// This source is heavily borrowed from https://github.com/asik/FixedMath.Net using System; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; namespace MoonWorks.Math.Fixed { public struct Fix64 : IEquatable, IComparable { private readonly long RawValue; const long MAX_VALUE = long.MaxValue; const long MIN_VALUE = long.MinValue; const int FRACTIONAL_PLACES = 32; const int NUM_BITS = 64; const long ONE = 1L << FRACTIONAL_PLACES; const long PI_TIMES_2 = 0x6487ED511; const long PI = 0x3243F6A88; const long PI_OVER_2 = 0x1921FB544; public static readonly Fix64 MaxValue = new Fix64(MAX_VALUE); public static readonly Fix64 MinValue = new Fix64(MIN_VALUE); public static readonly Fix64 One = new Fix64(ONE); public static readonly Fix64 Zero = new Fix64(0); public static readonly Fix64 Pi = new Fix64(PI); public static readonly Fix64 PiOver2 = new Fix64(PI_OVER_2); public static readonly Fix64 PiOver4 = PiOver2 / new Fix64(2); public static readonly Fix64 PiTimes2 = new Fix64(PI_TIMES_2); const int LUT_SIZE = (int)(PI_OVER_2 >> 15); static readonly Fix64 LutInterval = (Fix64)(LUT_SIZE - 1) / PiOver2; public bool IsFractional => (RawValue & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF) != 0; public bool IsIntegral => (RawValue & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF) == 0; private Fix64(long value) { RawValue = value; } public Fix64(int value) { RawValue = value * ONE; } /// /// Create a fractional Fix64 number of the value (numerator / denominator). /// public static Fix64 FromFraction(int numerator, int denominator) { return new Fix64(numerator) / new Fix64(denominator); } public static Fix64 Random(System.Random random, int max) { var fractional = random.Next(); var integral = random.Next(max); long rawValue = (integral << FRACTIONAL_PLACES) + fractional; return new Fix64(rawValue); } // Max should be between 0.0 and 1.0. public static Fix64 RandomFraction(System.Random random, Fix64 max) { long fractionalPart = (max.RawValue & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF); long fractional = random.NextInt64(fractionalPart); return new Fix64(fractional); } /// /// Returns an int indicating the sign of a Fix64 number. /// /// 1 if the value is positive, 0 if it is 0, and -1 if it is negative. public static int Sign(Fix64 value) { return value.RawValue < 0 ? -1 : value.RawValue > 0 ? 1 : 0; } /// /// Returns the absolute value of a Fix64 number. /// public static Fix64 Abs(Fix64 value) { if (value.RawValue == MIN_VALUE) { return MaxValue; } return FastAbs(value); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private static Fix64 FastAbs(Fix64 value) { // branchless implementation, see http://www.strchr.com/optimized_abs_function var mask = value.RawValue >> 63; return new Fix64((value.RawValue + mask) ^ mask); } /// /// Returns the largest integral value less than or equal to the specified number. /// public static Fix64 Floor(Fix64 value) { // Zero out the fractional part. return new Fix64((long)((ulong)value.RawValue & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000)); } /// /// Returns the smallest integral value that is greater than or equal to the specified number. /// public static Fix64 Ceiling(Fix64 value) { return value.IsFractional ? Floor(value) + One : value; } /// /// Rounds to the nearest integral value. /// If the value is halfway between an even and an uneven value, returns the even value. /// public static Fix64 Round(Fix64 value) { var fractionalPart = value.RawValue & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF; var integralPart = Floor(value); if (fractionalPart < 0x80000000) { return integralPart; } if (fractionalPart > 0x80000000) { return integralPart + One; } // if number is halfway between two values, round to the nearest even number // this is the method used by System.Math.Round(). return (integralPart.RawValue & ONE) == 0 ? integralPart : integralPart + One; } /// /// Returns a remainder value as defined by the IEEE remainder method. /// /// public static Fix64 IEEERemainder(Fix64 dividend, Fix64 divisor) { //Formula taken from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.math.ieeeremainder?view=net-6.0 return dividend - (divisor * Round(dividend / divisor)); } /// /// Returns the minimum of two given Fix64 values. /// public static Fix64 Min(Fix64 x, Fix64 y) { return (x < y) ? x : y; } /// /// Returns the maximum of two given Fix64 values. /// public static Fix64 Max(Fix64 x, Fix64 y) { return (x > y) ? x : y; } /// /// Returns a value that is neither greater than nor less than a given min and max value. /// public static Fix64 Clamp(Fix64 value, Fix64 min, Fix64 max) { return Fix64.Min(Fix64.Max(value, min), max); } // Trigonometry functions /// /// Returns the square root of the given Fix64 value. /// /// Throws if x is less than zero. public static Fix64 Sqrt(Fix64 x) { var xl = x.RawValue; if (xl < 0) { // We cannot represent infinities like Single and Double, and Sqrt is // mathematically undefined for x < 0. So we just throw an exception. throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Negative value passed to Sqrt", "x"); } var num = (ulong)xl; var result = 0UL; // second-to-top bit var bit = 1UL << (NUM_BITS - 2); while (bit > num) { bit >>= 2; } // The main part is executed twice, in order to avoid // using 128 bit values in computations. for (var i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { // First we get the top 48 bits of the answer. while (bit != 0) { if (num >= result + bit) { num -= result + bit; result = (result >> 1) + bit; } else { result = result >> 1; } bit >>= 2; } if (i == 0) { // Then process it again to get the lowest 16 bits. if (num > (1UL << (NUM_BITS / 2)) - 1) { // The remainder 'num' is too large to be shifted left // by 32, so we have to add 1 to result manually and // adjust 'num' accordingly. // num = a - (result + 0.5)^2 // = num + result^2 - (result + 0.5)^2 // = num - result - 0.5 num -= result; num = (num << (NUM_BITS / 2)) - 0x80000000UL; result = (result << (NUM_BITS / 2)) + 0x80000000UL; } else { num <<= (NUM_BITS / 2); result <<= (NUM_BITS / 2); } bit = 1UL << (NUM_BITS / 2 - 2); } } // Finally, if next bit would have been 1, round the result upwards. if (num > result) { ++result; } return new Fix64((long)result); } private static long ClampSinValue(long angle, out bool flipHorizontal, out bool flipVertical) { var largePI = 7244019458077122842; // Obtained from ((Fix64)1686629713.065252369824872831112M).m_rawValue // This is (2^29)*PI, where 29 is the largest N such that (2^N)*PI < MaxValue. // The idea is that this number contains way more precision than PI_TIMES_2, // and (((x % (2^29*PI)) % (2^28*PI)) % ... (2^1*PI) = x % (2 * PI) // In practice this gives us an error of about 1,25e-9 in the worst case scenario (Sin(MaxValue)) // Whereas simply doing x % PI_TIMES_2 is the 2e-3 range. var clamped2Pi = angle; for (int i = 0; i < 29; ++i) { clamped2Pi %= (largePI >> i); } if (angle < 0) { clamped2Pi += PI_TIMES_2; } // The LUT contains values for 0 - PiOver2; every other value must be obtained by // vertical or horizontal mirroring flipVertical = clamped2Pi >= PI; // obtain (angle % PI) from (angle % 2PI) - much faster than doing another modulo var clampedPi = clamped2Pi; while (clampedPi >= PI) { clampedPi -= PI; } flipHorizontal = clampedPi >= PI_OVER_2; // obtain (angle % PI_OVER_2) from (angle % PI) - much faster than doing another modulo var clampedPiOver2 = clampedPi; if (clampedPiOver2 >= PI_OVER_2) { clampedPiOver2 -= PI_OVER_2; } return clampedPiOver2; } /// /// Returns the sine of the specified angle. /// public static Fix64 Sin(Fix64 x) { var clampedL = ClampSinValue(x.RawValue, out var flipHorizontal, out var flipVertical); var clamped = new Fix64(clampedL); // Find the two closest values in the LUT and perform linear interpolation // This is what kills the performance of this function on x86 - x64 is fine though var rawIndex = FastMul(clamped, LutInterval); var roundedIndex = Round(rawIndex); var indexError = FastSub(rawIndex, roundedIndex); var nearestValue = new Fix64(Fix64Lut.Sin[flipHorizontal ? Fix64Lut.Sin.Length - 1 - (int)roundedIndex : (int)roundedIndex]); var secondNearestValue = new Fix64(Fix64Lut.Sin[flipHorizontal ? Fix64Lut.Sin.Length - 1 - (int)roundedIndex - Sign(indexError) : (int)roundedIndex + Sign(indexError)]); var delta = FastMul(indexError, FastAbs(FastSub(nearestValue, secondNearestValue))).RawValue; var interpolatedValue = nearestValue.RawValue + (flipHorizontal ? -delta : delta); var finalValue = flipVertical ? -interpolatedValue : interpolatedValue; return new Fix64(finalValue); } /// /// Returns the cosine of the specified angle. /// public static Fix64 Cos(Fix64 x) { var xl = x.RawValue; var rawAngle = xl + (xl > 0 ? -PI - PI_OVER_2 : PI_OVER_2); return Sin(new Fix64(rawAngle)); } /// /// Returns the tangent of the specified angle. /// public static Fix64 Tan(Fix64 x) { var clampedPi = x.RawValue % PI; var flip = false; if (clampedPi < 0) { clampedPi = -clampedPi; flip = true; } if (clampedPi > PI_OVER_2) { flip = !flip; clampedPi = PI_OVER_2 - (clampedPi - PI_OVER_2); } var clamped = new Fix64(clampedPi); // Find the two closest values in the LUT and perform linear interpolation var rawIndex = FastMul(clamped, LutInterval); var roundedIndex = Round(rawIndex); var indexError = FastSub(rawIndex, roundedIndex); var nearestValue = new Fix64(Fix64Lut.Tan[(int)roundedIndex]); var secondNearestValue = new Fix64(Fix64Lut.Tan[(int)roundedIndex + Sign(indexError)]); var delta = FastMul(indexError, FastAbs(FastSub(nearestValue, secondNearestValue))).RawValue; var interpolatedValue = nearestValue.RawValue + delta; var finalValue = flip ? -interpolatedValue : interpolatedValue; return new Fix64(finalValue); } /// /// Returns the angle whose tangent is the specified number. /// public static Fix64 Atan(Fix64 z) { if (z.RawValue == 0) return Zero; // Force positive values for argument // Atan(-z) = -Atan(z). var neg = z.RawValue < 0; if (neg) { z = -z; } Fix64 result; var two = (Fix64)2; var three = (Fix64)3; bool invert = z > One; if (invert) z = One / z; result = One; var term = One; var zSq = z * z; var zSq2 = zSq * two; var zSqPlusOne = zSq + One; var zSq12 = zSqPlusOne * two; var dividend = zSq2; var divisor = zSqPlusOne * three; for (var i = 2; i < 30; ++i) { term *= dividend / divisor; result += term; dividend += zSq2; divisor += zSq12; if (term.RawValue == 0) break; } result = result * z / zSqPlusOne; if (invert) { result = PiOver2 - result; } if (neg) { result = -result; } return result; } /// /// Returns the angle whose tangent is the quotient of two specified numbers. /// public static Fix64 Atan2(Fix64 y, Fix64 x) { var yl = y.RawValue; var xl = x.RawValue; if (xl == 0) { if (yl > 0) { return PiOver2; } if (yl == 0) { return Zero; } return -PiOver2; } Fix64 atan; var z = y / x; // Deal with overflow if (One + (Fix64)0.28M * z * z == MaxValue) { return