using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using System.Linq; using Encompass.Exceptions; using Encompass.Engines; using MoonTools.Core.Graph; using MoonTools.Core.Graph.Extensions; namespace Encompass { /// /// WorldBuilder is used to construct a World from Engines, Renderers, and an initial state of Entities, Components, and Messages. /// /// /// WorldBuilder enforces certain rules about Engine structure. It is forbidden to have messages create cycles between Engines, /// and no Component may be written by more than one Engine. /// The WorldBuilder uses Engines and their Message read/emit information to determine a valid ordering of the Engines, which is given to the World. /// public class WorldBuilder { private readonly List engines = new List(); private readonly DirectedGraph engineGraph = GraphBuilder.DirectedGraph(); private readonly ComponentManager componentManager; private readonly EntityManager entityManager; private readonly MessageManager messageManager; private readonly ComponentMessageManager componentMessageManager; private readonly DrawLayerManager drawLayerManager; private readonly RenderManager renderManager; private readonly Dictionary> typeToReaders = new Dictionary>(); private readonly HashSet senders = new HashSet(); private readonly HashSet registeredComponentTypes = new HashSet(); public WorldBuilder() { drawLayerManager = new DrawLayerManager(); componentManager = new ComponentManager(drawLayerManager); messageManager = new MessageManager(); componentMessageManager = new ComponentMessageManager(); entityManager = new EntityManager(componentManager, componentMessageManager); renderManager = new RenderManager(componentManager, drawLayerManager); } /// /// Creates and returns a new empty Entity. /// public Entity CreateEntity() { return entityManager.CreateEntity(); } /// /// Specifies that the given Message should be sent immediately on the first World Update. /// public void SendMessage(TMessage message) where TMessage : struct, IMessage { messageManager.AddMessage(message); } /// /// Specifies that the given Message should be sent after the specified number of seconds after the first World Update. /// public void SendMessageDelayed(TMessage message, double time) where TMessage : struct, IMessage { messageManager.AddMessageDelayed(message, time); } /// /// Sets Component data for the specified Component Type on the specified Entity. /// public Guid SetComponent(Entity entity, TComponent component, int priority = 0) where TComponent : struct, IComponent { return componentManager.MarkComponentForWrite(entity, component, priority); } /// /// Sets Draw Component data for the specified Component Type on the specified Entity. /// This method must be used for the Draw Component to be readable by an OrderedRenderer. /// public Guid SetDrawComponent(Entity entity, TComponent component, int priority = 0, int layer = 0) where TComponent : struct, IComponent, IDrawComponent { return componentManager.MarkDrawComponentForWrite(entity, component, priority, layer); } internal void RegisterComponent(Type componentType) { registeredComponentTypes.Add(componentType); AddEngine((Engine)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(ComponentMessageEmitter<>).MakeGenericType(componentType))); } /// /// Adds the specified Engine to the World. /// /// An instance of an Engine. public Engine AddEngine(TEngine engine) where TEngine : Engine { engine.AssignEntityManager(entityManager); engine.AssignComponentManager(componentManager); engine.AssignMessageManager(messageManager); engine.AssignComponentMessageManager(componentMessageManager); engines.Add(engine); engineGraph.AddNode(engine); var messageReceiveTypes = engine.receiveTypes; var messageSendTypes = engine.sendTypes; foreach (var messageType in messageReceiveTypes.Union(messageSendTypes)) { messageManager.RegisterMessageType(messageType); } foreach (var messageType in messageReceiveTypes.Intersect(messageSendTypes)) { if ((messageType.IsGenericType && messageType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(PendingComponentMessage<>))) { var componentType = messageType.GetGenericArguments().Single(); throw new EngineSelfCycleException("Engine {0} both activates and reads pending Component {1}", engine.GetType().Name, componentType.Name); } throw new EngineSelfCycleException("Engine {0} both receives and sends Message {1}", engine.GetType().Name, messageType.Name); } if (messageSendTypes.Any()) { senders.Add(engine); } foreach (var receiveType in engine.receiveTypes) { if (receiveType.IsGenericType) { var genericTypeDefinition = receiveType.GetGenericTypeDefinition(); if (genericTypeDefinition == typeof(ComponentMessage<>) || genericTypeDefinition == typeof(PendingComponentMessage<>)) { var componentType = receiveType.GetGenericArguments().Single(); if (!registeredComponentTypes.Contains(componentType)) { RegisterComponent(componentType); } } } if (!typeToReaders.ContainsKey(receiveType)) { typeToReaders.Add(receiveType, new HashSet()); } typeToReaders[receiveType].Add(engine); } return engine; } /// /// Adds the specified