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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using MoonTools.ECS.Collections;
namespace MoonTools.ECS;
public class World : IDisposable
2022-03-05 02:01:44 +00:00
// Get TypeId from a Type
private readonly Dictionary<Type, TypeId> TypeToId = new Dictionary<Type, TypeId>();
private Dictionary<TypeId, Type> IdToType = new Dictionary<TypeId, Type>();
// Get element size from a TypeId
private readonly Dictionary<TypeId, int> ElementSizes = new Dictionary<TypeId, int>();
// Filters
internal readonly Dictionary<FilterSignature, Filter> FilterIndex = new Dictionary<FilterSignature, Filter>();
private readonly Dictionary<TypeId, List<Filter>> TypeToFilter = new Dictionary<TypeId, List<Filter>>();
// TODO: can we make the tag an native array of chars at some point?
internal Dictionary<Entity, string> EntityTags = new Dictionary<Entity, string>();
// Relation Storages
internal Dictionary<TypeId, RelationStorage> RelationIndex = new Dictionary<TypeId, RelationStorage>();
internal Dictionary<Entity, IndexableSet<TypeId>> EntityRelationIndex = new Dictionary<Entity, IndexableSet<TypeId>>();
// Message Storages
private Dictionary<TypeId, MessageStorage> MessageIndex = new Dictionary<TypeId, MessageStorage>();
public FilterBuilder FilterBuilder => new FilterBuilder(this);
internal readonly Dictionary<TypeId, ComponentStorage> ComponentIndex = new Dictionary<TypeId, ComponentStorage>();
internal Dictionary<Entity, IndexableSet<TypeId>> EntityComponentIndex = new Dictionary<Entity, IndexableSet<TypeId>>();
2022-04-08 05:52:03 +00:00
internal IdAssigner EntityIdAssigner = new IdAssigner();
private IdAssigner TypeIdAssigner = new IdAssigner();
private bool IsDisposed;
internal TypeId GetTypeId<T>() where T : unmanaged
if (TypeToId.ContainsKey(typeof(T)))
2022-04-08 05:52:03 +00:00
return TypeToId[typeof(T)];
var typeId = new TypeId(TypeIdAssigner.Assign());
TypeToId.Add(typeof(T), typeId);
ElementSizes.Add(typeId, Unsafe.SizeOf<T>());
IdToType.Add(typeId, typeof(T));
return typeId;
internal TypeId GetComponentTypeId<T>() where T : unmanaged
var typeId = GetTypeId<T>();
if (ComponentIndex.TryGetValue(typeId, out var componentStorage))
return typeId;
componentStorage = new ComponentStorage(typeId, ElementSizes[typeId]);
ComponentIndex.Add(typeId, componentStorage);
TypeToFilter.Add(typeId, new List<Filter>());
return typeId;
private ComponentStorage GetComponentStorage<T>() where T : unmanaged
var typeId = GetTypeId<T>();
if (ComponentIndex.TryGetValue(typeId, out var componentStorage))
return componentStorage;
2022-04-08 05:52:03 +00:00
componentStorage = new ComponentStorage(typeId, ElementSizes[typeId]);
ComponentIndex.Add(typeId, componentStorage);
TypeToFilter.Add(typeId, new List<Filter>());
return componentStorage;
internal Filter GetFilter(FilterSignature signature)
if (!FilterIndex.TryGetValue(signature, out var filter))
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filter = new Filter(this, signature);
foreach (var typeId in signature.Included)
2023-01-27 00:34:15 +00:00
foreach (var typeId in signature.Excluded)
FilterIndex.Add(signature, filter);
2022-04-08 05:52:03 +00:00
return filter;
public Entity CreateEntity(string tag = "")
var entity = new Entity(EntityIdAssigner.Assign());
if (!EntityComponentIndex.ContainsKey(entity))
EntityRelationIndex.Add(entity, new IndexableSet<TypeId>());
EntityComponentIndex.Add(entity, new IndexableSet<TypeId>());
EntityTags[entity] = tag;
return entity;
public void Tag(Entity entity, string tag)
EntityTags[entity] = tag;
public string GetTag(Entity entity)
return EntityTags[entity];
public void Destroy(in Entity entity)
// remove all components from storages
foreach (var componentTypeIndex in EntityComponentIndex[entity])
