This is FineAudio, a replacement for FNA's Audio subsystem. About FineAudio ---------------- FineAudio is basically MoonWorks Audio with an FNA dependency. It intends to deal with some of the missing pieces of XNA audio and make it easier to use. Usage ----- Create the AudioDevice: ```cs AudioDevice = new FineAudio.AudioDevice(); ``` Load your sound effects and music: ```cs StaticSound.Load(AudioSystem, "sword.wav"); StreamingSoundOgg.Load(AudioSystem, "my_song.ogg"); ``` Sound playback is controlled via sound instances. Streaming sounds are already instances, but static sounds need to have instances created from them. ```cs var swordSound = StaticSound.LoadWav(AudioSystem, "sword.wav"); var swordSoundInstance = swordSound.GetInstance(); swordSoundInstance.Play(); MySong = StreamingSoundOgg.Load(AudioSystem, "my_song.ogg"); MySong.Seek(6f); // seek to 6 seconds MySong.Play(); ``` You are responsible for managing these instances! If you lose track of sound instances, unpredictable things will happen, like sudden interruption of playback or memory leaks. License ------- FineAudio is licensed under the zlib license. See LICENSE for details.