const Entity = @import("entity.zig").Entity; const std = @import("std"); const mem = std.mem; const testing = std.testing; const Allocator = mem.Allocator; pub fn ComponentStore(comptime TComponent: type) type { return struct { const Self = @This(); nextIndex: usize = 0, allocator: *Allocator, entityIDToIndex: std.AutoArrayHashMap(usize, usize), indexToEntity: std.ArrayList(Entity), components: std.ArrayList(TComponent), safeDeinit: fn (*Self) void, pub fn init(allocator: *Allocator) Self { return Self { .allocator = allocator, .entityIDToIndex = std.AutoArrayHashMap(usize, usize).init(allocator), .indexToEntity = std.ArrayList(Entity).init(allocator), .components = std.ArrayList(TComponent).init(allocator), .safeDeinit = struct { // we need to enclose the type here // which is why this indirection exists for deinit fn deinit(self: *Self) void { self.entityIDToIndex.deinit(); self.indexToEntity.deinit(); self.components.deinit(); } }.deinit, }; } pub fn heapInit(allocator: *Allocator) *Self { var ptr = allocator.create(Self) catch unreachable; ptr.* = init(allocator); return ptr; } pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void { self.safeDeinit(self); } pub fn has(self: Self, entityID: usize) bool { return self.entityIDToIndex.contains(entityID); } pub fn set(self: *Self, entityID: usize, component: TComponent) void { if (!self.entityIDToIndex.contains(entityID)) { const index = self.nextIndex; self.nextIndex += 1; // FIXME: actually handle OOM self.components.append(component) catch unreachable; self.entityIDToIndex.put(entityID, index) catch unreachable; self.indexToEntity.append(Entity { .ID = entityID }) catch unreachable; } else { self.components.items[self.entityIDToIndex.get(entityID).?] = component; } } pub fn count(self: Self) usize { return self.components.items.len; } pub fn get(self: Self, entityID: usize) !TComponent { var index = self.entityIDToIndex.get(entityID) orelse error.NoComponentError; return self.components.items[try index]; } pub fn remove(self: *Self, entityID: usize) void { if (self.entityIDToIndex.contains(entityID)) { var storageIndex = self.entityIDToIndex.get(entityID).?; var lastEntity = self.indexToEntity.items[self.nextIndex - 1]; self.entityIDToIndex.put(lastEntity.ID, storageIndex) catch unreachable; var removedComponent = self.components.swapRemove(storageIndex); var removedEntityID = self.indexToEntity.swapRemove(storageIndex); var removedEntry = self.entityIDToIndex.remove(entityID); self.nextIndex -= 1; } } pub fn all_components(self: Self) []TComponent { return self.components.items; } pub fn all_entities(self: Self) []Entity { return self.indexToEntity.items; } }; } const TestComponent = struct { number: i32, }; test "component store set item" { const component = TestComponent { .number = 3 }; var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator); defer arena.deinit(); const allocator = &arena.allocator; var component_store = ComponentStore(TestComponent).init(allocator); component_store.set(12, component); testing.expect(component_store.count() == 1); testing.expect(component_store.has(12)); testing.expect((try component_store.get(12)).number == component.number); } test "iterate items" { const component = TestComponent { .number = 3 }; const componentTwo = TestComponent { .number = 10 }; const componentThree = TestComponent { .number = 15 }; var component_store = ComponentStore(TestComponent).init(std.testing.allocator); defer component_store.deinit(); component_store.set(3, component); component_store.set(5, componentTwo); component_store.set(8, componentThree); var all_components = component_store.all_components(); testing.expect(all_components[0].number == 3); testing.expect(all_components[1].number == 10); testing.expect(all_components[2].number == 15); } test "has item" { const component = TestComponent { .number = 3 }; var component_store = ComponentStore(TestComponent).init(std.testing.allocator); defer component_store.deinit(); component_store.set(5, component); testing.expect(component_store.has(5)); testing.expect(!component_store.has(6)); } test "remove item" { const component = TestComponent { .number = 5 }; const componentTwo = TestComponent { .number = 87 }; const componentThree = TestComponent { .number = 124 }; var component_store = ComponentStore(TestComponent).init(std.testing.allocator); defer component_store.deinit(); component_store.set(5, component); component_store.set(10, componentTwo); component_store.set(15, componentThree); component_store.remove(10); testing.expect(component_store.has(5)); testing.expect(component_store.has(15)); testing.expect(!component_store.has(10)); testing.expect((try component_store.get(5)).number == 5); testing.expect((try component_store.get(15)).number == 124); }