undirected weighted graph

Evan Hemsley 2019-10-23 21:29:26 -07:00
parent 93e129ae7c
commit 1740679052
6 changed files with 382 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ namespace MoonTools.Core.Graph
protected Dictionary<(TNode, TNode), int> weights = new Dictionary<(TNode, TNode), int>();
public void AddEdge(TNode v, TNode u, int weight, TEdgeData edgeData)
public virtual void AddEdge(TNode v, TNode u, int weight, TEdgeData edgeData)
BaseAddEdge(v, u, edgeData);
weights.Add((v, u), weight);
public void AddEdges(params (TNode, TNode, int weight, TEdgeData)[] edges)
public virtual void AddEdges(params (TNode, TNode, int weight, TEdgeData)[] edges)
foreach (var edge in edges)

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@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ namespace MoonTools.Core.Graph
protected void BaseAddEdge(TNode v, TNode u, TEdgeData edgeData)
CheckNodes(v, u);
if (Exists(v, u)) { throw new ArgumentException($"Edge between {v} and {u} already exists in the graph"); }
if (v.Equals(u)) { throw new ArgumentException("Self-edges are not allowed in a simple graph. Use a multigraph instead"); }

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
namespace MoonTools.Core.Graph
public class UndirectedWeightedGraph<TNode, TEdgeData> : DirectedWeightedGraph<TNode, TEdgeData> where TNode : System.IEquatable<TNode>
public override void AddEdge(TNode v, TNode u, int weight, TEdgeData edgeData)
base.AddEdge(v, u, weight, edgeData);
base.AddEdge(u, v, weight, edgeData);
public override void AddEdges(params (TNode, TNode, int, TEdgeData)[] edges)
foreach (var edge in edges)
AddEdge(edge.Item1, edge.Item2, edge.Item3, edge.Item4);

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ A GC-friendly graph theory library for C# intended for use with games.
* Directed Weighted
* Directed Weighted Multigraph
* Undirected
* Undirected Weighted
## Notes

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@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ namespace Tests
myGraph.AddEdge(5, 6, dummyEdgeData);
Assert.That(myGraph.Neighbors(5), Does.Contain(6));
myGraph.Invoking(x => x.AddEdge(5, 6, dummyEdgeData)).Should().Throw<ArgumentException>();

