using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using EasingFunction = System.Func; namespace MoonWorks.Audio { public abstract class SoundInstance : AudioResource { internal IntPtr Voice; private FAudio.FAudioWaveFormatEx format; public FAudio.FAudioWaveFormatEx Format => format; protected FAudio.F3DAUDIO_DSP_SETTINGS dspSettings; private ReverbEffect ReverbEffect; private FAudio.FAudioVoiceSends ReverbSends; public bool Is3D { get; protected set; } public virtual SoundState State { get; protected set; } private float pan = 0; public float Pan { get => pan; internal set { value = Math.MathHelper.Clamp(value, -1f, 1f); if (pan != value) { pan = value; if (pan < -1f) { pan = -1f; } if (pan > 1f) { pan = 1f; } if (Is3D) { return; } SetPanMatrixCoefficients(); FAudio.FAudioVoice_SetOutputMatrix( Voice, Device.MasteringVoice, dspSettings.SrcChannelCount, dspSettings.DstChannelCount, dspSettings.pMatrixCoefficients, 0 ); } } } private float pitch = 0; public float Pitch { get => pitch; internal set { value = Math.MathHelper.Clamp(value, -1f, 1f); if (pitch != value) { pitch = value; UpdatePitch(); } } } private float volume = 1; public float Volume { get => volume; internal set { value = Math.MathHelper.Max(0, value); if (volume != value) { volume = value; FAudio.FAudioVoice_SetVolume(Voice, volume, 0); } } } private const float MAX_FILTER_FREQUENCY = 1f; private const float MAX_FILTER_ONEOVERQ = 1.5f; private FAudio.FAudioFilterParameters filterParameters = new FAudio.FAudioFilterParameters { Type = FAudio.FAudioFilterType.FAudioLowPassFilter, Frequency = 1f, OneOverQ = 1f }; public float FilterFrequency { get => filterParameters.Frequency; internal set { value = System.Math.Clamp(value, 0.01f, MAX_FILTER_FREQUENCY); if (filterParameters.Frequency != value) { filterParameters.Frequency = value; FAudio.FAudioVoice_SetFilterParameters( Voice, ref filterParameters, 0 ); } } } public float FilterOneOverQ { get => filterParameters.OneOverQ; internal set { value = System.Math.Clamp(value, 0.01f, MAX_FILTER_ONEOVERQ); if (filterParameters.OneOverQ != value) { filterParameters.OneOverQ = value; FAudio.FAudioVoice_SetFilterParameters( Voice, ref filterParameters, 0 ); } } } private FilterType filterType; public FilterType FilterType { get => filterType; set { if (filterType != value) { filterType = value; switch (filterType) { case FilterType.None: filterParameters = new FAudio.FAudioFilterParameters { Type = FAudio.FAudioFilterType.FAudioLowPassFilter, Frequency = 1f, OneOverQ = 1f }; break; case FilterType.LowPass: filterParameters.Type = FAudio.FAudioFilterType.FAudioLowPassFilter; filterParameters.Frequency = 1f; break; case FilterType.BandPass: filterParameters.Type = FAudio.FAudioFilterType.FAudioBandPassFilter; break; case FilterType.HighPass: filterParameters.Type = FAudio.FAudioFilterType.FAudioHighPassFilter; filterParameters.Frequency = 0f; break; } FAudio.FAudioVoice_SetFilterParameters( Voice, ref filterParameters, 0 ); } } } private float reverb; public unsafe float Reverb { get => reverb; internal set { if (ReverbEffect != null) { value = MathF.Max(0, value); if (reverb != value) { reverb = value; float* outputMatrix = (float*) dspSettings.pMatrixCoefficients; outputMatrix[0] = reverb; if (dspSettings.SrcChannelCount == 2) { outputMatrix[1] = reverb; } FAudio.FAudioVoice_SetOutputMatrix( Voice, ReverbEffect.Voice, dspSettings.SrcChannelCount, 1, dspSettings.pMatrixCoefficients, 0 ); } } #if DEBUG if (ReverbEffect == null) { Logger.LogWarn("Tried to set reverb value before applying a reverb effect"); } #endif } } public