using MoonTools.Structs;
using System.Numerics;
namespace MoonTools.Bonk
public static class NarrowPhase
private enum PolygonWinding
/// Tests if two shape-transform pairs are overlapping. Automatically detects fast-path optimizations.
public static bool TestCollision(IHasAABB2D hasBoundingBoxA, Transform2D transformA, IHasAABB2D hasBoundingBoxB, Transform2D transformB)
if (hasBoundingBoxA is MultiShape && hasBoundingBoxB is MultiShape)
return TestCollision((MultiShape)hasBoundingBoxA, transformA, (MultiShape)hasBoundingBoxB, transformB);
else if (hasBoundingBoxA is MultiShape && hasBoundingBoxB is IShape2D)
return TestCollision((MultiShape)hasBoundingBoxA, transformA, (IShape2D)hasBoundingBoxB, transformB);
else if (hasBoundingBoxA is IShape2D && hasBoundingBoxB is MultiShape)
return TestCollision((IShape2D)hasBoundingBoxA, transformA, (MultiShape)hasBoundingBoxB, transformB);
else if (hasBoundingBoxA is IShape2D && hasBoundingBoxB is IShape2D)
return TestCollision((IShape2D)hasBoundingBoxA, transformA, (IShape2D)hasBoundingBoxB, transformB);
throw new System.ArgumentException("Collision testing requires MultiShapes or IShape2Ds.");
public static bool TestCollision(IShape2D shapeA, Transform2D transformA, IShape2D shapeB, Transform2D transformB)
if (shapeA is Rectangle rectangleA && shapeB is Rectangle rectangleB && transformA.Rotation == 0 && transformB.Rotation == 0)
return TestRectangleOverlap(rectangleA, transformA, rectangleB, transformB);
else if (shapeA is Point && shapeB is Rectangle && transformB.Rotation == 0)
return TestPointRectangleOverlap((Point)shapeA, transformA, (Rectangle)shapeB, transformB);
else if (shapeA is Rectangle && shapeB is Point && transformA.Rotation == 0)
return TestPointRectangleOverlap((Point)shapeB, transformB, (Rectangle)shapeA, transformA);
else if (shapeA is Circle circleA && shapeB is Circle circleB && transformA.Scale.X == transformA.Scale.Y && transformB.Scale.X == transformB.Scale.Y)
return TestCircleOverlap(circleA, transformA, circleB, transformB);
return FindCollisionSimplex(shapeA, transformA, shapeB, transformB).Item1;
/// Tests if a multishape-transform and shape-transform pair are overlapping.
/// Note that this must perform pairwise comparison so the worst-case performance of this method will vary inversely with the amount of shapes in the multishape.
public static bool TestCollision(MultiShape multiShape, Transform2D multiShapeTransform, IShape2D shape, Transform2D shapeTransform)
foreach (var (otherShape, otherTransform) in multiShape.TransformShapesUsingOffset(multiShapeTransform))
if (TestCollision(shape, shapeTransform, otherShape, otherTransform)) { return true; }
return false;
/// Tests if a multishape-transform and shape-transform pair are overlapping.
/// Note that this must perform pairwise comparison so the worst-case performance of this method will vary inversely with the amount of shapes in the multishape.
public static bool TestCollision(IShape2D shape, Transform2D shapeTransform, MultiShape multiShape, Transform2D multiShapeTransform)
foreach (var (otherShape, otherTransform) in multiShape.TransformShapesUsingOffset(multiShapeTransform))
if (TestCollision(shape, shapeTransform, otherShape, otherTransform)) { return true; }
return false;
/// Tests if two multishape-transform pairs are overlapping.