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@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
using NUnit.Framework;
using FluentAssertions;
using MoonTools.Core.Graph;
using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace Tests
public class UndirectedWeightedGraphTests
EdgeData dummyEdgeData;
public void Clear()
var myGraph = new UndirectedWeightedGraph<int, EdgeData>();
myGraph.AddNodes(1, 2, 3, 4);
(1, 2, 5, dummyEdgeData),
(2, 3, 6, dummyEdgeData),
(2, 4, 7, dummyEdgeData)
myGraph.Invoking(x => x.Neighbors(1)).Should().Throw<ArgumentException>();
myGraph.Invoking(x => x.Weight(1, 2)).Should().Throw<ArgumentException>();
myGraph.Invoking(x => x.EdgeData(1, 2)).Should().Throw<ArgumentException>();
public void EdgeExists()
var myGraph = new UndirectedWeightedGraph<int, EdgeData>();
myGraph.AddNodes(1, 2, 3);
(1, 2, 4, dummyEdgeData),
(2, 3, 5, dummyEdgeData)
myGraph.Exists(1, 2).Should().BeTrue();
myGraph.Exists(2, 1).Should().BeTrue();
myGraph.Exists(2, 3).Should().BeTrue();
myGraph.Exists(3, 2).Should().BeTrue();
myGraph.Exists(1, 3).Should().BeFalse();
myGraph.Invoking(x => x.Exists(3, 4)).Should().Throw<ArgumentException>();
public void Neighbors()
var myGraph = new UndirectedWeightedGraph<int, EdgeData>();
myGraph.AddNodes(1, 2, 3);
(1, 2, 4, dummyEdgeData),
(2, 3, 5, dummyEdgeData)
myGraph.Invoking(x => x.Neighbors(4)).Should().Throw<System.ArgumentException>();
public void Weight()
var myGraph = new UndirectedWeightedGraph<int, EdgeData>();
myGraph.AddNodes(1, 2, 3);
(1, 2, 4, dummyEdgeData),
(2, 3, 5, dummyEdgeData)
myGraph.Weight(1, 2).Should().Be(4);
myGraph.Weight(2, 1).Should().Be(4);
myGraph.Weight(2, 3).Should().Be(5);
myGraph.Weight(3, 2).Should().Be(5);
myGraph.Invoking(x => x.Weight(3, 4)).Should().Throw<System.ArgumentException>();
public void EdgeData()
var a = new NumEdgeData { testNum = 3 };
var b = new NumEdgeData { testNum = 5 };
var myGraph = new UndirectedWeightedGraph<int, NumEdgeData>();
myGraph.AddNodes(1, 2, 3);
(1, 2, 4, a),
(2, 3, 5, b)
myGraph.EdgeData(1, 2).Should().Be(a);
myGraph.EdgeData(2, 1).Should().Be(a);
myGraph.EdgeData(2, 3).Should().Be(b);
myGraph.EdgeData(3, 2).Should().Be(b);
myGraph.Invoking(x => x.EdgeData(2, 4)).Should().Throw<ArgumentException>();
public void AStarShortestPath()
var run = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Run };
var jump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Jump };
var wallJump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.WallJump };
var myGraph = new UndirectedWeightedGraph<char, MoveTypeEdgeData>();
myGraph.AddNodes('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h');
('a', 'b', 2, run),
('a', 'c', 3, run),
('a', 'e', 4, wallJump),
('b', 'd', 2, jump),
('b', 'e', 1, run),
('c', 'g', 4, jump),
('c', 'h', 11, run),
('d', 'c', 3, jump),
('d', 'f', 2, run),
('d', 'h', 3, wallJump),
('e', 'f', 5, run),
('f', 'h', 6, wallJump),
('g', 'h', 7, run)
.AStarShortestPath('a', 'h', (x, y) => 1)
.Select(edge => myGraph.EdgeData(edge.Item1, edge.Item2))
run, jump, wallJump
// have to call Count() because otherwise the lazy evaluation wont trigger
myGraph.Invoking(x => x.AStarShortestPath('a', 'z', (x, y) => 1).Count()).Should().Throw<System.ArgumentException>();
public void DijkstraSingleSourceShortestPath()
var run = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Run };
var jump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Jump };
var wallJump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.WallJump };
var myGraph = new UndirectedWeightedGraph<char, MoveTypeEdgeData>();
myGraph.AddNodes('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h');
('a', 'b', 2, run),
('a', 'c', 3, run),
('a', 'e', 4, wallJump),
('b', 'd', 2, jump),
('b', 'e', 1, run),
('c', 'g', 4, jump),
('c', 'h', 11, run),
('d', 'c', 3, jump),
('d', 'f', 2, run),
('d', 'h', 3, wallJump),
('e', 'f', 5, run),
('f', 'h', 6, wallJump),
('g', 'h', 7, run)
.Contain(('b', 'a', 2)).And
.Contain(('c', 'a', 3)).And
.Contain(('d', 'b', 4)).And
.Contain(('e', 'b', 3)).And
.Contain(('f', 'd', 6)).And
.Contain(('g', 'c', 7)).And
.Contain(('h', 'd', 7)).And
// have to call Count() because otherwise the lazy evaluation wont trigger
myGraph.Invoking(x => x.DijkstraSingleSourceShortestPath('z').Count()).Should().Throw<System.ArgumentException>();
