--- title: "Title" date: 2019-06-09T16:51:13-07:00 weight: 20 --- It would be nice to have a title screen. Let's make that happen. I would like us to have a concept of game state. The title menu is a pretty distinct thing from the game itself so it feels nicer to have it be self contained instead of managing extra state in the game world. Let's create a new class in **game/state.ts**: ```ts export abstract class State { public abstract load(): void; public abstract update(dt: number): void; public abstract draw(): void; } ``` Let's create a new folder, **game/states**, and put **game.ts** in there. Let's also make it inherit from State: ```ts export class Game extends State { ``` Let's make a new State called Title. It doesn't need to do much - just display the game title and a prompt for the player to start the game. ```ts import { State } from "game/state"; export class Title extends State { private title_font: Font; private title_text: Text; private play_font: Font; private play_text: Text; public load() { this.title_font = love.graphics.newFont("game/assets/fonts/Squared Display.ttf", 128); this.title_text = love.graphics.newText(this.title_font, "Encompass Pong"); this.play_font = love.graphics.newFont("game/assets/fonts/Squared Display.ttf", 32); this.play_text = love.graphics.newText(this.play_font, "Press Space"); } public update() {} public draw() { love.graphics.draw( this.title_text, 640, 240, 0, 1, 1, this.title_text.getWidth() * 0.5, this.title_text.getHeight() * 0.5, ); love.graphics.draw( this.play_text, 640, 480, 0, 1, 1, this.play_text.getWidth() * 0.5, this.play_text.getHeight() * 0.5, ); } } ``` Now in **main.ts** we can put code to handle our states. ```ts let menu: Title; let game: Game; let current_state: State; love.load = () => { ... menu = new Menu(); menu.load(); game = new Game(); game.load(); current_state = menu; }; love.update = (dt) => { current_state.update(dt); if (current_state === menu) { if (love.keyboard.isDown("space")) { current_state = game; } } }; love.draw = () => { current_state.draw(); ... } ``` The final result of **main.ts** should look like this. ```ts declare global {let PROF_CAPTURE: boolean; } PROF_CAPTURE = false; // set this to true to enable profiling import * as jprof from "encompass-jprof"; import { State } from "game/state"; import { Game } from "game/states/game"; import { Title } from "game/states/title"; let menu: Title; let game: Game; let current_state: State; love.load = () => { love.window.setMode(1280, 720, {vsync: false, msaa: 2}); love.math.setRandomSeed(os.time()); love.mouse.setVisible(false); menu = new Title(); menu.load(); game = new Game(); game.load(); current_state = menu; }; love.update = (dt) => { current_state.update(dt); if (current_state === menu) { if (love.keyboard.isDown("space")) { current_state = game; } } }; love.draw = () => { current_state.draw(); love.graphics.setBlendMode("alpha"); love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1); love.graphics.print("Current FPS: " + tostring(love.timer.getFPS()), 10, 10); }; love.quit = () => { jprof.write("prof.mpack"); return false; }; ``` Let's try it! ![pong title](/images/pong-title.png) Nice!