unsafe SoundInstance( AudioDevice device, ushort formatTag, ushort bitsPerSample, ushort blockAlign, ushort channels, uint samplesPerSecond ) : base(device) { format = new FAudio.FAudioWaveFormatEx { wFormatTag = formatTag, wBitsPerSample = bitsPerSample, nChannels = channels, nBlockAlign = blockAlign, nSamplesPerSec = samplesPerSecond, nAvgBytesPerSec = blockAlign * samplesPerSecond }; FAudio.FAudio_CreateSourceVoice( Device.Handle, out Voice, ref format, FAudio.FAUDIO_VOICE_USEFILTER, FAudio.FAUDIO_DEFAULT_FREQ_RATIO, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero ); if (Voice == IntPtr.Zero) { Logger.LogError("SoundInstance failed to initialize!"); return; } InitDSPSettings(Format.nChannels); State = SoundState.Stopped; } public void Apply3D(AudioListener listener, AudioEmitter emitter) { Is3D = true; emitter.emitterData.CurveDistanceScaler = Device.CurveDistanceScalar; emitter.emitterData.ChannelCount = dspSettings.SrcChannelCount; FAudio.F3DAudioCalculate( Device.Handle3D, ref listener.listenerData, ref emitter.emitterData, FAudio.F3DAUDIO_CALCULATE_MATRIX | FAudio.F3DAUDIO_CALCULATE_DOPPLER, ref dspSettings ); UpdatePitch(); FAudio.FAudioVoice_SetOutputMatrix( Voice, Device.MasteringVoice, dspSettings.SrcChannelCount, dspSettings.DstChannelCount, dspSettings.pMatrixCoefficients, 0 ); } public unsafe void ApplyReverb(ReverbEffect reverbEffect) { ReverbSends = new FAudio.FAudioVoiceSends(); ReverbSends.SendCount = 2; ReverbSends.pSends = (nint) NativeMemory.Alloc((nuint) (2 * Marshal.SizeOf())); FAudio.FAudioSendDescriptor* sendDesc = (FAudio.FAudioSendDescriptor*) ReverbSends.pSends; sendDesc[0].Flags = 0; sendDesc[0].pOutputVoice = Device.MasteringVoice; sendDesc[1].Flags = 0; sendDesc[1].pOutputVoice = reverbEffect.Voice; FAudio.FAudioVoice_SetOutputVoices( Voice, ref ReverbSends ); ReverbEffect = reverbEffect; } public void SetPan(float targetValue) { Pan = targetValue; Device.ClearTweens(weakReference, AudioTweenProperty.Pan); } public void SetPan(float targetValue, float duration, EasingFunction easingFunction) { Device.CreateTween(this, AudioTweenProperty.Pan, easingFunction, Pan, targetValue, duration, 0); } public void SetPan(float targetValue, float delayTime, float duration, EasingFunction easingFunction) { Device.CreateTween(this, AudioTweenProperty.Pan, easingFunction, Pan, targetValue, duration, delayTime); } public void SetPitch(float targetValue) { Pitch = targetValue; Device.ClearTweens(weakReference, AudioTweenProperty.Pitch); } public void SetPitch(float targetValue, float duration, EasingFunction easingFunction) { Device.CreateTween(this, AudioTweenProperty.Pitch, easingFunction, Pan, targetValue, duration, 0); } public void SetPitch(float targetValue, float delayTime, float duration, EasingFunction easingFunction) { Device.CreateTween(this, AudioTweenProperty.Pitch, easingFunction, Pan, targetValue, duration, delayTime); } public void SetVolume(float targetValue) { Volume = targetValue; Device.ClearTweens(weakReference, AudioTweenProperty.Volume); } public void SetVolume(float targetValue, float duration, EasingFunction easingFunction) { Device.CreateTween(this, AudioTweenProperty.Volume, easingFunction, Volume, targetValue, duration, 0); } public void SetVolume(float targetValue, float delayTime, float duration, EasingFunction easingFunction) { Device.CreateTween(this, AudioTweenProperty.Volume, easingFunction, Volume, targetValue, duration, delayTime); } public void SetFilterFrequency(float targetValue) { FilterFrequency = targetValue; Device.ClearTweens(weakReference, AudioTweenProperty.FilterFrequency); } public