Give GML scripts some love.

Nikita Krapivin 2022-01-08 16:43:38 +05:00
parent c37921a181
commit 48a6501f47
4 changed files with 55 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -1 +1,17 @@
/// @description Clean up all resources when the game is about to end.
/* Destroy sound instances first: */
// sndInst.Stop();
// sndInst.Destroy();
// sndInst = undefined;
/* Only then destroy static sounds: */
// snd.Destroy();
// snd = undefined;
/* And only then, destroy effect chains */
effChain = undefined;
/* Finish up the system */

View File

@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
/// @description Initialize audio.
/* First initialize the system: */
var spatialDistanceScale = 50; // makes "3D" audio louder
FAudioGMS_Init(spatialDistanceScale, 1 / 60);
var timestep = game_get_speed(gamespeed_microseconds) / 1000000; // default, autodetect from GM timestep.
FAudioGMS_Init(spatialDistanceScale, timestep);
/* Init Effects Chains Here */
effChain = new EffectChain();
/* Load Audio Assets Here */
// snd = LoadStaticSound("go-go-go-tigerblood.wav");
// sndInst = snd.Play();
// sndInst.SetEffectChain(effChain, 1); // apply default reverb to the instance.

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@ -1 +1,2 @@
/// @description MUST be called once per frame!

View File

@ -88,10 +88,10 @@ function StaticSound(_staticSoundID) constructor
// The audio is streamed off the disk, so only a small amount of memory is used at a time.
// Good for things like music or voiceover playback.
// Note that StreamingSounds are SoundInstances.
function LoadStreamingSound(filename)
function LoadStreamingSound(filename, bufferSizeInBytes = 0)
var filePath = GetPathPrepend() + "audio/streaming/" + filename;
soundInstanceID = FAudioGMS_StreamingSound_LoadOGG(filePath);
soundInstanceID = FAudioGMS_StreamingSound_LoadOGG(filePath, bufferSizeInBytes);
return new SoundInstance(soundInstanceID);
@ -129,6 +129,12 @@ function SoundInstance(_soundInstanceID) constructor
FAudioGMS_SoundInstance_Set3DVelocity(soundInstanceID, xVelocity, yVelocity, zVelocity);
// Sets the 3-dimensional orientation of the sound.
static Set3DOrientation = function(xFront, yFront, zFront, xTop, yTop, zTop)
FAudioGMS_SoundInstance_Set3DOrientation(soundInstanceID, xFront, yFront, zFront, xTop, yTop, zTop);
// Sets whether the sound instance loops (true) or does not (false).
static SetLoop = function(loop)
@ -168,6 +174,12 @@ function SoundInstance(_soundInstanceID) constructor
FAudioGMS_SoundInstance_SetTrackPositionInSeconds(soundInstanceID, seconds);
// Queues this sound instance for playing in sync.
static QueueSyncPlay = function()
// Sets the playback region for the sound instance.
static SetPlayRegion = function(loopStartInMilliseconds, loopEndInMilliseconds)
@ -263,6 +275,12 @@ function SoundInstance(_soundInstanceID) constructor
// Plays the sound instance queue.
function SyncPlay()
// Effect chains allow you to modify sound playback using audio effects.
// Right now only reverb is implemented, but more effects will probably come later.
function EffectChain() constructor
@ -348,6 +366,12 @@ function SetListenerVelocity(xVelocity, yVelocity, zVelocity)
FAudioGMS_SetListenerVelocity(xVelocity, yVelocity, zVelocity);
// Sets the orientation of the listener for 3D audio.
function SetListenerOrientation(xFront, yFront, zFront, xTop, yTop, zTop)
FAudioGMS_SetListenerOrientation(xFront, yFront, zFront, xTop, yTop, zTop);
// Stops all audio playback.
function StopAllAudio()