using System; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using MoonTools.Core.Structs; namespace MoonTools.Core.Bonk { public struct Polygon : IShape2D, IEquatable { public Position2D[] Vertices { get; private set; } // vertices are local to the origin public Polygon(params Position2D[] vertices) { Vertices = vertices; } public Vector2 Support(Vector2 direction, Transform2D transform) { var furthest = float.NegativeInfinity; var furthestVertex = Vector2.Transform(Vertices[0], transform.TransformMatrix); foreach (var vertex in Vertices) { var TransformedVertex = Vector2.Transform(vertex, transform.TransformMatrix); var distance = Vector2.Dot(TransformedVertex, direction); if (distance > furthest) { furthest = distance; furthestVertex = TransformedVertex; } } return furthestVertex; } public AABB AABB(Transform2D Transform2D) { return Bonk.AABB.FromTransformedVertices(Vertices, Transform2D); } public bool Equals(IShape2D other) { if (other is Polygon) { var otherPolygon = (Polygon)other; if (Vertices.Length != otherPolygon.Vertices.Length) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < Vertices.Length; i++) { if (Vertices[i].ToVector2() != otherPolygon.Vertices[i].ToVector2()) { return false;} } return true; } return false; } } }