using System.Collections.Generic; using SDL2; using MoonWorks.Audio; using MoonWorks.Graphics; using MoonWorks.Input; using System.Text; using System; using System.Diagnostics; namespace MoonWorks { /// /// This class is your entry point into controlling your game.
/// It manages the main game loop and subsystems.
/// You should inherit this class and implement Update and Draw methods.
/// Then instantiate your Game subclass from your Program.Main method and call the Run method. ///
public abstract class Game { public TimeSpan MAX_DELTA_TIME = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100); public TimeSpan Timestep { get; private set; } private bool quit = false; private Stopwatch gameTimer; private long previousTicks = 0; TimeSpan accumulatedUpdateTime = TimeSpan.Zero; TimeSpan accumulatedDrawTime = TimeSpan.Zero; // must be a power of 2 so we can do a bitmask optimization when checking worst case private const int PREVIOUS_SLEEP_TIME_COUNT = 128; private const int SLEEP_TIME_MASK = PREVIOUS_SLEEP_TIME_COUNT - 1; private TimeSpan[] previousSleepTimes = new TimeSpan[PREVIOUS_SLEEP_TIME_COUNT]; private int sleepTimeIndex = 0; private TimeSpan worstCaseSleepPrecision = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1); private bool FramerateCapped = false; private TimeSpan FramerateCapTimeSpan = TimeSpan.Zero; public GraphicsDevice GraphicsDevice { get; } public AudioDevice AudioDevice { get; } public Inputs Inputs { get; } /// /// This Window is automatically created when your Game is instantiated. /// public Window MainWindow { get; } /// /// Instantiates your Game. /// /// The parameters that will be used to create the MainWindow. /// The frame limiter settings. /// How often Game.Update will run in terms of ticks per second. /// If true, enables extra debug checks. Should be turned off for release builds. public Game( WindowCreateInfo windowCreateInfo, FrameLimiterSettings frameLimiterSettings, int targetTimestep = 60, bool debugMode = false ) { Timestep = TimeSpan.FromTicks(TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond / targetTimestep); gameTimer = Stopwatch.StartNew(); SetFrameLimiter(frameLimiterSettings); for (int i = 0; i < previousSleepTimes.Length; i += 1) { previousSleepTimes[i] = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1); } if (SDL.SDL_Init(SDL.SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL.SDL_INIT_TIMER | SDL.SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER) < 0) { System.Console.WriteLine("Failed to initialize SDL!"); return; } Logger.Initialize(); Inputs = new Inputs(); GraphicsDevice = new GraphicsDevice( Backend.Vulkan, debugMode ); MainWindow = new Window(windowCreateInfo, GraphicsDevice.WindowFlags | SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_HIDDEN); if (!GraphicsDevice.ClaimWindow(MainWindow, windowCreateInfo.PresentMode)) { throw new System.SystemException("Could not claim window!"); } AudioDevice = new AudioDevice(); } /// /// Initiates the main game loop. Call this once from your Program.Main method. /// public void Run() { MainWindow.Show(); while (!quit) { Tick(); } Logger.LogInfo("Starting shutdown sequence..."); Logger.LogInfo("Cleaning up game..."); Destroy(); Logger.LogInfo("Closing audio thread..."); AudioDevice.Dispose(); Logger.LogInfo("Unclaiming window..."); GraphicsDevice.UnclaimWindow(MainWindow); Logger.LogInfo("Disposing window..."); MainWindow.Dispose(); Logger.LogInfo("Disposing graphics device..."); GraphicsDevice.Dispose(); SDL.SDL_Quit(); } /// /// Updates the frame limiter settings. /// public void SetFrameLimiter(FrameLimiterSettings settings) { FramerateCapped = settings.Mode == FrameLimiterMode.Capped; if (FramerateCapped) { FramerateCapTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromTicks(TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond / settings.Cap); } else { FramerateCapTimeSpan = TimeSpan.Zero; } } /// /// Starts the game shutdown process. /// public void Quit() { quit = true; } /// /// Will execute at the specified targetTimestep you provided when instantiating your Game class. /// /// protected abstract void Update(TimeSpan delta); /// /// If the frame limiter mode is Capped, this will run at most Cap times per second.
