TextureSlice and TextureRegion API

cosmonaut 2024-02-29 23:47:49 -08:00
parent 031ad4c047
commit 020e76782a
1 changed files with 21 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -371,8 +371,13 @@ namespace RefreshCS
public IntPtr texture;
public uint mipLevel;
public uint baseLayer;
public uint layerCount;
public uint layer;
public struct TextureRegion
public TextureSlice textureSlice;
public uint x;
public uint y;
public uint z;
@ -490,6 +495,7 @@ namespace RefreshCS
public uint height;
public uint depth;
public byte isCube;
public uint layerCount;
public uint levelCount;
public SampleCount sampleCount;
public TextureFormat format;
@ -579,28 +585,26 @@ namespace RefreshCS
public fixed float blendConstants[4];
public struct ColorAttachmentInfo
public IntPtr texture;
public uint depth;
public uint layer;
public uint level;
public TextureSlice textureSlice;
public Vec4 clearColor;
public LoadOp loadOp;
public StoreOp storeOp;
public byte safeDiscard;
public struct DepthStencilAttachmentInfo
public IntPtr texture;
public uint depth;
public uint layer;
public uint level;
public TextureSlice textureSlice;
public DepthStencilValue depthStencilClearValue;
public LoadOp loadOp;
public StoreOp storeOp;
public LoadOp stencilLoadOp;
public StoreOp stencilStoreOp;
public byte safeDiscard;
/* Logging */
@ -881,8 +885,7 @@ namespace RefreshCS
public static extern void Refresh_BindComputeTextures(
IntPtr device,
IntPtr commandBuffer,
IntPtr pTextures,
IntPtr pLevels
IntPtr pTextureSlices
[DllImport(nativeLibName, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
@ -940,7 +943,7 @@ namespace RefreshCS
IntPtr device,
IntPtr commandBuffer,
IntPtr transferBuffer,
in TextureSlice textureSlice,
in TextureRegion textureSlice,
in BufferImageCopy copyParams,
CopyOptions option
@ -959,7 +962,7 @@ namespace RefreshCS
public static extern void Refresh_DownloadFromTexture(
IntPtr device,
IntPtr commandBuffer,
in TextureSlice textureSlice,
in TextureRegion textureSlice,
IntPtr transferBuffer,
in BufferImageCopy copyParams,
TransferOptions option
@ -979,8 +982,8 @@ namespace RefreshCS
public static extern void Refresh_CopyTextureToTexture(
IntPtr device,
IntPtr commandBuffer,
in TextureSlice source,
in TextureSlice destination,
in TextureRegion source,
in TextureRegion destination,
CopyOptions option
@ -988,7 +991,7 @@ namespace RefreshCS
public static extern void Refresh_CopyTextureToBuffer(
IntPtr device,
IntPtr commandBuffer,
in TextureSlice textureSlice,
in TextureRegion textureSlice,
IntPtr gpuBuffer,
in BufferImageCopy copyParams,
CopyOptions option
@ -999,7 +1002,7 @@ namespace RefreshCS
IntPtr device,
IntPtr commandBuffer,
IntPtr gpuBuffer,
in TextureSlice textureSlice,
in TextureRegion textureSlice,
in BufferImageCopy bufferImageCopy,
CopyOptions option