y < Zero ? -PiOver2 : PiOver2; } if (Abs(z) < One) { atan = z / (One + (Fix64)0.28M * z * z); if (xl < 0) { if (yl < 0) { return atan - Pi; } return atan + Pi; } } else { atan = PiOver2 - z / (z * z + (Fix64)0.28M); if (yl < 0) { return atan - Pi; } } return atan; } // Operators public static Fix64 operator +(Fix64 x, Fix64 y) { var xl = x.RawValue; var yl = y.RawValue; var sum = xl + yl; // if signs of operands are equal and signs of sum and x are different if (((~(xl ^ yl) & (xl ^ sum)) & MIN_VALUE) != 0) { sum = xl > 0 ? MAX_VALUE : MIN_VALUE; } return new Fix64(sum); } public static Fix64 operator -(Fix64 x, Fix64 y) { var xl = x.RawValue; var yl = y.RawValue; var diff = xl - yl; // if signs of operands are different and signs of sum and x are different if ((((xl ^ yl) & (xl ^ diff)) & MIN_VALUE) != 0) { diff = xl < 0 ? MIN_VALUE : MAX_VALUE; } return new Fix64(diff); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private static Fix64 FastSub(Fix64 x, Fix64 y) { return new Fix64(x.RawValue - y.RawValue); } private static long AddOverflowHelper(long x, long y, ref bool overflow) { var sum = x + y; // x + y overflows if sign(x) ^ sign(y) != sign(sum) overflow |= ((x ^ y ^ sum) & MIN_VALUE) != 0; return sum; } public static Fix64 operator *(Fix64 x, Fix64 y) { var xl = x.RawValue; var yl = y.RawValue; var xlo = (ulong)(xl & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF); var xhi = xl >> FRACTIONAL_PLACES; var ylo = (ulong)(yl & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF); var yhi = yl >> FRACTIONAL_PLACES; var lolo = xlo * ylo; var lohi = (long)xlo * yhi; var hilo = xhi * (long)ylo; var hihi = xhi * yhi; var loResult = lolo >> FRACTIONAL_PLACES; var midResult1 = lohi; var midResult2 = hilo; var hiResult = hihi << FRACTIONAL_PLACES; bool overflow = false; var sum = AddOverflowHelper((long)loResult, midResult1, ref overflow); sum = AddOverflowHelper(sum, midResult2, ref overflow); sum = AddOverflowHelper(sum, hiResult, ref overflow); bool opSignsEqual = ((xl ^ yl) & MIN_VALUE) == 0; // if signs of operands are equal and sign of result is negative, // then multiplication overflowed positively // the reverse is also true if (opSignsEqual) { if (sum < 0 || (overflow && xl > 0)) { return MaxValue; } } else { if (sum > 0) { return MinValue; } } // if the top 32 bits of hihi (unused in the result) are neither all 0s or 1s, // then this means the result overflowed. var topCarry = hihi >> FRACTIONAL_PLACES; if (topCarry != 0 && topCarry != -1 /*&& xl != -17 && yl != -17*/) { return opSignsEqual ? MaxValue : MinValue; } // If signs differ, both operands' magnitudes are greater than 1, // and the result is greater than the negative operand, then there was negative overflow. if (!opSignsEqual) { long posOp, negOp; if (xl > yl) { posOp = xl; negOp = yl; } else { posOp = yl; negOp = xl; } if (sum > negOp && negOp < -ONE && posOp > ONE) { return MinValue; } } return new Fix64(sum); } private static Fix64 FastMul(Fix64 x, Fix64 y) { var xl = x.RawValue; var yl = y.RawValue; var xlo = (ulong)(xl & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF); var xhi = xl >> FRACTIONAL_PLACES; var ylo = (ulong)(yl & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF); var yhi = yl >> FRACTIONAL_PLACES; var lolo = xlo * ylo; var lohi = (long)xlo * yhi; var hilo = xhi * (long)ylo; var hihi = xhi * yhi; var loResult = lolo >> FRACTIONAL_PLACES; var midResult1 = lohi; var midResult2 = hilo; var hiResult = hihi << FRACTIONAL_PLACES; var sum = (long)loResult + midResult1 + midResult2 + hiResult; return new Fix64(sum); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private