OrderedRenderer to the World. /// public OrderedRenderer AddOrderedRenderer(OrderedRenderer renderer) where TComponent : struct, IComponent, IDrawComponent { renderer.AssignEntityManager(entityManager); renderer.AssignComponentManager(componentManager); renderManager.RegisterOrderedRenderer(renderer.InternalRender); return renderer; } /// /// Adds the specified GeneralRenderer to the World at the specified layer. /// Higher layer numbers draw on top of lower layer numbers. /// /// An instance of a GeneralRenderer. /// The layer at which the GeneralRenderer should render. Higher numbers draw over lower numbers. public TRenderer AddGeneralRenderer(TRenderer renderer, int layer) where TRenderer : GeneralRenderer { renderer.AssignEntityManager(entityManager); renderer.AssignComponentManager(componentManager); renderManager.RegisterGeneralRendererWithLayer(renderer, layer); return renderer; } private void BuildEngineGraph() { foreach (var senderEngine in senders) { foreach (var messageType in senderEngine.sendTypes) { if (typeToReaders.ContainsKey(messageType)) { foreach (var readerEngine in typeToReaders[messageType]) { if (senderEngine != readerEngine) { if (!engineGraph.Exists(senderEngine, readerEngine)) { engineGraph.AddEdge(senderEngine, readerEngine); } } } } } } } /// /// Builds the World out of the state specified on the WorldBuilder. /// Validates and constructs an ordering of the given Engines. /// /// An instance of World. public World Build() { BuildEngineGraph(); if (engineGraph.Cyclic()) { var cycles = engineGraph.SimpleCycles(); var errorString = "Cycle(s) found in Engines: "; foreach (var cycle in cycles) { var reversed = cycle.Reverse(); errorString += "\n" + string.Join(" -> ", reversed.Select((engine) => engine.GetType().Name)) + " -> " + reversed.First().GetType().Name; } throw new EngineCycleException(errorString); } var writtenComponentTypesWithoutPriority = new HashSet(); var writtenComponentTypesWithPriority = new HashSet(); var duplicateWritesWithoutPriority = new List(); var duplicateWritesWithSamePriority = new List(); var writePriorities = new Dictionary>(); var writeMessageToEngines = new Dictionary>(); foreach (var engine in engines) { var defaultWritePriorityAttribute = engine.GetType().GetCustomAttribute(false); var writeTypes = engine.sendTypes.Where((type) => type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(ComponentWriteMessage<>)); foreach (var writeType in writeTypes) { var componentType = writeType.GetGenericArguments()[0]; int? priority = null; if (engine.writePriorities.ContainsKey(componentType)) { priority = engine.writePriorities[componentType]; } else if (defaultWritePriorityAttribute != null) { priority = defaultWritePriorityAttribute.writePriority; } if (priority.HasValue) { writtenComponentTypesWithPriority.Add(componentType); if (!writePriorities.ContainsKey(componentType)) { writePriorities[componentType] = new HashSet(); } if (writePriorities[componentType].Contains(priority.Value)) { duplicateWritesWithSamePriority.Add(componentType); } else if (writtenComponentTypesWithoutPriority.Contains(componentType)) { duplicateWritesWithoutPriority.Add(componentType); } else { writePriorities[componentType].Add(priority.Value); } } else { if (writtenComponentTypesWithoutPriority.Contains(componentType) || writtenComponentTypesWithPriority.Contains(componentType)) { duplicateWritesWithoutPriority.Add(componentType); } else { writtenComponentTypesWithoutPriority.Add(componentType); } } if (!writeMessageToEngines.ContainsKey(componentType)) { writeMessageToEngines[componentType] = new List(); } writeMessageToEngines[componentType].Add(engine); } } if (duplicateWritesWithoutPriority.Count > 0) { var errorString = "Multiple Engines write the same Component without declaring priority: "; foreach (var componentType in duplicateWritesWithoutPriority) { errorString += "\n" + componentType.Name + " written by: " + string.Join(", ", writeMessageToEngines[componentType].Select((engine) => engine.GetType().Name)); } errorString += "\nTo resolve the conflict, add priority arguments to the Writes declarations or use a DefaultWritePriority attribute."; throw new EngineWriteConflictException(errorString); } if (duplicateWritesWithSamePriority.Count > 0) { var errorString = "Multiple Engines write the same Component with the same priority: "; foreach (var componentType in duplicateWritesWithSamePriority) { errorString += "\n" + componentType.Name + " written by: " + string.Join(", ", writeMessageToEngines[componentType].Select(engine => engine.GetType().Name)); } errorString += "\nTo resolve the conflict, add priority arguments to the Writes declarations or use a DefaultWritePriority attribute."; throw new EngineWriteConflictException(errorString); } var engineOrder = new List(); foreach (var engine in engineGraph.TopologicalSort()) { engineOrder.Add(engine); } var world = new World( engineOrder, entityManager, componentManager, messageManager, componentMessageManager, renderManager ); componentManager.RemoveMarkedComponents(); componentManager.WriteComponents(); return world; } } }