public void DijkstraShortestPath()
var run = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Run };
var jump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Jump };
var wallJump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.WallJump };
var myGraph = new UndirectedWeightedGraph<char, MoveTypeEdgeData>();
myGraph.AddNodes('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h');
('a', 'b', 2, run),
('a', 'c', 3, run),
('a', 'e', 4, wallJump),
('b', 'd', 2, jump),
('b', 'e', 1, run),
('c', 'g', 4, jump),
('c', 'h', 11, run),
('d', 'c', 3, jump),
('d', 'f', 2, run),
('d', 'h', 3, wallJump),
('e', 'f', 5, run),
('f', 'h', 6, wallJump),
('g', 'h', 7, run)
.DijkstraShortestPath('a', 'h')
.Select(pair => myGraph.EdgeData(pair.Item1, pair.Item2))
run, jump, wallJump
// have to call Count() because otherwise the lazy evaluation wont trigger
myGraph.Invoking(x => x.DijkstraShortestPath('a', 'z').Count()).Should().Throw<System.ArgumentException>();
public void DijkstraNotReachable()
var run = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Run };
var jump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Jump };
var wallJump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.WallJump };
var myGraph = new UndirectedWeightedGraph<char, MoveTypeEdgeData>();
myGraph.AddNodes('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h');
('a', 'b', 2, run),
('a', 'e', 4, wallJump),
('b', 'e', 1, run),
('c', 'g', 4, jump),
('d', 'h', 3, wallJump),
('f', 'd', 2, run),
('f', 'h', 6, wallJump),
('g', 'h', 7, run)
.DijkstraShortestPath('a', 'f')
public void BellmanFordSingleSourceShortestPath()
var run = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Run };
var jump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Jump };
var wallJump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.WallJump };
var myGraph = new UndirectedWeightedGraph<char, MoveTypeEdgeData>();
myGraph.AddNodes('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h');
('a', 'b', 2, run),
('a', 'c', 3, run),
('a', 'e', 4, wallJump),
('b', 'd', 2, jump),
('b', 'e', 1, run),
('c', 'g', 4, jump),
('c', 'h', 11, run),
('d', 'c', 3, jump),
('d', 'f', 2, run),
('d', 'h', 3, wallJump),
('e', 'f', 5, run),
('f', 'h', 6, wallJump),
('g', 'h', 7, run)
.Contain(('b', 'a', 2)).And
.Contain(('c', 'a', 3)).And
.Contain(('d', 'b', 4)).And
.Contain(('e', 'b', 3)).And
.Contain(('f', 'd', 6)).And
.Contain(('g', 'c', 7)).And
.Contain(('h', 'd', 7)).And
// have to call Count() because otherwise the lazy evaluation wont trigger
myGraph.Invoking(x => x.BellmanFordSingleSourceShortestPath('z').Count()).Should().Throw<System.ArgumentException>();
public void BellmanFordShortestPath()
var run = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Run };
var jump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Jump };
var wallJump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.WallJump };
var myGraph = new UndirectedWeightedGraph<char, MoveTypeEdgeData>();
myGraph.AddNodes('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h');
('a', 'b', 2, run),
('a', 'c', 3, run),
('a', 'e', 4, wallJump),
('b', 'd', 2, jump),
('b', 'e', 1, run),
('c', 'g', 4, jump),
('c', 'h', 11, run),
('d', 'c', 3, jump),
('d', 'f', 2, run),
('d', 'h', 3, wallJump),
('e', 'f', 5, run),
('f', 'h', 6, wallJump),
('g', 'h', 7, run)
.BellmanFordShortestPath('a', 'h')
.Select(pair => myGraph.EdgeData(pair.Item1, pair.Item2))
run, jump, wallJump
// have to call Count() because otherwise the lazy evaluation wont trigger
myGraph.Invoking(x => x.BellmanFordShortestPath('a', 'z').Count()).Should().Throw<System.ArgumentException>();
public void BellmanFordNotReachable()
var run = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Run };
var jump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Jump };
var wallJump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.WallJump };
var myGraph = new DirectedWeightedGraph<char, MoveTypeEdgeData>();
myGraph.AddNodes('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h');
('a', 'b', 2, run),
('a', 'e', 4, wallJump),
('b', 'e', 1, run),
('c', 'g', 4, jump),
('d', 'h', 3, wallJump),
('f', 'd', 2, run),
('f', 'h', 6, wallJump),
('g', 'h', 7, run)
.BellmanFordShortestPath('a', 'f')