void SetFilterFrequency(float targetValue, float duration, EasingFunction easingFunction) { Device.CreateTween(this, AudioTweenProperty.FilterFrequency, easingFunction, FilterFrequency, targetValue, duration, 0); } public void SetFilterFrequency(float targetValue, float delayTime, float duration, EasingFunction easingFunction) { Device.CreateTween(this, AudioTweenProperty.FilterFrequency, easingFunction, FilterFrequency, targetValue, duration, delayTime); } public void SetFilterOneOverQ(float targetValue) { FilterOneOverQ = targetValue; } public void SetReverb(float targetValue) { Reverb = targetValue; Device.ClearTweens(weakReference, AudioTweenProperty.Reverb); } public void SetReverb(float targetValue, float duration, EasingFunction easingFunction) { Device.CreateTween(this, AudioTweenProperty.Reverb, easingFunction, Volume, targetValue, duration, 0); } public void SetReverb(float targetValue, float delayTime, float duration, EasingFunction easingFunction) { Device.CreateTween(this, AudioTweenProperty.Reverb, easingFunction, Volume, targetValue, duration, delayTime); } public abstract void Play(); public abstract void QueueSyncPlay(); public abstract void Pause(); public abstract void Stop(); public abstract void StopImmediate(); private unsafe void InitDSPSettings(uint srcChannels) { dspSettings = new FAudio.F3DAUDIO_DSP_SETTINGS(); dspSettings.DopplerFactor = 1f; dspSettings.SrcChannelCount = srcChannels; dspSettings.DstChannelCount = Device.DeviceDetails.OutputFormat.Format.nChannels; nuint memsize = ( 4 * dspSettings.SrcChannelCount * dspSettings.DstChannelCount ); dspSettings.pMatrixCoefficients = (nint) NativeMemory.Alloc(memsize); byte* memPtr = (byte*) dspSettings.pMatrixCoefficients; for (uint i = 0; i < memsize; i += 1) { memPtr[i] = 0; } SetPanMatrixCoefficients(); } private void UpdatePitch() { float doppler; float dopplerScale = Device.DopplerScale; if (!Is3D || dopplerScale == 0.0f) { doppler = 1.0f; } else { doppler = dspSettings.DopplerFactor * dopplerScale; } FAudio.FAudioSourceVoice_SetFrequencyRatio( Voice, (float) System.Math.Pow(2.0, pitch) * doppler, 0 ); } // Taken from private unsafe void SetPanMatrixCoefficients() { /* Two major things to notice: * 1. The spec assumes any speaker count >= 2 has Front Left/Right. * 2. Stereo panning is WAY more complicated than you think. * The main thing is that hard panning does NOT eliminate an * entire channel; the two channels are blended on each side. * -flibit */ float* outputMatrix = (float*) dspSettings.pMatrixCoefficients; if (dspSettings.SrcChannelCount == 1) { if (dspSettings.DstChannelCount == 1) { outputMatrix[0] = 1.0f; } else { outputMatrix[0] = (pan > 0.0f) ? (1.0f - pan) : 1.0f; outputMatrix[1] = (pan < 0.0f) ? (1.0f + pan) : 1.0f; } } else { if (dspSettings.DstChannelCount == 1) { outputMatrix[0] = 1.0f; outputMatrix[1] = 1.0f; } else { if (pan <= 0.0f) { // Left speaker blends left/right channels outputMatrix[0] = 0.5f * pan + 1.0f; outputMatrix[1] = 0.5f * -pan; // Right speaker gets less of the right channel outputMatrix[2] = 0.0f; outputMatrix[3] = pan + 1.0f; } else { // Left speaker gets less of the left channel outputMatrix[0] = -pan + 1.0f; outputMatrix[1] = 0.0f; // Right speaker blends right/left channels outputMatrix[2] = 0.5f * pan; outputMatrix[3] = 0.5f * -pan + 1.0f; } } } } protected unsafe override void Destroy() { StopImmediate(); FAudio.FAudioVoice_DestroyVoice(Voice); NativeMemory.Free((void*) dspSettings.pMatrixCoefficients); if (ReverbEffect != null) { NativeMemory.Free((void*) ReverbSends.pSends); } } } }