using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using WellspringCS; namespace MoonWorks.Graphics.Font { public unsafe class TextBatch : GraphicsResource { public const int INITIAL_CHAR_COUNT = 64; public const int INITIAL_VERTEX_COUNT = INITIAL_CHAR_COUNT * 4; public const int INITIAL_INDEX_COUNT = INITIAL_CHAR_COUNT * 6; private GraphicsDevice GraphicsDevice { get; } public IntPtr Handle { get; } public GpuBuffer VertexBuffer { get; protected set; } = null; public GpuBuffer IndexBuffer { get; protected set; } = null; public uint PrimitiveCount { get; protected set; } private TransferBuffer TransferBuffer; public Font CurrentFont { get; private set; } private byte* StringBytes; private int StringBytesLength; public TextBatch(GraphicsDevice device) : base(device) { GraphicsDevice = device; Handle = Wellspring.Wellspring_CreateTextBatch(); StringBytesLength = 128; StringBytes = (byte*) NativeMemory.Alloc((nuint) StringBytesLength); VertexBuffer = GpuBuffer.Create(GraphicsDevice, BufferUsageFlags.Vertex, INITIAL_VERTEX_COUNT); IndexBuffer = GpuBuffer.Create(GraphicsDevice, BufferUsageFlags.Index, INITIAL_INDEX_COUNT); TransferBuffer = TransferBuffer.Create(GraphicsDevice, VertexBuffer.Size + IndexBuffer.Size); } // Call this to initialize or reset the batch. public void Start(Font font) { Wellspring.Wellspring_StartTextBatch(Handle, font.Handle); CurrentFont = font; PrimitiveCount = 0; } // Add text with size and color to the batch public unsafe bool Add( string text, int pixelSize, Color color, HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Baseline ) { var byteCount = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(text); if (StringBytesLength < byteCount) { StringBytes = (byte*) NativeMemory.Realloc(StringBytes, (nuint) byteCount); } fixed (char* chars = text) { System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(chars, text.Length, StringBytes, byteCount); var result = Wellspring.Wellspring_AddToTextBatch( Handle, pixelSize, new Wellspring.Color { R = color.R, G = color.G, B = color.B, A = color.A }, (Wellspring.HorizontalAlignment) horizontalAlignment, (Wellspring.VerticalAlignment) verticalAlignment, (IntPtr) StringBytes, (uint) byteCount ); if (result == 0) { Logger.LogWarn("Could not decode string: " + text); return false; } } return true; } // Call this after you have made all the Add calls you want, but before beginning a render pass. public unsafe void UploadBufferData(CommandBuffer commandBuffer) { Wellspring.Wellspring_GetBufferData( Handle, out uint vertexCount, out IntPtr vertexDataPointer, out uint vertexDataLengthInBytes, out IntPtr indexDataPointer, out uint indexDataLengthInBytes ); var vertexSpan = new Span((void*) vertexDataPointer, (int) vertexDataLengthInBytes); var indexSpan = new Span((void*) indexDataPointer, (int) indexDataLengthInBytes); var newTransferBufferNeeded = false; if (VertexBuffer.Size < vertexDataLengthInBytes) { VertexBuffer.Dispose(); VertexBuffer = new GpuBuffer(GraphicsDevice, BufferUsageFlags.Vertex, vertexDataLengthInBytes); newTransferBufferNeeded = true; } if (IndexBuffer.Size < indexDataLengthInBytes) { IndexBuffer.Dispose(); IndexBuffer = new GpuBuffer(GraphicsDevice, BufferUsageFlags.Index, vertexDataLengthInBytes); newTransferBufferNeeded = true; } if (newTransferBufferNeeded) { TransferBuffer.Dispose(); TransferBuffer = new TransferBuffer(GraphicsDevice, VertexBuffer.Size + IndexBuffer.Size); } if (vertexDataLengthInBytes > 0 && indexDataLengthInBytes > 0) { TransferBuffer.SetData(vertexSpan, TransferOptions.Discard); TransferBuffer.SetData(indexSpan, (uint) vertexSpan.Length, TransferOptions.Overwrite); commandBuffer.UploadToBuffer(TransferBuffer, VertexBuffer, new BufferCopy(0, 0, (uint) vertexSpan.Length), CopyOptions.SafeDiscard); commandBuffer.UploadToBuffer(TransferBuffer, IndexBuffer, new BufferCopy((uint) vertexSpan.Length, 0, (uint) indexSpan.Length), CopyOptions.SafeDiscard); } PrimitiveCount = vertexCount / 2; } // Call this AFTER binding your text pipeline! public void Render(CommandBuffer commandBuffer, Math.Float.Matrix4x4 transformMatrix) { commandBuffer.BindFragmentSamplers(new TextureSamplerBinding( CurrentFont.Texture, GraphicsDevice.LinearSampler )); commandBuffer.BindVertexBuffers(VertexBuffer); commandBuffer.BindIndexBuffer(IndexBuffer, IndexElementSize.ThirtyTwo); commandBuffer.PushVertexShaderUniforms(transformMatrix); commandBuffer.PushFragmentShaderUniforms(CurrentFont.DistanceRange); commandBuffer.DrawIndexedPrimitives( 0, 0, PrimitiveCount ); } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!IsDisposed) { if (disposing) { VertexBuffer.Dispose(); IndexBuffer.Dispose(); } NativeMemory.Free(StringBytes); Wellspring.Wellspring_DestroyTextBatch(Handle); } base.Dispose(disposing); } } }