using NUnit.Framework; using FluentAssertions; using MoonTools.Core.Graph; using System; using System.Linq; namespace Tests { public class UndirectedWeightedGraphTests { EdgeData dummyEdgeData; [Test] public void Clear() { var myGraph = new UndirectedWeightedGraph(); myGraph.AddNodes(1, 2, 3, 4); myGraph.AddEdges( (1, 2, 5, dummyEdgeData), (2, 3, 6, dummyEdgeData), (2, 4, 7, dummyEdgeData) ); myGraph.Clear(); myGraph.Nodes.Should().BeEmpty(); myGraph.Invoking(x => x.Neighbors(1)).Should().Throw(); myGraph.Invoking(x => x.Weight(1, 2)).Should().Throw(); myGraph.Invoking(x => x.EdgeData(1, 2)).Should().Throw(); } [Test] public void EdgeExists() { var myGraph = new UndirectedWeightedGraph(); myGraph.AddNodes(1, 2, 3); myGraph.AddEdges( (1, 2, 4, dummyEdgeData), (2, 3, 5, dummyEdgeData) ); myGraph.Exists(1, 2).Should().BeTrue(); myGraph.Exists(2, 1).Should().BeTrue(); myGraph.Exists(2, 3).Should().BeTrue(); myGraph.Exists(3, 2).Should().BeTrue(); myGraph.Exists(1, 3).Should().BeFalse(); myGraph.Invoking(x => x.Exists(3, 4)).Should().Throw(); } [Test] public void Neighbors() { var myGraph = new UndirectedWeightedGraph(); myGraph.AddNodes(1, 2, 3); myGraph.AddEdges( (1, 2, 4, dummyEdgeData), (2, 3, 5, dummyEdgeData) ); myGraph.Neighbors(1).Should().Contain(2); myGraph.Neighbors(2).Should().Contain(1); myGraph.Neighbors(2).Should().Contain(3); myGraph.Neighbors(3).Should().Contain(2); myGraph.Neighbors(1).Should().NotContain(3); myGraph.Invoking(x => x.Neighbors(4)).Should().Throw(); } [Test] public void Weight() { var myGraph = new UndirectedWeightedGraph(); myGraph.AddNodes(1, 2, 3); myGraph.AddEdges( (1, 2, 4, dummyEdgeData), (2, 3, 5, dummyEdgeData) ); myGraph.Weight(1, 2).Should().Be(4); myGraph.Weight(2, 1).Should().Be(4); myGraph.Weight(2, 3).Should().Be(5); myGraph.Weight(3, 2).Should().Be(5); myGraph.Invoking(x => x.Weight(3, 4)).Should().Throw(); } [Test] public void EdgeData() { var a = new NumEdgeData { testNum = 3 }; var b = new NumEdgeData { testNum = 5 }; var myGraph = new UndirectedWeightedGraph(); myGraph.AddNodes(1, 2, 3); myGraph.AddEdges( (1, 2, 4, a), (2, 3, 5, b) ); myGraph.EdgeData(1, 2).Should().Be(a); myGraph.EdgeData(2, 1).Should().Be(a); myGraph.EdgeData(2, 3).Should().Be(b); myGraph.EdgeData(3, 2).Should().Be(b); myGraph.Invoking(x => x.EdgeData(2, 4)).Should().Throw(); } [Test] public void AStarShortestPath() { var run = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Run }; var jump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Jump }; var wallJump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.WallJump }; var myGraph = new UndirectedWeightedGraph(); myGraph.AddNodes('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'); myGraph.AddEdges( ('a', 'b', 2, run), ('a', 'c', 3, run), ('a', 'e', 4, wallJump), ('b', 'd', 2, jump), ('b', 'e', 1, run), ('c', 'g', 4, jump), ('c', 'h', 11, run), ('d', 'c', 3, jump), ('d', 'f', 2, run), ('d', 'h', 3, wallJump), ('e', 'f', 5, run), ('f', 'h', 6, wallJump), ('g', 'h', 7, run) ); myGraph .AStarShortestPath('a', 'h', (x, y) => 1) .Select(edge => myGraph.EdgeData(edge.Item1, edge.Item2)) .Should() .ContainInOrder( run, jump, wallJump ) .And .HaveCount(3); // have to call Count() because otherwise the lazy evaluation wont trigger myGraph.Invoking(x => x.AStarShortestPath('a', 'z', (x, y) => 1).Count()).Should().Throw(); } [Test] public void DijkstraSingleSourceShortestPath() { var run = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Run }; var jump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Jump }; var wallJump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.WallJump }; var myGraph = new UndirectedWeightedGraph(); myGraph.AddNodes('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'); myGraph.AddEdges( ('a', 'b', 2, run), ('a', 'c', 3, run), ('a', 'e', 4, wallJump), ('b', 'd', 2, jump), ('b', 'e', 1, run), ('c', 'g', 4, jump), ('c', 'h', 11, run), ('d', 'c', 3, jump), ('d', 'f', 2, run), ('d', 'h', 3, wallJump), ('e', 'f', 5, run), ('f', 'h', 6, wallJump), ('g', 'h', 7, run) ); myGraph .DijkstraSingleSourceShortestPath('a') .Should() .Contain(('b', 'a', 2)).And .Contain(('c', 'a', 3)).And .Contain(('d', 'b', 4)).And .Contain(('e', 'b', 3)).And .Contain(('f', 'd', 6)).And .Contain(('g', 'c', 7)).And .Contain(('h', 'd', 7)).And .HaveCount(7); // have to call Count() because otherwise the lazy evaluation wont trigger myGraph.Invoking(x => x.DijkstraSingleSourceShortestPath('z').Count()).Should().Throw(); } [Test] public