bunch of new cloth API stuff

cosmonaut 2021-09-23 14:41:15 -07:00
parent 7fe8190a0e
commit a479c66969
2 changed files with 281 additions and 77 deletions

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@ -47,18 +47,19 @@ typedef struct Silkworm_Context
Silkworm_Cloth** cloths;
uint32_t clothCount;
uint64_t* nodeIndicesToDestroy;
uint32_t nodeIndicesToDestroyCount;
uint64_t* linkIndicesToDestroy;
uint32_t linkIndicesToDestroyCount;
uint32_t clothCapacity;
uint64_t* nodeIndexStack;
uint32_t nodeIndexStackCount;
uint32_t nodeIndexStackCapacity;
uint64_t* linkIndexStack;
uint32_t linkIndexStackCount;
uint32_t linkIndexStackCapacity;
uint64_t* clothIndexStack;
uint32_t clothIndexStackCount;
uint32_t clothIndexStackCapacity;
float gravity;
float xBound;
@ -78,30 +79,167 @@ void Silkworm_Init()
context->nodes = NULL;
context->nodeCount = 0;
context->links = NULL;
context->linkCount = 0;
context->nodeIndicesToDestroy = NULL;
context->nodeIndicesToDestroyCount = 0;
context->linkIndicesToDestroy = NULL;
context->linkIndicesToDestroyCount = 0;
context->nodeIndexStack = NULL;
context->nodeIndexStackCount = 0;
context->linkIndexStack = NULL;
context->linkIndexStackCount = 0;
context->cloths = NULL;
context->clothCount = 0;
context->nodeIndexStackCapacity = 16;
context->nodeIndexStack = malloc(sizeof(uint64_t) * context->nodeIndexStackCapacity);
context->nodeIndexStackCount = 0;
context->linkIndexStackCapacity = 16;
context->linkIndexStack = malloc(sizeof(uint64_t) * context->linkIndexStackCapacity);
context->linkIndexStackCount = 0;
context->clothIndexStackCapacity = 16;
context->clothIndexStack = malloc(sizeof(uint64_t) * context->clothIndexStackCapacity);
context->clothIndexStackCount = 0;
context->gravity = 200;
context->xBound = 1000;
context->yBound = 1000;
context->clothDensity = 4;
static inline Silkworm_Node* LookupNode(uint64_t nodeId)
return context->nodes[nodeId];
static inline Silkworm_Link* LookupLink(uint64_t linkId)
return context->links[linkId];
static inline Silkworm_Cloth* LookupCloth(uint64_t clothId)
return context->cloths[clothId];
/* we defer actual destruction to Update to avoid issues with NULL */
void Silkworm_DestroyNode(double nodeId)
uint32_t i;
Silkworm_Node* node = LookupNode((uint64_t)nodeId);
if (node != NULL)
node->markedForDestroy = true;
for (i = 0; i < node->linkCount; i += 1)
if (node->links[i] != NULL)
node->links[i]->markedForDestroy = true;
void Silkworm_Internal_DestroyLink(Silkworm_Link* link)
link->markedForDestroy = true;
void Silkworm_DestroyLink(double linkId)
void Silkworm_Internal_DestroyCloth(Silkworm_Cloth* cloth)
uint32_t i, j;
context->cloths[cloth->id] = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < cloth->horizontalNodeCount; i += 1)
for (j = 0; j < cloth->verticalNodeCount; j += 1)
if (context->clothIndexStackCount >= context->clothIndexStackCapacity)
context->clothIndexStackCapacity *= 2;
context->nodeIndexStack = realloc(context->nodeIndexStack, sizeof(uint64_t) * context->nodeIndexStackCapacity);
context->clothIndexStack[context->clothIndexStackCount] = cloth->id;
context->clothIndexStackCount += 1;
void Silkworm_DestroyCloth(double clothId)
void Silkworm_PerformDestroys()
uint32_t i, j;
for (i = 0; i < context->linkCount; i += 1)
if (context->links[i] != NULL && context->links[i]->markedForDestroy)
for (j = 0; j < context->links[i]->a->linkCount; j += 1)
