using System; namespace MoonWorks.Audio { /// /// Emits audio from submitted audio buffers. /// public abstract class SourceVoice : Voice { private Format format; public Format Format => format; protected bool PlaybackInitiated; /// /// The number of buffers queued in the voice. /// This includes the currently playing voice! /// public uint BuffersQueued { get { FAudio.FAudioSourceVoice_GetState( Handle, out var state, FAudio.FAUDIO_VOICE_NOSAMPLESPLAYED ); return state.BuffersQueued; } } private SoundState state = SoundState.Stopped; public SoundState State { get { if (BuffersQueued == 0) { Stop(); } return state; } internal set { state = value; } } protected object StateLock = new object(); public SourceVoice( AudioDevice device, Format format ) : base(device, format.Channels, device.DeviceDetails.OutputFormat.Format.nChannels) { this.format = format; var fAudioFormat = format.ToFAudioFormat(); FAudio.FAudio_CreateSourceVoice( device.Handle, out handle, ref fAudioFormat, FAudio.FAUDIO_VOICE_USEFILTER, FAudio.FAUDIO_DEFAULT_FREQ_RATIO, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, // default sends to mastering voice! IntPtr.Zero ); SetOutputVoice(device.MasteringVoice); } /// /// Starts consumption and processing of audio by the voice. /// Delivers the result to any connected submix or mastering voice. /// /// Optional. Denotes that the operation will be pending until AudioDevice.TriggerSyncGroup is called. public void Play(uint syncGroup = FAudio.FAUDIO_COMMIT_NOW) { lock (StateLock) { FAudio.FAudioSourceVoice_Start(Handle, 0, syncGroup); State = SoundState.Playing; } } /// /// Pauses playback. /// All source buffers that are queued on the voice and the current cursor position are preserved. /// /// Optional. Denotes that the operation will be pending until AudioDevice.TriggerSyncGroup is called. public void Pause(uint syncGroup = FAudio.FAUDIO_COMMIT_NOW) { lock (StateLock) { FAudio.FAudioSourceVoice_Stop(Handle, 0, syncGroup); State = SoundState.Paused; } } /// /// Stops looping the voice when it reaches the end of the current loop region. /// If the cursor for the voice is not in a loop region, ExitLoop does nothing. /// /// Optional. Denotes that the operation will be pending until AudioDevice.TriggerSyncGroup is called. public void ExitLoop(uint syncGroup = FAudio.FAUDIO_COMMIT_NOW) { lock (StateLock) { FAudio.FAudioSourceVoice_ExitLoop(Handle, syncGroup); } } /// /// Stops playback and removes all pending audio buffers from the voice queue. /// /// Optional. Denotes that the operation will be pending until AudioDevice.TriggerSyncGroup is called. public void Stop(uint syncGroup = FAudio.FAUDIO_COMMIT_NOW) { lock (StateLock) { FAudio.FAudioSourceVoice_Stop(Handle, 0, syncGroup); FAudio.FAudioSourceVoice_FlushSourceBuffers(Handle); State = SoundState.Stopped; } } /// /// Adds an AudioBuffer to the voice queue. /// The voice processes and plays back the buffers in its queue in the order that they were submitted. /// /// The buffer to submit to the voice. public void Submit(AudioBuffer buffer) { Submit(buffer.ToFAudioBuffer()); } /// /// Calculates positional sound. This must be called continuously to update positional sound. /// /// /// public unsafe void Apply3D(AudioListener listener, AudioEmitter emitter) { Is3D = true; emitter.emitterData.CurveDistanceScaler = Device.CurveDistanceScalar; emitter.emitterData.ChannelCount = SourceChannelCount; var dspSettings = new FAudio.F3DAUDIO_DSP_SETTINGS { DopplerFactor = DopplerFactor, SrcChannelCount = SourceChannelCount, DstChannelCount = DestinationChannelCount, pMatrixCoefficients = (nint) pMatrixCoefficients }; FAudio.F3DAudioCalculate( Device.Handle3D, ref listener.listenerData, ref emitter.emitterData, FAudio.F3DAUDIO_CALCULATE_MATRIX | FAudio.F3DAUDIO_CALCULATE_DOPPLER, ref dspSettings ); UpdatePitch(); FAudio.FAudioVoice_SetOutputMatrix( Handle, OutputVoice.Handle, SourceChannelCount, DestinationChannelCount, (nint) pMatrixCoefficients, 0 ); } /// /// Specifies that this source voice can be returned to the voice pool. /// Holding on to the reference after calling this will cause problems! /// public void Return() { Stop(); Device.Return(this); } /// /// Called automatically by AudioDevice in the audio thread. /// Don't call this yourself! You might regret it! /// public virtual void Update() { } /// /// Adds an FAudio buffer to the voice queue. /// The voice processes and plays back the buffers in its queue in the order that they were submitted. /// /// The buffer to submit to the voice. protected void Submit(FAudio.FAudioBuffer buffer) { lock (StateLock) { FAudio.FAudioSourceVoice_SubmitSourceBuffer( Handle, ref buffer, IntPtr.Zero ); } } public override void Reset() { Stop(); PlaybackInitiated = false; base.Reset(); } protected override unsafe void Destroy() { Stop(); base.Destroy(); } } }