/// Note that this must perform pairwise comparison so the worst-case performance of this method will vary inversely with the amount of shapes in the multishapes.
public static bool TestCollision(MultiShape multiShapeA, Transform2D transformA, MultiShape multiShapeB, Transform2D transformB)
foreach (var (shapeA, shapeTransformA) in multiShapeA.TransformShapesUsingOffset(transformA))
foreach (var (shapeB, shapeTransformB) in multiShapeB.TransformShapesUsingOffset(transformB))
if (TestCollision(shapeA, shapeTransformA, shapeB, shapeTransformB)) { return true; }
return false;
/// Fast path for axis-aligned rectangles. If the transforms have non-zero rotation this will be inaccurate.
public static bool TestRectangleOverlap(Rectangle rectangleA, Transform2D transformA, Rectangle rectangleB, Transform2D transformB)
var firstAABB = rectangleA.TransformedAABB(transformA);
var secondAABB = rectangleB.TransformedAABB(transformB);
return firstAABB.Left <= secondAABB.Right && firstAABB.Right >= secondAABB.Left && firstAABB.Top <= secondAABB.Bottom && firstAABB.Bottom >= secondAABB.Top;
/// Fast path for overlapping point and axis-aligned rectangle. The rectangle transform must have non-zero rotation.
public static bool TestPointRectangleOverlap(Point point, Transform2D pointTransform, Rectangle rectangle, Transform2D rectangleTransform)
var transformedPoint = pointTransform.Position;
var AABB = rectangle.TransformedAABB(rectangleTransform);
return transformedPoint.X >= AABB.Left && transformedPoint.X <= AABB.Right && transformedPoint.Y <= AABB.Bottom && transformedPoint.Y >= AABB.Top;
/// Fast path for overlapping circles. The circles must have uniform scaling.
public static bool TestCircleOverlap(Circle circleA, Transform2D transformA, Circle circleB, Transform2D transformB)
var radiusA = circleA.Radius * transformA.Scale.X;
var radiusB = circleB.Radius * transformB.Scale.Y;
var centerA = transformA.Position;
var centerB = transformB.Position;
var distanceSquared = (centerA - centerB).LengthSquared();
var radiusSumSquared = (radiusA + radiusB) * (radiusA + radiusB);
return distanceSquared <= radiusSumSquared;
/// Tests if the two shape-transform pairs are overlapping, and returns a simplex that can be used by the EPA algorithm to determine a miminum separating vector.
public static (bool, Simplex2D) FindCollisionSimplex(IShape2D shapeA, Transform2D transformA, IShape2D shapeB, Transform2D transformB)
var minkowskiDifference = new MinkowskiDifference(shapeA, transformA, shapeB, transformB);
var c = minkowskiDifference.Support(Vector2.UnitX);
var b = minkowskiDifference.Support(-Vector2.UnitX);
return Check(minkowskiDifference, c, b);
/// Returns a minimum separating vector in the direction from A to B.
/// A simplex returned by the GJK algorithm.
public unsafe static Vector2 Intersect(IShape2D shapeA, Transform2D Transform2DA, IShape2D shapeB, Transform2D Transform2DB, Simplex2D simplex)
if (shapeA == null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(shapeA)); }
if (shapeB == null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(shapeB)); }
if (!simplex.TwoSimplex) { throw new System.ArgumentException("Simplex must be a 2-Simplex.", nameof(simplex)); }
var a = simplex.A;
var b = simplex.B.Value;
var c = simplex.C.Value;
var e0 = (b.X - a.X) * (b.Y + a.Y);
var e1 = (c.X - b.X) * (c.Y + b.Y);
var e2 = (a.X - c.X) * (a.Y + c.Y);
var winding = e0 + e1 + e2 >= 0 ? PolygonWinding.Clockwise : PolygonWinding.CounterClockwise;
var simplexVertices = new SimplexVertexBuffer(simplex.Vertices);
Vector2 intersection = default;
for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++)
var edge = FindClosestEdge(winding, simplexVertices);
var support = CalculateSupport(shapeA, Transform2DA, shapeB, Transform2DB, edge.normal);
