using System.Collections.Generic; using MoonWorks.Math; namespace MoonWorks.Collision { /// /// A rectangle is a shape defined by a width and height. The origin is the center of the rectangle. /// public struct Rectangle : IShape2D, System.IEquatable { public AABB2D AABB { get; } public int Width { get; } public int Height { get; } public int Right { get; } public int Left { get; } public int Top { get; } public int Bottom { get; } public Vector2 TopLeft { get; } public Vector2 BottomRight { get; } public Vector2 Min { get; } public Vector2 Max { get; } public IEnumerable Shapes { get { yield return this; } } public Rectangle(int left, int top, int width, int height) { Width = width; Height = height; Left = left; Right = left + width; Top = top; Bottom = top + height; AABB = new AABB2D(left, top, Right, Bottom); TopLeft = new Vector2(Left, Top); BottomRight = new Vector2(Right, Bottom); Min = AABB.Min; Max = AABB.Max; } private Vector2 Support(Vector2 direction) { if (direction.X >= 0 && direction.Y >= 0) { return Max; } else if (direction.X >= 0 && direction.Y < 0) { return new Vector2(Max.X, Min.Y); } else if (direction.X < 0 && direction.Y >= 0) { return new Vector2(Min.X, Max.Y); } else if (direction.X < 0 && direction.Y < 0) { return new Vector2(Min.X, Min.Y); } else { throw new System.ArgumentException("Support vector direction cannot be zero."); } } public Vector2 Support(Vector2 direction, Transform2D transform) { Matrix3x2 inverseTransform; Matrix3x2.Invert(transform.TransformMatrix, out inverseTransform); var inverseDirection = Vector2.TransformNormal(direction, inverseTransform); return Vector2.Transform(Support(inverseDirection), transform.TransformMatrix); } public AABB2D TransformedAABB(Transform2D transform) { return AABB2D.Transformed(AABB, transform); } public override bool Equals(object obj) { return obj is IShape2D other && Equals(other); } public bool Equals(IShape2D other) { return (other is Rectangle rectangle && Equals(rectangle)); } public bool Equals(Rectangle other) { return Min == other.Min && Max == other.Max; } public override int GetHashCode() { return System.HashCode.Combine(Min, Max); } public static bool operator ==(Rectangle a, Rectangle b) { return a.Equals(b); } public static bool operator !=(Rectangle a, Rectangle b) { return !(a == b); } } }