--- title: "SpatialHash" date: 2019-09-15T11:28:40-07:00 weight: 10 --- *SpatialHash* is used for broad-phase collision detection. It can quickly return a set of potential collisions of a transformed shape. *SpatialHash* takes an ID type that is used to avoid comparing certain shape-transforms. ## Methods ##### **public SpatialHash(int cellSize)** Constructor method. Takes an integer representing the width of a cell in the spatial hash. The cell width must not be too large or too small. If the cell width is too small, then shape-transforms will occupy many cells, and the hash check will have to check all of those cells for potential collisions. If the cell width is too large, then many shape-transforms will be contained in each cell and many expensive collision tests will have to be made. A good rule of thumb is picking a cell width that is roughly twice the size of the most common objects in your game. **Example:** ```cs var hash = new SpatialHash(16); ``` --- ##### **public void Insert(T id, IShape2D shape, Transform2D Transform2D)** Given an ID, a shape, and corresponding transform, inserts into the spatial hash. Uses the shape's AABB to insert into appropriate hash cells. **Example:** ```cs var hash = new SpatialHash(16); var circle = new MoonTools.Core.Bonk.Circle(8); var circleTransform = new Transform2D(new Vector2(16, 16)); var rect = new Rectangle(-2, -2, 2, 2); var rectTransform = new Transform2D(new Vector2(8, 8)); hash.Insert(0, circle, circleTransform); hash.Insert(1, rect, rectTransform); ``` --- ##### **public IEnumerable<(T, IShape2D, Transform2D)> Retrieve(T id, IShape2D shape, Transform2D Transform2D)** Given an ID, a shape, and corresponding transform, retrieves a set of potential collisions from the spatial hash. **Example:** ```cs var hash = new SpatialHash(16); var circle = new MoonTools.Core.Bonk.Circle(8); var circleTransform = new Transform2D(new Vector2(16, 16)); var rect = new Rectangle(-2, -2, 2, 2); var rectTransform = new Transform2D(new Vector2(8, 8)); hash.Insert(0, circle, circleTransform); hash.Insert(1, rect, rectTransform); hash.Retrieve(1, rect, rectTransform); ``` In this example, the circle we inserted will be in the *IEnumerable* returned by the *Retrieve* call because they both exist in the same hash cell. --- ##### **public void Clear()** Empties the spatial hash. Useful when the spatial hash contains dynamic data that needs to be updated.