using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using RefreshCS; namespace MoonWorks.Graphics { /// /// A framebuffer is a collection of render targets that is rendered to during a render pass. /// public class Framebuffer : GraphicsResource { protected override Action QueueDestroyFunction => Refresh.Refresh_QueueDestroyFramebuffer; public RenderTarget DepthStencilTarget { get; } private RenderTarget[] colorTargets { get; } public IEnumerable ColorTargets => colorTargets; public RenderPass RenderPass { get; } public uint Width { get; } public uint Height { get; } /// /// Creates a framebuffer. /// /// An initialized GraphicsDevice. /// The width of the framebuffer. /// The height of the framebuffer. /// The reference render pass for the framebuffer. /// The depth stencil target. Can be null. /// Anywhere from 0-4 color targets can be provided. public unsafe Framebuffer( GraphicsDevice device, uint width, uint height, RenderPass renderPass, RenderTarget depthStencilTarget, params RenderTarget[] colorTargets ) : base(device) { IntPtr[] colorTargetHandles = new IntPtr[colorTargets.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < colorTargets.Length; i += 1) { colorTargetHandles[i] = colorTargets[i].Handle; } IntPtr depthStencilTargetHandle; if (depthStencilTarget == null) { depthStencilTargetHandle = IntPtr.Zero; } else { depthStencilTargetHandle = depthStencilTarget.Handle; } fixed (IntPtr* colorTargetHandlesPtr = colorTargetHandles) { Refresh.FramebufferCreateInfo framebufferCreateInfo = new Refresh.FramebufferCreateInfo { width = width, height = height, colorTargetCount = (uint) colorTargets.Length, pColorTargets = (IntPtr) colorTargetHandlesPtr, depthStencilTarget = depthStencilTargetHandle, renderPass = renderPass.Handle }; Handle = Refresh.Refresh_CreateFramebuffer(device.Handle, framebufferCreateInfo); } DepthStencilTarget = depthStencilTarget; this.colorTargets = new RenderTarget[colorTargets.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < colorTargets.Length; i++) { this.colorTargets[i] = colorTargets[i]; } RenderPass = renderPass; Width = width; Height = height; } } }