using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using RefreshCS; namespace MoonWorks.Graphics { /// /// GpuBuffers are generic data containers that can be used by the GPU. /// public class GpuBuffer : SDL_GpuResource { protected override Action ReleaseFunction => Refresh.Refresh_QueueDestroyGpuBuffer; /// /// Size in bytes. /// public uint Size { get; } private string name; public string Name { get => name; set { if (Device.DebugMode) { Refresh.Refresh_SetGpuBufferName( Device.Handle, Handle, value ); } name = value; } } /// /// Creates a buffer of appropriate size given a type and element count. /// /// The type that the buffer will contain. /// The GraphicsDevice. /// Specifies how the buffer will be used. /// How many elements of type T the buffer will contain. /// public unsafe static GpuBuffer Create( GraphicsDevice device, BufferUsageFlags usageFlags, uint elementCount ) where T : unmanaged { return new GpuBuffer( device, usageFlags, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf() * elementCount ); } /// /// Creates a buffer. /// /// An initialized GraphicsDevice. /// Specifies how the buffer will be used. /// The length of the array. Cannot be resized. public GpuBuffer( GraphicsDevice device, BufferUsageFlags usageFlags, uint sizeInBytes ) : base(device) { Handle = Refresh.Refresh_CreateGpuBuffer( device.Handle, (Refresh.BufferUsageFlags) usageFlags, sizeInBytes ); Size = sizeInBytes; name = ""; } public static implicit operator BufferBinding(GpuBuffer b) { return new BufferBinding(b, 0); } } }