if (context->links[i]->a->links[j] == context->links[i])
context->links[i]->a->links[j] = NULL;
for (j = 0; j < context->links[i]->b->linkCount; j += 1)
if (context->links[i]->b->links[j] == context->links[i])
context->links[i]->b->links[j] = NULL;
context->links[i] = NULL;
if (context->linkIndexStackCount >= context->linkIndexStackCapacity)
context->linkIndexStackCapacity *= 2;
context->linkIndexStack = realloc(context->linkIndexStack, sizeof(uint64_t) * context->linkIndexStackCapacity);
context->linkIndexStack[context->linkIndexStackCount] = i;
context->linkIndexStackCount += 1;
for (i = 0; i < context->nodeCount; i += 1)
if (context->nodes[i] != NULL && context->nodes[i]->markedForDestroy)
context->nodes[i] = NULL;
if (context->nodeIndexStackCount >= context->nodeIndexStackCapacity)
context->nodeIndexStackCapacity *= 2;
context->nodeIndexStack = realloc(context->nodeIndexStack, sizeof(uint64_t) * context->nodeIndexStackCapacity);
context->nodeIndexStack[context->nodeIndexStackCount] = i;
context->nodeIndexStackCount += 1;
void Silkworm_Update(double deltaTime)
uint32_t i, j;
@ -131,9 +269,7 @@ void Silkworm_Update(double deltaTime)
if (distanceMoved > link->tearThreshold)
context->linkIndicesToDestroy = realloc(context->linkIndicesToDestroy, sizeof(uint64_t) * (context->linkIndicesToDestroyCount + 1));
context->linkIndicesToDestroy[context->linkIndicesToDestroyCount] = link->id;
context->linkIndicesToDestroyCount += 1;
@ -151,7 +287,6 @@ void Silkworm_Update(double deltaTime)
for (j = 0; j < context->nodeCount; j += 1)
@ -179,50 +314,13 @@ void Silkworm_Update(double deltaTime)
if (fabs(node->position.x) > context->xBound || fabs(node->position.x) > context->yBound)
context->nodeIndicesToDestroy = realloc(context->nodeIndicesToDestroy, sizeof(uint64_t) * (context->nodeIndicesToDestroyCount + 1));
context->nodeIndicesToDestroy[context->nodeIndicesToDestroyCount] = node->id;
context->nodeIndicesToDestroyCount += 1;
for (j = 0; j < context->nodeIndicesToDestroyCount; j += 1)
uint64_t nodeIndex = context->nodeIndicesToDestroy[j];
context->nodes[nodeIndex] = NULL;
context->nodeIndexStack = realloc(context->nodeIndexStack, sizeof(uint64_t) * (context->nodeIndexStackCount + 1));
context->nodeIndexStack[context->nodeIndexStackCount] = nodeIndex;
context->nodeIndexStackCount += 1;
for (j = 0; j < context->linkIndicesToDestroyCount; j += 1)
uint64_t linkIndex = context->linkIndicesToDestroy[j];
context->links[linkIndex] = NULL;
context->linkIndexStack = realloc(context->linkIndexStack, sizeof(uint64_t) * (context->linkIndexStackCount + 1));
context->linkIndexStack[context->linkIndexStackCount] = linkIndex;
context->linkIndexStackCount += 1;
context->nodeIndicesToDestroyCount = 0;
context->linkIndicesToDestroyCount = 0;
static inline Silkworm_Node* LookupNode(double nodeId)
return context->nodes[(uint64_t)nodeId];
static inline Silkworm_Cloth* LookupCloth(double clothId)
return context->cloths[(uint64_t)clothId];
double Silkworm_CreateNode(double xPosition, double yPosition, double mass, double friction, double radius, double pushFactor)
@ -233,20 +331,18 @@ double Silkworm_CreateNode(double xPosition, double yPosition, double mass, doub
if (context->nodeIndexStackCount > 0)
id = context->nodeIndexStack[context->nodeIndexStackCount - 1];
context->nodeIndexStack = realloc(context->nodeIndexStack, sizeof(uint64_t) * (context->nodeIndexStackCount - 1));
