#include "../lib/dropt/dropt.h" #include #include "codegen.h" #include "identcheck.h" #include "parser.h" #include "typeutils.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { dropt_bool showHelp = 0; dropt_bool parseVerbose = 0; uint32_t optimizationLevel = 0; char *inputFilename; int exitCode = EXIT_SUCCESS; dropt_option options[] = { {'h', "help", "Shows help.", NULL, dropt_handle_bool, &showHelp, dropt_attr_halt}, {'v', "parse-verbose", "Shows verbose parser output.", NULL, dropt_handle_bool, &parseVerbose}, {'O', "optimize", "Sets optimization level of the output IR. Must be a value between 0 " "and 3.", "number", dropt_handle_uint, &optimizationLevel}, {0} /* Required sentinel value. */ }; dropt_context *droptContext = dropt_new_context(options); if (droptContext == NULL) { exitCode = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (argc == 0) { printf("Must supply an input file."); exitCode = EXIT_FAILURE; } else { char **rest = dropt_parse(droptContext, -1, &argv[1]); if (dropt_get_error(droptContext) != dropt_error_none) { fprintf( stderr, "wraith: %s\n", dropt_get_error_message(droptContext)); exitCode = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (showHelp) { printf("Usage: wraith [options] [--] [input_file]\n\n" "Options:\n"); dropt_print_help(stdout, droptContext, NULL); } else { /* TODO: free AST after compilation */ inputFilename = *rest; if (inputFilename == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Must provide an input file.\n"); exitCode = EXIT_FAILURE; } else { Node *rootNode; if (Parse(inputFilename, &rootNode, parseVerbose) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Parser error.\n"); exitCode = EXIT_FAILURE; } else { LinkParentPointers(rootNode); { IdNode *idTree = MakeIdTree(rootNode, NULL); printf("\n"); PrintIdTree(idTree, /*tabCount=*/0); printf("\nConverting custom types in the ID-tree.\n"); ConvertIdCustomsToGenerics(idTree); printf("\n"); PrintIdTree(idTree, /*tabCount=*/0); printf("\nConverting custom type nodes in the AST.\n"); ConvertASTCustomsToGenerics(rootNode); printf("\n"); PrintNode(rootNode, /*tabCount=*/0); } exitCode = Codegen(rootNode, optimizationLevel); } } } } return exitCode; }