static int CountLeadingZeroes(ulong x) { int result = 0; while ((x & 0xF000000000000000) == 0) { result += 4; x <<= 4; } while ((x & 0x8000000000000000) == 0) { result += 1; x <<= 1; } return result; } public static Fix64 operator /(Fix64 x, Fix64 y) { var xl = x.RawValue; var yl = y.RawValue; if (yl == 0) { throw new DivideByZeroException(); } var remainder = (ulong)(xl >= 0 ? xl : -xl); var divider = (ulong)(yl >= 0 ? yl : -yl); var quotient = 0UL; var bitPos = NUM_BITS / 2 + 1; // If the divider is divisible by 2^n, take advantage of it. while ((divider & 0xF) == 0 && bitPos >= 4) { divider >>= 4; bitPos -= 4; } while (remainder != 0 && bitPos >= 0) { int shift = CountLeadingZeroes(remainder); if (shift > bitPos) { shift = bitPos; } remainder <<= shift; bitPos -= shift; var div = remainder / divider; remainder = remainder % divider; quotient += div << bitPos; // Detect overflow if ((div & ~(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF >> bitPos)) != 0) { return ((xl ^ yl) & MIN_VALUE) == 0 ? MaxValue : MinValue; } remainder <<= 1; --bitPos; } // rounding ++quotient; var result = (long)(quotient >> 1); if (((xl ^ yl) & MIN_VALUE) != 0) { result = -result; } return new Fix64(result); } public static Fix64 operator %(Fix64 x, Fix64 y) { return new Fix64( x.RawValue == MIN_VALUE & y.RawValue == -1 ? 0 : x.RawValue % y.RawValue); } public static Fix64 operator -(Fix64 x) { return x.RawValue == MIN_VALUE ? MaxValue : new Fix64(-x.RawValue); } public static bool operator ==(Fix64 x, Fix64 y) { return x.RawValue == y.RawValue; } public static bool operator !=(Fix64 x, Fix64 y) { return x.RawValue != y.RawValue; } public static bool operator >(Fix64 x, Fix64 y) { return x.RawValue > y.RawValue; } public static bool operator <(Fix64 x, Fix64 y) { return x.RawValue < y.RawValue; } public static bool operator >(Fix64 x, int y) { return x > ((Fix64) y); } public static bool operator <(Fix64 x, int y) { return x < ((Fix64) y); } public static bool operator >=(Fix64 x, Fix64 y) { return x.RawValue >= y.RawValue; } public static bool operator <=(Fix64 x, Fix64 y) { return x.RawValue <= y.RawValue; } public static bool operator >=(Fix64 x, int y) { return x >= ((Fix64) y); } public static bool operator <=(Fix64 x, int y) { return x <= ((Fix64) y); } // Casting public static explicit operator Fix64(long value) { return new Fix64(value * ONE); } public static explicit operator long(Fix64 value) { return value.RawValue >> FRACTIONAL_PLACES; } public static explicit operator Fix64(float value) { return new Fix64((long)(value * ONE)); } public static explicit operator float(Fix64 value) { return (float)value.RawValue / ONE; } public static explicit operator Fix64(double value) { return new Fix64((long)(value * ONE)); } public static explicit operator double(Fix64 value) { return (double)value.RawValue / ONE; } public static explicit operator Fix64(decimal value) { return new Fix64((long)(value * ONE)); } public static explicit operator decimal(Fix64 value) { return (decimal)value.RawValue / ONE; } public int CompareTo(Fix64 other) { return RawValue.CompareTo(other.RawValue); } public override bool Equals(object obj) { return obj is Fix64 fix && RawValue == fix.RawValue; } public bool Equals(Fix64 other) { return RawValue == other.RawValue; } public override int GetHashCode() { return RawValue.GetHashCode(); } // FIXME: can we avoid this cast? public override string ToString() { // Up to 10 decimal places return ((decimal)this).ToString("0.##########"); } public string ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo ci) { return ((decimal) this).ToString("0.##########", ci); } } }