using System; using MoonWorks; using MoonWorks.Graphics; using MoonWorks.Input; namespace MoonWorksGraphicsTests; class RenderTexture2DArrayExample : Example { private Texture RenderTarget; private float t; private Color[] colors = [ Color.Red, Color.Green, Color.Blue, ]; public override void Init(Window window, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Inputs inputs) { Window = window; GraphicsDevice = graphicsDevice; Window.SetTitle("RenderTexture2DArray"); RenderTarget = Texture.CreateTexture2DArray( GraphicsDevice, 16, 16, (uint) colors.Length, TextureFormat.R8G8B8A8, TextureUsageFlags.ColorTarget | TextureUsageFlags.Sampler ); CommandBuffer cmdbuf = GraphicsDevice.AcquireCommandBuffer(); // Clear each depth slice of the RT to a different color for (uint i = 0; i < colors.Length; i += 1) { ColorAttachmentInfo attachmentInfo = new ColorAttachmentInfo { TextureSlice = new TextureSlice { Texture = RenderTarget, Layer = i, MipLevel = 0 }, ClearColor = colors[i], LoadOp = LoadOp.Clear, StoreOp = StoreOp.Store }; var renderPass = cmdbuf.BeginRenderPass(attachmentInfo); cmdbuf.EndRenderPass(renderPass); } GraphicsDevice.Submit(cmdbuf); } public override void Update(System.TimeSpan delta) { } public override void Draw(double alpha) { t += 0.01f; t %= 3; CommandBuffer cmdbuf = GraphicsDevice.AcquireCommandBuffer(); Texture swapchainTexture = cmdbuf.AcquireSwapchainTexture(Window); if (swapchainTexture != null) { cmdbuf.Blit( new TextureRegion { TextureSlice = new TextureSlice { Texture = RenderTarget, Layer = (uint) MathF.Floor(t) }, Depth = 1 }, swapchainTexture, Filter.Nearest, false ); } GraphicsDevice.Submit(cmdbuf); } public override void Destroy() { RenderTarget.Dispose(); } }