# MoonTools.NETPhysFS [![Build Status](https://drone.moonside.games/api/badges/MoonsideGames/MoonTools.NETPhysFS/status.svg)](https://drone.moonside.games/MoonsideGames/MoonTools.NETPhysFS) ## PhysFS wrapper for .NET Standard This library is a .NET Standard wrapper around the cross-platform IO libary [PhysFS](https://icculus.org/physfs/). It provides *IEnumerable* iterators to avoid creating garbage, and a *Stream* subclass for easy usage. ## Installation You can use this library by adding it as a submodule and then referencing it in your .csproj file. ```sh git submodule add git@github.com:MoonsideGames/MoonTools.NETPhysFS.git ``` You must also include a compiled binary of PhysFS for your platform for this to work properly. ## Example ```csharp using var pfs = new PhysFS(""); // automatic dispose pattern using (var reader = new StreamReader(pfs.OpenRead("/helloworld.txt"))) { var contents = reader.ReadToEnd(); } ``` ## Acknowledgements This project was forked from the very helpful SharpPhysFS by Francesco Bertolaccini.