/* Cram - A texture packing system in C * * Copyright (c) 2022 Evan Hemsley * * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. * In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from * the use of this software. * * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it * freely, subject to the following restrictions: * * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a * product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be * appreciated but is not required. * * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be * misrepresented as being the original software. * * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. * * Evan "cosmonaut" Hemsley * */ #ifndef JSON_WRITER_H #define JSON_WRITER_H #include #include #define INITIAL_JSON_OUTPUT_CAPACITY 2048 typedef struct JsonBuilder { char *string; size_t index; size_t capacity; size_t indentLevel; } JsonBuilder; JsonBuilder* JsonBuilder_Init() { JsonBuilder *builder = malloc(sizeof(JsonBuilder)); builder->string = malloc(INITIAL_JSON_OUTPUT_CAPACITY); builder->capacity = INITIAL_JSON_OUTPUT_CAPACITY; builder->string[0] = '\0'; strcat(builder->string, "{\n"); builder->indentLevel = 1; builder->index = 2; return builder; } void JsonBuilder_Internal_MaybeExpand(JsonBuilder *builder, size_t len) { if (builder->capacity < builder->index + len + 1) { builder->capacity = max(builder->index + len, builder->capacity * 2); builder->string = realloc(builder->string, builder->capacity); } } void JsonBuilder_Internal_Indent(JsonBuilder *builder) { int32_t i; JsonBuilder_Internal_MaybeExpand(builder, builder->indentLevel); for (i = 0; i < builder->indentLevel; i += 1) { strcat(builder->string, "\t"); } builder->index += builder->indentLevel; } void JsonBuilder_Internal_RemoveTrailingComma(JsonBuilder *builder) { if (builder->string[builder->index - 2] == ',') { builder->index -= 2; builder->index += sprintf(&builder->string[builder->index], "\n"); } } void JsonBuilder_AppendProperty(JsonBuilder *builder, char *propertyName, char *propertyString, uint8_t isString) { JsonBuilder_Internal_Indent(builder); JsonBuilder_Internal_MaybeExpand(builder, strlen(propertyName) + 4); builder->index += sprintf(&builder->string[builder->index], "\"%s\": ", propertyName); if (isString) { JsonBuilder_Internal_MaybeExpand(builder, strlen(propertyString) + 4); builder->index += sprintf(&builder->string[builder->index], "\"%s\",\n", propertyString); } else { JsonBuilder_Internal_MaybeExpand(builder, strlen(propertyString) + 2); builder->index += sprintf(&builder->string[builder->index], "%s,\n", propertyString); } } void JsonBuilder_AppendStringProperty(JsonBuilder *builder, char *propertyName, char *value) { JsonBuilder_AppendProperty(builder, propertyName, value, 1); } void JsonBuilder_AppendIntProperty(JsonBuilder *builder, char *propertyName, int32_t value) { char buffer[65]; itoa(value, buffer, 10); JsonBuilder_AppendProperty(builder, propertyName, buffer, 0); } void JsonBuilder_StartObject(JsonBuilder *builder) { JsonBuilder_Internal_Indent(builder); JsonBuilder_Internal_MaybeExpand(builder, 2); builder->index += sprintf(&builder->string[builder->index], "{\n"); builder->indentLevel += 1; } void JsonBuilder_EndObject(JsonBuilder *builder) { JsonBuilder_Internal_RemoveTrailingComma(builder); builder->indentLevel -= 1; JsonBuilder_Internal_Indent(builder); JsonBuilder_Internal_MaybeExpand(builder, 3); builder->index += sprintf(&builder->string[builder->index], "},\n"); } void JsonBuilder_StartArrayProperty(JsonBuilder *builder, char *propertyName) { JsonBuilder_Internal_Indent(builder); JsonBuilder_Internal_MaybeExpand(builder, strlen(propertyName) + 6); builder->index += sprintf(&builder->string[builder->index], "\"%s\": [\n", propertyName); builder->indentLevel += 1; } void JsonBuilder_FinishArrayProperty(JsonBuilder *builder) { JsonBuilder_Internal_RemoveTrailingComma(builder); builder->indentLevel -= 1; JsonBuilder_Internal_Indent(builder); JsonBuilder_Internal_MaybeExpand(builder, 3); builder->index += sprintf(&builder->string[builder->index], "],\n"); } void JsonBuilder_Finish(JsonBuilder *builder) { builder->indentLevel = 0; JsonBuilder_Internal_RemoveTrailingComma(builder); JsonBuilder_Internal_MaybeExpand(builder, 2); builder->index += sprintf(&builder->string[builder->index], "}\n"); } void JsonBuilder_Destroy(JsonBuilder *builder) { free(builder->string); free(builder); } #endif /* JSON_WRITER_H */