context->nodeIndexStackCount -= 1;
context->nodes[id] = node;
id = context->nodeCount;
context->nodes = realloc(context->nodes, sizeof(Silkworm_Node*) * (context->nodeCount + 1));
context->nodes[context->nodeCount] = node;
context->nodeCount += 1;
context->nodes[id] = node;
node->id = id;
node->position.x = (float)xPosition;
node->position.y = (float)yPosition;
@ -262,6 +358,9 @@ double Silkworm_CreateNode(double xPosition, double yPosition, double mass, doub
node->pushFactor = (float)pushFactor;
node->pinned = false;
node->destroyable = false;
node->markedForDestroy = false;
node->links = NULL;
node->linkCount = 0;
return (double)node->id;
@ -295,6 +394,29 @@ void Silkworm_ClothNodeUnpin(double clothId, double i, double j)
context->nodes[cloth->nodeIndices[(uint64_t)i][(uint64_t)j]]->pinned = false;
void Silkworm_ClothNodeDestroy(double clothId, double i, double j)
uint32_t iterator;
Silkworm_Cloth* cloth = LookupCloth(clothId);
uint64_t nodeIndex = cloth->nodeIndices[(uint64_t)i][(uint64_t)j];
Silkworm_Node* node = context->nodes[nodeIndex];
/* fixme: this should be hashed */
for (iterator = 0; iterator < cloth->triangleCount; iterator += 1)
if (cloth->triangles[iterator] != NULL)
if (cloth->triangles[iterator]->a == node || cloth->triangles[iterator]->b == node || cloth->triangles[iterator]->c == node)
cloth->triangles[iterator] = NULL;
double Silkworm_CreateLink(double aId, double bId, double distance, double tearThreshold)
Silkworm_Node *nodeA = LookupNode(aId);
@ -307,25 +429,32 @@ double Silkworm_CreateLink(double aId, double bId, double distance, double tearT
if (context->linkIndexStackCount > 0)
id = context->linkIndexStack[context->linkIndexStackCount - 1];
context->linkIndexStack = realloc(context->linkIndexStack, sizeof(uint64_t) * (context->linkIndexStackCount - 1));
context->linkIndexStackCount -= 1;
context->links[id] = link;
id = context->linkCount;
context->links = realloc(context->links, sizeof(Silkworm_Link*) * (context->linkCount + 1));
context->links[context->linkCount] = link;
context->linkCount += 1;
context->links[id] = link;
link->id = id;
link->a = nodeA;
link->b = nodeB;
link->distance = (float)distance;
link->tearThreshold = (float)tearThreshold;
link->markedForDestroy = false;
link->a->links = realloc(link->a->links, sizeof(Silkworm_Link*) * (link->a->linkCount + 1));
link->a->links[link->a->linkCount] = link;
link->a->linkCount += 1;
link->b->links = realloc(link->b->links, sizeof(Silkworm_Link*) * (link->b->linkCount + 1));
link->b->links[link->b->linkCount] = link;
link->b->linkCount += 1;
return (double)link->id;
@ -341,10 +470,25 @@ double Silkworm_CreateCloth(double xPosition, double yPosition, double horizonta
cloth->verticalNodeCount = (uint32_t) verticalNodeCount;
cloth->nodeIndices = malloc(sizeof(uint64_t*) * cloth->horizontalNodeCount);
cloth->id = context->clothCount;
context->cloths = realloc(context->cloths, sizeof(Silkworm_Cloth*) * (context->clothCount + 1));
context->cloths[context->clothCount] = cloth;
context->clothCount += 1;
uint64_t id;
if (context->clothIndexStackCount > 0)
id = context->clothIndexStack[context->clothIndexStackCount - 1];
context->clothIndexStackCount -= 1;
context->cloths[id] = cloth;
id = context->clothCount;
context->cloths = realloc(context->cloths, sizeof(Silkworm_Cloth*) * (context->clothCount + 1));
context->cloths[id] = cloth;
context->clothCount += 1;