void DijkstraShortestPath() { var run = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Run }; var jump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Jump }; var wallJump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.WallJump }; var myGraph = new UndirectedWeightedGraph(); myGraph.AddNodes('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'); myGraph.AddEdges( ('a', 'b', 2, run), ('a', 'c', 3, run), ('a', 'e', 4, wallJump), ('b', 'd', 2, jump), ('b', 'e', 1, run), ('c', 'g', 4, jump), ('c', 'h', 11, run), ('d', 'c', 3, jump), ('d', 'f', 2, run), ('d', 'h', 3, wallJump), ('e', 'f', 5, run), ('f', 'h', 6, wallJump), ('g', 'h', 7, run) ); myGraph .DijkstraShortestPath('a', 'h') .Select(pair => myGraph.EdgeData(pair.Item1, pair.Item2)) .Should() .ContainInOrder( run, jump, wallJump ) .And .HaveCount(3); // have to call Count() because otherwise the lazy evaluation wont trigger myGraph.Invoking(x => x.DijkstraShortestPath('a', 'z').Count()).Should().Throw(); } [Test] public void DijkstraNotReachable() { var run = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Run }; var jump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Jump }; var wallJump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.WallJump }; var myGraph = new UndirectedWeightedGraph(); myGraph.AddNodes('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'); myGraph.AddEdges( ('a', 'b', 2, run), ('a', 'e', 4, wallJump), ('b', 'e', 1, run), ('c', 'g', 4, jump), ('d', 'h', 3, wallJump), ('f', 'd', 2, run), ('f', 'h', 6, wallJump), ('g', 'h', 7, run) ); myGraph .DijkstraShortestPath('a', 'f') .Should() .BeEmpty(); } [Test] public void BellmanFordSingleSourceShortestPath() { var run = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Run }; var jump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Jump }; var wallJump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.WallJump }; var myGraph = new UndirectedWeightedGraph(); myGraph.AddNodes('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'); myGraph.AddEdges( ('a', 'b', 2, run), ('a', 'c', 3, run), ('a', 'e', 4, wallJump), ('b', 'd', 2, jump), ('b', 'e', 1, run), ('c', 'g', 4, jump), ('c', 'h', 11, run), ('d', 'c', 3, jump), ('d', 'f', 2, run), ('d', 'h', 3, wallJump), ('e', 'f', 5, run), ('f', 'h', 6, wallJump), ('g', 'h', 7, run) ); myGraph .BellmanFordSingleSourceShortestPath('a') .Should() .Contain(('b', 'a', 2)).And .Contain(('c', 'a', 3)).And .Contain(('d', 'b', 4)).And .Contain(('e', 'b', 3)).And .Contain(('f', 'd', 6)).And .Contain(('g', 'c', 7)).And .Contain(('h', 'd', 7)).And .HaveCount(7); // have to call Count() because otherwise the lazy evaluation wont trigger myGraph.Invoking(x => x.BellmanFordSingleSourceShortestPath('z').Count()).Should().Throw(); } [Test] public void BellmanFordShortestPath() { var run = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Run }; var jump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Jump }; var wallJump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.WallJump }; var myGraph = new UndirectedWeightedGraph(); myGraph.AddNodes('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'); myGraph.AddEdges( ('a', 'b', 2, run), ('a', 'c', 3, run), ('a', 'e', 4, wallJump), ('b', 'd', 2, jump), ('b', 'e', 1, run), ('c', 'g', 4, jump), ('c', 'h', 11, run), ('d', 'c', 3, jump), ('d', 'f', 2, run), ('d', 'h', 3, wallJump), ('e', 'f', 5, run), ('f', 'h', 6, wallJump), ('g', 'h', 7, run) ); myGraph .BellmanFordShortestPath('a', 'h') .Select(pair => myGraph.EdgeData(pair.Item1, pair.Item2)) .Should() .ContainInOrder( run, jump, wallJump ) .And .HaveCount(3); // have to call Count() because otherwise the lazy evaluation wont trigger myGraph.Invoking(x => x.BellmanFordShortestPath('a', 'z').Count()).Should().Throw(); } [Test] public void BellmanFordNotReachable() { var run = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Run }; var jump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Jump }; var wallJump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.WallJump }; var myGraph = new DirectedWeightedGraph(); myGraph.AddNodes('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'); myGraph.AddEdges( ('a', 'b', 2, run), ('a', 'e', 4, wallJump), ('b', 'e', 1, run), ('c', 'g', 4, jump), ('d', 'h', 3, wallJump), ('f', 'd', 2, run), ('f', 'h', 6, wallJump), ('g', 'h', 7, run) ); myGraph .BellmanFordShortestPath('a', 'f') .Should() .BeEmpty(); } } }