/// Otherwise it will run as many times as possible. ///
/// A value from 0-1 describing how "in-between" update ticks it is called. Useful for interpolation. protected abstract void Draw(double alpha); /// /// You can optionally override this to perform cleanup tasks before the game quits. /// protected virtual void Destroy() {} /// /// Called when a file is dropped on the game window. /// protected virtual void DropFile(string filePath) {} /// /// Required to distinguish between multiple files dropped at once /// vs multiple files dropped one at a time. /// Called once for every multi-file drop. /// protected virtual void DropBegin() {} protected virtual void DropComplete() {} private void Tick() { AdvanceElapsedTime(); if (FramerateCapped) { /* We want to wait until the framerate cap, * but we don't want to oversleep. Requesting repeated 1ms sleeps and * seeing how long we actually slept for lets us estimate the worst case * sleep precision so we don't oversleep the next frame. */ while (accumulatedDrawTime + worstCaseSleepPrecision < FramerateCapTimeSpan) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); TimeSpan timeAdvancedSinceSleeping = AdvanceElapsedTime(); UpdateEstimatedSleepPrecision(timeAdvancedSinceSleeping); } /* Now that we have slept into the sleep precision threshold, we need to wait * for just a little bit longer until the target elapsed time has been reached. * SpinWait(1) works by pausing the thread for very short intervals, so it is * an efficient and time-accurate way to wait out the rest of the time. */ while (accumulatedDrawTime < FramerateCapTimeSpan) { System.Threading.Thread.SpinWait(1); AdvanceElapsedTime(); } } // Now that we are going to perform an update, let's handle SDL events. HandleSDLEvents(); // Do not let any step take longer than our maximum. if (accumulatedUpdateTime > MAX_DELTA_TIME) { accumulatedUpdateTime = MAX_DELTA_TIME; } if (!quit) { while (accumulatedUpdateTime >= Timestep) { Inputs.Update(); Update(Timestep); AudioDevice.WakeThread(); accumulatedUpdateTime -= Timestep; } var alpha = accumulatedUpdateTime / Timestep; Draw(alpha); accumulatedDrawTime -= FramerateCapTimeSpan; } } private void HandleSDLEvents() { while (SDL.SDL_PollEvent(out var _event) == 1) { switch (_event.type) { case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_QUIT: quit = true; break; case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_TEXTINPUT: HandleTextInput(_event); break; case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_MOUSEWHEEL: Inputs.Mouse.WheelRaw += _event.wheel.y; break; case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_DROPBEGIN: DropBegin(); break; case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_DROPCOMPLETE: DropComplete(); break; case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_DROPFILE: HandleFileDrop(_event); break; case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_CONTROLLERDEVICEADDED: HandleControllerAdded(_event); break; case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_CONTROLLERDEVICEREMOVED: HandleControllerRemoved(_event); break; case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_WINDOWEVENT: HandleWindowEvent(_event); break; } } } private void HandleWindowEvent(SDL.SDL_Event evt) { if (evt.window.windowEvent == SDL.SDL_WindowEventID.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED) { var window = Window.Lookup(evt.window.windowID); window.HandleSizeChange((uint) evt.window.data1, (uint) evt.window.data2); } else if (evt.window.windowEvent == SDL.SDL_WindowEventID.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_CLOSE) { var window = Window.Lookup(evt.window.windowID); GraphicsDevice.UnclaimWindow(window); window.Dispose(); } } private void HandleTextInput(SDL.SDL_Event evt) { // Based on the SDL2# LPUtf8StrMarshaler unsafe { int bytes = MeasureStringLength(evt.text.text); if (bytes > 0) { /* UTF8 will never encode more characters * than bytes in a string, so bytes is a * suitable upper estimate of size needed */ char* charsBuffer = stackalloc char[bytes]; int chars = Encoding.UTF8.GetChars( evt.text.text, bytes, charsBuffer, bytes ); for (int i = 0; i < chars; i += 1) { Inputs.OnTextInput(charsBuffer[i]); } } } } private void HandleFileDrop(SDL.SDL_Event evt) { // Need to do it this way because SDL2 expects you to free the filename string. string filePath = SDL.UTF8_ToManaged(evt.drop.file, true); DropFile(filePath); } private void HandleControllerAdded(SDL.SDL_Event evt) { var index = evt.cdevice.which; if (SDL.SDL_IsGameController(index) == SDL.SDL_bool.SDL_TRUE) { System.Console.WriteLine($"New controller detected!"); Inputs.AddGamepad(index); } } private void HandleControllerRemoved(SDL.SDL_Event evt) { System.Console.WriteLine($"Controller removal detected!"); Inputs.RemoveGamepad(evt.cdevice.which); } public static void ShowRuntimeError(string title, string message) { SDL.SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox( SDL.SDL_MessageBoxFlags.SDL_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR, title ?? "", message ?? "", IntPtr.Zero ); } private TimeSpan AdvanceElapsedTime() { long currentTicks = gameTimer.Elapsed.Ticks; TimeSpan timeAdvanced = TimeSpan.FromTicks(currentTicks - previousTicks); accumulatedUpdateTime += timeAdvanced; accumulatedDrawTime += timeAdvanced; previousTicks = currentTicks; return timeAdvanced; } /* To calculate the sleep precision of the OS, we take the worst case * time spent sleeping over the results of previous requests to sleep 1ms. */ private void UpdateEstimatedSleepPrecision(TimeSpan timeSpentSleeping) { /* It is unlikely that the scheduler will actually be more imprecise than * 4ms and we don't want to get wrecked by a single long sleep so we cap this * value at 4ms for sanity. */ var upperTimeBound = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(4); if (timeSpentSleeping > upperTimeBound) { timeSpentSleeping = upperTimeBound; } /* We know the previous worst case - it's saved in worstCaseSleepPrecision. * We also know the current index. So the only way the worst case changes * is if we either 1) just got a new worst case, or 2) the worst case was * the oldest entry on the list. */ if (timeSpentSleeping >= worstCaseSleepPrecision) { worstCaseSleepPrecision = timeSpentSleeping; } else if (previousSleepTimes[sleepTimeIndex] == worstCaseSleepPrecision) { var maxSleepTime = TimeSpan.MinValue; for (int i = 0; i < previousSleepTimes.Length; i++) { if (previousSleepTimes[i] > maxSleepTime) { maxSleepTime = previousSleepTimes[i]; } } worstCaseSleepPrecision = maxSleepTime; } previousSleepTimes[sleepTimeIndex] = timeSpentSleeping; sleepTimeIndex = (sleepTimeIndex + 1) & SLEEP_TIME_MASK; } private unsafe static int MeasureStringLength(byte* ptr) { int bytes; for (bytes = 0; *ptr != 0; ptr += 1, bytes += 1) ; return bytes; } } }