using SDL2; using System; namespace MoonWorks.Input { public class Inputs { public const int MAX_GAMEPADS = 4; public Keyboard Keyboard { get; } public Mouse Mouse { get; } Gamepad[] gamepads; public static event Action TextInput; public bool AnyPressed { get; private set; } public VirtualButton AnyPressedButton { get; private set; } internal Inputs() { Keyboard = new Keyboard(); Mouse = new Mouse(); gamepads = new Gamepad[MAX_GAMEPADS]; // initialize dummy controllers for (var slot = 0; slot < MAX_GAMEPADS; slot += 1) { gamepads[slot] = new Gamepad(IntPtr.Zero, slot); } } // Assumes that SDL_PumpEvents has been called! internal void Update() { AnyPressed = false; AnyPressedButton = default; // DeviceKind.None Keyboard.Update(); if (Keyboard.AnyPressed) { AnyPressed = true; AnyPressedButton = Keyboard.AnyPressedButton; } Mouse.Update(); if (Mouse.AnyPressed) { AnyPressed = true; AnyPressedButton = Mouse.AnyPressedButton; } foreach (var gamepad in gamepads) { gamepad.Update(); if (gamepad.AnyPressed) { AnyPressed = true; AnyPressedButton = gamepad.AnyPressedButton; } } } public bool GamepadExists(int slot) { if (slot < 0 || slot >= MAX_GAMEPADS) { return false; } return !gamepads[slot].IsDummy; } // From 0-4 public Gamepad GetGamepad(int slot) { return gamepads[slot]; } internal void AddGamepad(int index) { for (var slot = 0; slot < MAX_GAMEPADS; slot += 1) { if (!GamepadExists(slot)) { var openResult = SDL.SDL_GameControllerOpen(index); if (openResult == 0) { System.Console.WriteLine($"Error opening gamepad!"); System.Console.WriteLine(SDL.SDL_GetError()); } else { gamepads[slot].Handle = openResult; System.Console.WriteLine($"Gamepad added to slot {slot}!"); } return; } } System.Console.WriteLine("Too many gamepads already!"); } internal void RemoveGamepad(int joystickInstanceID) { for (int slot = 0; slot < MAX_GAMEPADS; slot += 1) { if (joystickInstanceID == gamepads[slot].JoystickInstanceID) { SDL.SDL_GameControllerClose(gamepads[slot].Handle); gamepads[slot].Handle = IntPtr.Zero; System.Console.WriteLine($"Removing gamepad from slot {slot}!"); return; } } } internal static void OnTextInput(char c) { if (TextInput != null) { TextInput(c); } } } }