
cosmonaut 2021-01-05 16:01:27 -08:00
parent a72fa440a4
commit 01ce1a1c28
1 changed files with 165 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -421,5 +421,170 @@ namespace RefreshSharp
public uint writeMask;
public uint reference;
public struct ColorTargetBlendState
public byte blendEnable;
public BlendFactor sourceColorBlendFactor;
public BlendFactor destinationColorBlendFactor;
public BlendOp colorBlendOp;
public BlendFactor sourceAlphaBlendFactor;
public BlendFactor destinationAlphaBlendFactor;
public BlendOp alphaBlendOp;
public uint colorWriteMask;
public struct ComputePipelineLayoutCreateInfo
public uint bufferBindingCount;
public uint imageBindingCount;
public struct GraphicsPipelineLayoutCreateInfo
public uint vertexSamplerBindingCount;
public uint fragmentSamplerBindingCount;
public struct ColorTargetDescription
public ColorFormat format;
public SampleCount multisampleCount;
public LoadOp loadOp;
public StoreOp storeOp;
public struct DepthStencilTargetDescription
public DepthFormat depthFormat;
public LoadOp loadOp;
public StoreOp storeOp;
public LoadOp stencilLoadOp;
public StoreOp stencilStoreOp;
public unsafe struct RenderPassCreateInfo
public ColorTargetDescription* colorTargetDescriptions;
public uint colorTargetCount;
public DepthStencilTargetDescription* depthStencilTargetDescription;
public unsafe struct ShaderModuleCreateInfo
public UIntPtr codeSize; /* size_t */
public uint* byteCode;
public unsafe struct ShaderStageStage
public IntPtr shaderModule;
public string entryPointName;
public UInt64 uniformBufferSize;
public struct TopologyState
public PrimitiveType topology;
public unsafe struct ViewportState
public Viewport* viewports;
public uint viewportCount;
public Rect* scissors;
public uint scissorCount;
public struct RasterizerState
public byte depthClampEnable;
public FillMode fillMode;
public CullMode cullMode;
public FrontFace frontFace;
public byte depthBiasEnable;
public float depthBiasConstantFactor;
public float depthBiasClamp;
public float depthBiasSlopeFactor;
public float lineWidth;
public struct MultisampleState
public SampleCount multisampleCount;
public uint sampleMask;
public struct DepthStencilState
public byte depthTestEnable;
public byte depthWriteEnable;
public CompareOp compareOp;
public byte depthBoundsTestEnable;
public byte stencilTestEnable;
public StencilOpState frontStencilState;
public StencilOpState backStencilState;
public float minDepthBounds;
public float maxDepthBounds;
public unsafe struct ColorBlendState
public byte logicOpEnable;
public LogicOp logicOp;
public ColorTargetBlendState* blendStates;
public uint blendStateCount;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeConst = 4)]
public float[] blendConstants;
public struct ComputePipelineCreateInfo
ShaderStageStage computeShaderState;
ComputePipelineLayoutCreateInfo pipelineLayoutCreateInfo;
public struct GraphicsPipelineCreateInfo
public ShaderStageStage vertexShaderState;
public ShaderStageStage fragmentShaderStage;
public VertexInputState vertexInputState;
public TopologyState topologyState;
public ViewportState viewportState;
public RasterizerState rasterizerStage;
public MultisampleState multisampleState;
public DepthStencilState depthStencilState;
public ColorBlendState colorBlendState;
public GraphicsPipelineLayoutCreateInfo pipelineLayoutCreateInfo;
public IntPtr renderPass;
public struct FramebufferCreateInfo
public IntPtr renderPass;
public IntPtr pColorTargets;
public uint colorTargetCount;
public IntPtr depthStencilTarget;
public uint width;
public uint height;