2022-04-08 05:52:03 +00:00
var componentStorage = ComponentIndex[componentTypeIndex];
foreach (var filter in TypeToFilter[componentTypeIndex])
2022-04-08 05:52:03 +00:00
// remove all relations from storage
foreach (var relationTypeIndex in EntityRelationIndex[entity])
2022-04-08 05:52:03 +00:00
var relationStorage = RelationIndex[relationTypeIndex];
// recycle ID
public bool Has<T>(in Entity entity) where T : unmanaged
var storage = GetComponentStorage<T>();
return storage.Has(entity);
internal bool Has(in Entity entity, in TypeId typeId)
return EntityComponentIndex[entity].Contains(typeId);
public bool Some<T>() where T : unmanaged
var storage = GetComponentStorage<T>();
return storage.Any();
public ref T Get<T>(in Entity entity) where T : unmanaged
var storage = GetComponentStorage<T>();
return ref storage.Get<T>(entity);
public ref T GetSingleton<T>() where T : unmanaged
var storage = GetComponentStorage<T>();
return ref storage.GetFirst<T>();
public Entity GetSingletonEntity<T>() where T : unmanaged
var storage = GetComponentStorage<T>();
return storage.FirstEntity();
public void Set<T>(in Entity entity, in T component) where T : unmanaged
var componentStorage = GetComponentStorage<T>();
if (!componentStorage.Set(entity, component))
foreach (var filter in TypeToFilter[componentStorage.TypeId])
public void Remove<T>(in Entity entity) where T : unmanaged
var componentStorage = GetComponentStorage<T>();
if (componentStorage.Remove(entity))
foreach (var filter in TypeToFilter[componentStorage.TypeId])
private RelationStorage RegisterRelationType(TypeId typeId)
var relationStorage = new RelationStorage(ElementSizes[typeId]);
RelationIndex.Add(typeId, relationStorage);
return relationStorage;
private RelationStorage GetRelationStorage<T>() where T : unmanaged
var typeId = GetTypeId<T>();
if (RelationIndex.TryGetValue(typeId, out var relationStorage))
return relationStorage;
return RegisterRelationType(typeId);
public void Relate<T>(in Entity entityA, in Entity entityB, in T relation) where T : unmanaged
var relationStorage = GetRelationStorage<T>();
relationStorage.Set(entityA, entityB, relation);
public void Unrelate<T>(in Entity entityA, in Entity entityB) where T : unmanaged
var relationStorage = GetRelationStorage<T>();
relationStorage.Remove(entityA, entityB);
public void UnrelateAll<T>(in Entity entity) where T : unmanaged
var relationStorage = GetRelationStorage<T>();
public bool Related<T>(in Entity entityA, in Entity entityB) where T : unmanaged
var relationStorage = GetRelationStorage<T>();
return relationStorage.Has(entityA, entityB);
public T GetRelationData<T>(in Entity entityA, in Entity entityB) where T : unmanaged
var relationStorage = GetRelationStorage<T>();
return relationStorage.Get<T>(entityA, entityB);
public ReverseSpanEnumerator<(Entity, Entity)> Relations<T>() where T : unmanaged
var relationStorage = GetRelationStorage<T>();
return relationStorage.All();
public ReverseSpanEnumerator<Entity> OutRelations<T>(Entity entity) where T : unmanaged
var relationStorage = GetRelationStorage<T>();
return relationStorage.OutRelations(entity);
public Entity OutRelationSingleton<T>(in Entity entity) where T : unmanaged
var relationStorage = GetRelationStorage<T>();
return relationStorage.OutFirst(entity);
public bool HasOutRelation<T>(in Entity entity) where T : unmanaged
var relationStorage = GetRelationStorage<T>();
return relationStorage.HasOutRelation(entity);
public int OutRelationCount<T>(in Entity entity) where T : unmanaged
var relationStorage = GetRelationStorage<T>();
return relationStorage.OutRelationCount(entity);
public Entity NthOutRelation<T>(in Entity entity, int n) where T : unmanaged
var relationStorage = GetRelationStorage<T>();
return relationStorage.OutNth(entity, n);