cloth->id = id;
for (i = 0; i < horizontalNodeCount; i += 1)
@ -437,6 +581,35 @@ double Silkworm_CreateCloth(double xPosition, double yPosition, double horizonta
return (double)cloth->id;
void Silkworm_ApplyWind(double xSpeed, double ySpeed)
uint32_t i, j, k;
Silkworm_Cloth* cloth;
Silkworm_Node* node;
for (i = 0; i < context->clothCount; i += 1)
if (context->cloths[i] != NULL)
cloth = context->cloths[i];
for (j = 0; j < cloth->horizontalNodeCount; j += 1)
for (k = 0; k < cloth->verticalNodeCount; k += 1)
node = context->nodes[cloth->nodeIndices[j][k]];
if (node != NULL && !node->pinned)
node->position.x += (float)xSpeed * 0.05f * cloth->windFactor;
node->position.y += (float)ySpeed * 0.05f * cloth->windFactor;
void Silkworm_SetTriangleBuffer(const char* bufferId)
context->currentBufferAddress = (uint8_t*)bufferId;
@ -557,3 +730,18 @@ double Silkworm_ClothFillTriangleBuffer(double clothId, double leftUV, double wi
return (double)triangleCount;
void Silkworm_ClearAll()
uint32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < context->clothCount; i += 1)
if (context->cloths[i] != NULL)

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@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ typedef struct Silkworm_Vector2
float y;
} Silkworm_Vector2;
typedef struct Silkworm_Link Silkworm_Link;
typedef struct Silkworm_Node
uint64_t id;
@ -62,16 +64,23 @@ typedef struct Silkworm_Node
float pinned;
float pushFactor;
bool destroyable;
bool markedForDestroy; /* mutual recursion on nodes/links so this makes it easier to track destroys */
Silkworm_Link** links;
uint32_t linkCount;
} Silkworm_Node;
typedef struct Silkworm_Link
struct Silkworm_Link
uint64_t id;
Silkworm_Node *a;
Silkworm_Node *b;
float distance;
float tearThreshold;
} Silkworm_Link;
bool markedForDestroy; /* mutual recursion on nodes/links so this makes it easier to track destroys */
typedef enum Silkworm_ClothTriangleOrientation
@ -133,18 +142,25 @@ typedef struct Silkworm_Rope
SILKWORMAPI void Silkworm_Init();
SILKWORMAPI void Silkworm_Update(double delta);
SILKWORMAPI void Silkworm_ApplyWind(double xSpeed, double ySpeed);
SILKWORMAPI double Silkworm_CreateNode(double xPosition, double yPosition, double mass, double friction, double radius, double pushFactor);
SILKWORMAPI void Silkworm_NodeSetDestroyable(double nodeId);
SILKWORMAPI void Silkworm_ClothNodePin(double clothId, double i, double j);
SILKWORMAPI void Silkworm_ClothNodeUnpin(double clothId, double i, double j);
SILKWORMAPI double Silkworm_CreateLink(double aId, double bId, double distance, double tearThreshold);
SILKWORMAPI double Silkworm_CreateCloth(double xPosition, double yPosition, double horizontalNodeCount, double verticalNodeCount, double mass, double friction, double windFactor, double tearThreshold);
SILKWORMAPI void Silkworm_ClothNodePin(double clothId, double i, double j);
SILKWORMAPI void Silkworm_ClothNodeUnpin(double clothId, double i, double j);
SILKWORMAPI void Silkworm_ClothNodeDestroy(double clothId, double i, double j);
SILKWORMAPI void Silkworm_DestroyCloth(double clothId);
SILKWORMAPI void Silkworm_SetTriangleBuffer(const char* bufferId);
SILKWORMAPI double Silkworm_ClothFillTriangleBuffer(double clothId, double leftUV, double widthUV, double topUV, double heightUV);
SILKWORMAPI void Silkworm_DestroyNode(double nodeId);
SILKWORMAPI void Silkworm_ClearAll();
#endif /* SILKWORM_H */