
281 lines
6.9 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace MoonTools.ECS
internal abstract class RelationStorage
public abstract void Set(int entityA, int entityB, object relationData);
public abstract void UnrelateAll(int entityID);
public abstract IEnumerable<(int, object)> UntypedInRelations(int entityID);
public abstract IEnumerable<(int, object)> UntypedOutRelations(int entityID);
// used to create correctly typed storage on snapshot
public abstract RelationStorage CreateStorage();
public abstract void Clear();
// Relation is the two entities, A related to B.
// TRelation is the data attached to the relation.
internal class RelationStorage<TRelation> : RelationStorage where TRelation : unmanaged
private int count = 0;
private Dictionary<Relation, int> indices = new Dictionary<Relation, int>(16);
private Relation[] relations = new Relation[16];
private TRelation[] relationDatas = new TRelation[16];
private Dictionary<int, IndexableSet<int>> outRelations = new Dictionary<int, IndexableSet<int>>(16);
private Dictionary<int, IndexableSet<int>> inRelations = new Dictionary<int, IndexableSet<int>>(16);
private Stack<IndexableSet<int>> listPool = new Stack<IndexableSet<int>>();
public IEnumerable<(Entity, Entity, TRelation)> All()
for (var i = 0; i < count; i += 1)
var relation = relations[i];
yield return (relation.A, relation.B, relationDatas[i]);
public void Set(Relation relation, TRelation relationData)
if (indices.ContainsKey(relation))
var index = indices[relation];
relationDatas[index] = relationData;
var idA = relation.A.ID;
var idB = relation.B.ID;
if (!outRelations.ContainsKey(idA))
outRelations[idA] = AcquireHashSetFromPool();
if (!inRelations.ContainsKey(idB))
inRelations[idB] = AcquireHashSetFromPool();
if (count >= relationDatas.Length)
Array.Resize(ref relations, relations.Length * 2);
Array.Resize(ref relationDatas, relationDatas.Length * 2);
relations[count] = relation;
relationDatas[count] = relationData;
indices.Add(relation, count);
count += 1;
public bool Has(Relation relation)
return indices.ContainsKey(relation);
// FIXME: creating the new Relation in here is slightly deranged
public IEnumerable<(Entity, TRelation)> OutRelations(int entityID)
if (outRelations.ContainsKey(entityID))
foreach (var id in outRelations[entityID])
var relation = new Relation(entityID, id);
yield return (relation.B, relationDatas[indices[relation]]);
public (Entity, TRelation) OutFirst(int entityID)
if (!outRelations.ContainsKey(entityID))
throw new KeyNotFoundException("No out relations to this entity!");
var relation = new Relation(entityID, outRelations[entityID][0]);
return (relation.B, relationDatas[indices[relation]]);
public bool HasOutRelation(int entityID)
return outRelations.ContainsKey(entityID) && outRelations[entityID].Count > 0;
public int OutRelationCount(int entityID)
return outRelations.ContainsKey(entityID) ? outRelations[entityID].Count : 0;
public IEnumerable<(Entity, TRelation)> InRelations(int entityID)
if (inRelations.ContainsKey(entityID))
foreach (var id in inRelations[entityID])
var relation = new Relation(id, entityID);
yield return (relation.A, relationDatas[indices[relation]]);
public (Entity, TRelation) InFirst(int entityID)
if (!inRelations.ContainsKey(entityID))
throw new KeyNotFoundException("No out relations to this entity!");
var relation = new Relation(inRelations[entityID][0], entityID);
return (relation.A, relationDatas[indices[relation]]);
public bool HasInRelation(int entityID)
return inRelations.ContainsKey(entityID) && inRelations[entityID].Count > 0;
public int InRelationCount(int entityID)
return inRelations.ContainsKey(entityID) ? inRelations[entityID].Count : 0;
public (bool, bool) Remove(Relation relation)
var aEmpty = false;
var bEmpty = false;
if (outRelations.ContainsKey(relation.A.ID))
if (outRelations[relation.A.ID].Count == 0)
aEmpty = true;
if (inRelations.ContainsKey(relation.B.ID))
if (inRelations[relation.B.ID].Count == 0)
bEmpty = true;
if (indices.ContainsKey(relation))
var index = indices[relation];
var lastElementIndex = count - 1;
// move an element into the hole
if (index != lastElementIndex)
var lastRelation = relations[lastElementIndex];
indices[lastRelation] = index;
relationDatas[index] = relationDatas[lastElementIndex];
relations[index] = lastRelation;
count -= 1;
return (aEmpty, bEmpty);
private IndexableSet<int> AcquireHashSetFromPool()
if (listPool.Count == 0)
listPool.Push(new IndexableSet<int>());
return listPool.Pop();
private void ReturnHashSetToPool(IndexableSet<int> hashSet)
// untyped methods used for internal implementation
public override void Set(int entityA, int entityB, object relationData)
Set(new Relation(entityA, entityB), (TRelation) relationData);
public override void UnrelateAll(int entityID)
if (outRelations.ContainsKey(entityID))
foreach (var entityB in outRelations[entityID])
Remove(new Relation(entityID, entityB));
if (inRelations.ContainsKey(entityID))
foreach (var entityA in inRelations[entityID])
Remove(new Relation(entityA, entityID));
public override IEnumerable<(int, object)> UntypedInRelations(int entityID)
foreach (var (entity, relationData) in InRelations(entityID))
yield return (entity.ID, relationData);
public override IEnumerable<(int, object)> UntypedOutRelations(int entityID)
foreach (var (entity, relationData) in OutRelations(entityID))
yield return (entity.ID, relationData);
public override RelationStorage<TRelation> CreateStorage()
return new RelationStorage<TRelation>();
public override void Clear()
count = 0;
foreach (var set in inRelations.Values)
foreach (var set in outRelations.Values)