--- title: "Component" date: 2019-05-22T12:51:29-07:00 weight: 5 --- A Component is a structure of related data. To define a Component, declare a struct which implements the **IComponent** interface. ```cs using Encompass; using System.Numerics; public struct VelocityComponent : IComponent { public Vector2 Velocity { get; } public VelocityComponent(Vector2 velocity) { Velocity = velocity; } } ``` Components are attached to Entities with the **SetComponent** method. ```cs using Encompass; ... var worldBuilder = new WorldBuilder(); var entity = worldBuilder.CreateEntity(); worldBuilder.SetComponent(entity, new VelocityComponent(Vector2.One)); ``` **SetComponent** can also be used from within an **Engine**. We will talk more about this later. Components are always structs, meaning they follow value-type semantics. If you are used to working with classes you might find this confusing. One major point of difference is that value types are _copied_ rather that passed by reference by default. You can read more about value types here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/builtin-types/value-types If you use them idiomatically, you don't have to worry about them creating garbage collection pressure, so this is a big win for performance when working in C#. {{% notice warning %}} Components should **never** reference other Components directly. This breaks the principle of loose coupling. You **will** regret it if you do this. {{% /notice %}}