 1.0f / (float) System.Math.Sqrt(
(X * X) +
(Y * Y) +
(Z * Z) +
(W * W)
X *= factor;
Y *= factor;
Z *= factor;
W *= factor;
public override string ToString()
return (
@ -853,12 +836,15 @@ namespace MoonWorks.Math.Float
/// <returns>Unit vector.</returns>
public static Vector4 Normalize(Vector4 vector)
float factor = 1.0f / (float) System.Math.Sqrt(
(vector.X * vector.X) +
(vector.Y * vector.Y) +
(vector.Z * vector.Z) +
(vector.W * vector.W)
var lengthSquared = (vector.X * vector.X) + (vector.Y * vector.Y) +
(vector.Z * vector.Z) + (vector.W * vector.W);
if (lengthSquared == 0)
return Zero;
float factor = 1.0f / System.MathF.Sqrt(lengthSquared);
return new Vector4(
vector.X * factor,
vector.Y * factor,
@ -870,16 +856,20 @@ namespace MoonWorks.Math.Float
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new <see cref="Vector4"/> that contains a normalized values from another vector.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">Source <see cref="Vector4"/>.</param>
/// <param name="vector">Source <see cref="Vector4"/>.</param>
/// <param name="result">Unit vector as an output parameter.</param>
public static void Normalize(ref Vector4 vector, out Vector4 result)
float factor = 1.0f / (float) System.Math.Sqrt(
(vector.X * vector.X) +
(vector.Y * vector.Y) +
(vector.Z * vector.Z) +
(vector.W * vector.W)
float lengthSquared = (vector.X * vector.X) + (vector.Y * vector.Y) +
(vector.Z * vector.Z) + (vector.W * vector.W);
if (lengthSquared == 0)
result = Zero;
float factor = 1.0f / System.MathF.Sqrt(lengthSquared);
result.X = vector.X * factor;
result.Y = vector.Y * factor;
result.Z = vector.Z * factor;