var distance = Vector2.Dot(support, edge.normal);
intersection = edge.normal;
intersection *= distance;
if (System.Math.Abs(distance - edge.distance) <= float.Epsilon)
return intersection;
simplexVertices.Insert(edge.index, support);
return intersection;
private static Edge FindClosestEdge(PolygonWinding winding, SimplexVertexBuffer simplexVertices)
var closestDistance = float.PositiveInfinity;
var closestNormal = Vector2.Zero;
var closestIndex = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < simplexVertices.Length; i++)
var j = i + 1;
if (j >= simplexVertices.Length) { j = 0; }
var edge = simplexVertices[j] - simplexVertices[i];
Vector2 norm;
if (winding == PolygonWinding.Clockwise)
norm = Vector2.Normalize(new Vector2(edge.Y, -edge.X));
norm = Vector2.Normalize(new Vector2(-edge.Y, edge.X));
var dist = Vector2.Dot(norm, simplexVertices[i]);
if (dist < closestDistance)
closestDistance = dist;
closestNormal = norm;
closestIndex = j;
return new Edge(closestDistance, closestNormal, closestIndex);
private static Vector2 CalculateSupport(IShape2D shapeA, Transform2D Transform2DA, IShape2D shapeB, Transform2D Transform2DB, Vector2 direction)
return shapeA.Support(direction, Transform2DA) - shapeB.Support(-direction, Transform2DB);
private static (bool, Simplex2D) Check(MinkowskiDifference minkowskiDifference, Vector2 c, Vector2 b)
var cb = c - b;
var c0 = -c;
var d = Direction(cb, c0);
return DoSimplex(minkowskiDifference, new Simplex2D(b, c), d);
private static (bool, Simplex2D) DoSimplex(MinkowskiDifference minkowskiDifference, Simplex2D simplex, Vector2 direction)
var a = minkowskiDifference.Support(direction);
var notPastOrigin = Vector2.Dot(a, direction) < 0;
var (intersects, newSimplex, newDirection) = EnclosesOrigin(a, simplex);
if (notPastOrigin)
return (false, default(Simplex2D));
else if (intersects)
return (true, new Simplex2D(simplex.A, simplex.B.Value, a));
return DoSimplex(minkowskiDifference, newSimplex, newDirection);
private static (bool, Simplex2D, Vector2) EnclosesOrigin(Vector2 a, Simplex2D simplex)
if (simplex.ZeroSimplex)
return HandleZeroSimplex(a, simplex.A);
else if (simplex.OneSimplex)
return HandleOneSimplex(a, simplex.A, simplex.B.Value);
return (false, simplex, Vector2.Zero);
private static (bool, Simplex2D, Vector2) HandleZeroSimplex(Vector2 a, Vector2 b)
var ab = b - a;
var a0 = -a;
var (newSimplex, newDirection) = SameDirection(ab, a0) ? (new Simplex2D(a, b), Perpendicular(ab, a0)) : (new Simplex2D(a), a0);
return (false, newSimplex, newDirection);
private static (bool, Simplex2D, Vector2) HandleOneSimplex(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 c)
var a0 = -a;
var ab = b - a;
var ac = c - a;
var abp = Perpendicular(ab, -ac);
var acp = Perpendicular(ac, -ab);
if (SameDirection(abp, a0))
if (SameDirection(ab, a0))
return (false, new Simplex2D(a, b), abp);
return (false, new Simplex2D(a), a0);
else if (SameDirection(acp, a0))
if (SameDirection(ac, a0))
return (false, new Simplex2D(a, c), acp);
return (false, new Simplex2D(a), a0);
return (true, new Simplex2D(b, c), a0);
private static Vector2 TripleProduct(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 c)
var A = new Vector3(a.X, a.Y, 0);
var B = new Vector3(b.X, b.Y, 0);
var C = new Vector3(c.X, c.Y, 0);
var first = Vector3.Cross(A, B);
var second = Vector3.Cross(first, C);
return new Vector2(second.X, second.Y);
private static Vector2 Direction(Vector2 a, Vector2 b)
var d = TripleProduct(a, b, a);
var collinear = d == Vector2.Zero;
return collinear ? new Vector2(a.Y, -a.X) : d;
private static bool SameDirection(Vector2 a, Vector2 b)
return Vector2.Dot(a, b) > 0;
private static Vector2 Perpendicular(Vector2 a, Vector2 b)
return TripleProduct(a, b, a);