public ReverseSpanEnumerator<Entity> InRelations<T>(Entity entity) where T : unmanaged
var relationStorage = GetRelationStorage<T>();
return relationStorage.InRelations(entity);
public Entity InRelationSingleton<T>(in Entity entity) where T : unmanaged
var relationStorage = GetRelationStorage<T>();
return relationStorage.InFirst(entity);
public bool HasInRelation<T>(in Entity entity) where T : unmanaged
var relationStorage = GetRelationStorage<T>();
return relationStorage.HasInRelation(entity);
public int InRelationCount<T>(in Entity entity) where T : unmanaged
var relationStorage = GetRelationStorage<T>();
return relationStorage.InRelationCount(entity);
public Entity NthInRelation<T>(in Entity entity, int n) where T : unmanaged
var relationStorage = GetRelationStorage<T>();
return relationStorage.InNth(entity, n);
private TypeId GetMessageTypeId<T>() where T : unmanaged
var typeId = GetTypeId<T>();
if (!MessageIndex.ContainsKey(typeId))
2023-02-09 18:50:25 +00:00
MessageIndex.Add(typeId, new MessageStorage(Unsafe.SizeOf<T>()));
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return typeId;
public void Send<T>(in T message) where T : unmanaged
var typeId = GetMessageTypeId<T>();
public bool SomeMessage<T>() where T : unmanaged
var typeId = GetMessageTypeId<T>();
return MessageIndex[typeId].Some();
public ReadOnlySpan<T> ReadMessages<T>() where T : unmanaged
var typeId = GetMessageTypeId<T>();
return MessageIndex[typeId].All<T>();
public T ReadMessage<T>() where T : unmanaged
var typeId = GetMessageTypeId<T>();
return MessageIndex[typeId].First<T>();
public void ClearMessages<T>() where T : unmanaged
var typeId = GetMessageTypeId<T>();
// TODO: temporary component storage?
public void FinishUpdate()
foreach (var (_, messageStorage) in MessageIndex)
// NOTE: these methods are very inefficient
// they should only be used in debugging contexts!!
public ComponentTypeEnumerator Debug_GetAllComponentTypes(Entity entity)
return new ComponentTypeEnumerator(this, EntityComponentIndex[entity]);
public IEnumerable<Entity> Debug_GetEntities(Type componentType)
var storage = ComponentIndex[TypeToId[componentType]];
return storage.Debug_GetEntities();
public IEnumerable<Type> Debug_SearchComponentType(string typeString)
foreach (var type in TypeToId.Keys)
2023-07-21 21:41:53 +00:00
if (type.ToString().ToLower().Contains(typeString.ToLower()))
yield return type;
2023-07-21 21:41:53 +00:00
2023-07-21 21:41:53 +00:00
public ref struct ComponentTypeEnumerator
private World World;
private IndexableSet<TypeId> Types;
private int ComponentIndex;
public ComponentTypeEnumerator GetEnumerator() => this;
internal ComponentTypeEnumerator(
World world,
IndexableSet<TypeId> types
World = world;
Types = types;
ComponentIndex = -1;
public bool MoveNext()
ComponentIndex += 1;
return ComponentIndex < Types.Count;
public Type Current => World.IdToType[Types[ComponentIndex]];
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!IsDisposed)
if (disposing)
foreach (var componentStorage in ComponentIndex.Values)
foreach (var relationStorage in RelationIndex.Values)
foreach (var messageStorage in MessageIndex.Values)
foreach (var typeSet in EntityComponentIndex.Values)
foreach (var typeSet in EntityRelationIndex.Values)
foreach (var filter in FilterIndex.Values)
IsDisposed = true;
2022-03-05 02:01:44 +00:00
// // TODO: override finalizer only if 'Dispose(bool disposing)' has code to free unmanaged resources
// ~World()
// {
// // Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in 'Dispose(bool disposing)' method
// Dispose(disposing: false);
// }
public void Dispose()
// Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in 'Dispose(bool disposing)' method
Dispose(disposing: true);
2022-03-05 02:01:44 +00:00