using System; namespace MoonWorks.Audio { public class StaticSoundInstance : SoundInstance { public StaticSound Parent { get; } public bool Loop { get; set; } private SoundState _state = SoundState.Stopped; public override SoundState State { get { FAudio.FAudioSourceVoice_GetState( Voice, out var state, FAudio.FAUDIO_VOICE_NOSAMPLESPLAYED ); if (state.BuffersQueued == 0) { StopImmediate(); } return _state; } protected set { _state = value; } } public bool AutoFree { get; internal set; } internal StaticSoundInstance( AudioDevice device, StaticSound parent ) : base(device, parent.FormatTag, parent.BitsPerSample, parent.BlockAlign, parent.Channels, parent.SamplesPerSecond) { Parent = parent; } public override void Play() { PlayUsingOperationSet(0); } public override void QueueSyncPlay() { PlayUsingOperationSet(1); } private void PlayUsingOperationSet(uint operationSet) { if (State == SoundState.Playing) { return; } if (Loop) { Parent.Handle.LoopCount = 255; Parent.Handle.LoopBegin = Parent.LoopStart; Parent.Handle.LoopLength = Parent.LoopLength; } else { Parent.Handle.LoopCount = 0; Parent.Handle.LoopBegin = 0; Parent.Handle.LoopLength = 0; } FAudio.FAudioSourceVoice_SubmitSourceBuffer( Voice, ref Parent.Handle, IntPtr.Zero ); FAudio.FAudioSourceVoice_Start(Voice, 0, operationSet); State = SoundState.Playing; if (AutoFree) { Device.AddAutoFreeStaticSoundInstance(this); } } public override void Pause() { if (State == SoundState.Playing) { FAudio.FAudioSourceVoice_Stop(Voice, 0, 0); State = SoundState.Paused; } } public override void Stop() { FAudio.FAudioSourceVoice_ExitLoop(Voice, 0); State = SoundState.Stopped; } public override void StopImmediate() { FAudio.FAudioSourceVoice_Stop(Voice, 0, 0); FAudio.FAudioSourceVoice_FlushSourceBuffers(Voice); State = SoundState.Stopped; } public void Seek(uint sampleFrame) { if (State == SoundState.Playing) { FAudio.FAudioSourceVoice_Stop(Voice, 0, 0); FAudio.FAudioSourceVoice_FlushSourceBuffers(Voice); } Parent.Handle.PlayBegin = sampleFrame; } // Call this when you no longer need the sound instance. // If AutoFree is set, this will automatically be called when the sound instance stops playing. // If the sound isn't stopped when you call this, things might get weird! public void Free() { Parent.FreeInstance(this); } internal void Reset() { Pan = 0; Pitch = 0; Volume = 1; Loop = false; Is3D = false; FilterType = FilterType.None; } } }