dofile_once("data/scripts/lib/utilities.lua") dofile_once("data/scripts/items/chest_random.lua") function death( damage_type_bit_field, damage_message, entity_thats_responsible, drop_items ) local entity_id = GetUpdatedEntityID() local pos_x, pos_y = EntityGetTransform( entity_id ) local name = EntityGetName(entity_id) local seed_offset = 0 local pw = check_parallel_pos( pos_x ) if ( name == "$animal_gate_monster_b" ) then seed_offset = 1 elseif ( name == "$animal_gate_monster_c" ) then seed_offset = 2 elseif ( name == "$animal_gate_monster_d" ) then seed_offset = 3 end SetRandomSeed( seed_offset, 10 + pw ) make_random_card(pos_x, pos_y) -- set flag with name of monster. GameAddFlagRun(EntityGetName(entity_id) .. "_killed") -- if all 4 monsters killed, add persistent flag for treetop pillar if GameHasFlagRun("$animal_gate_monster_a_killed") and GameHasFlagRun("$animal_gate_monster_b_killed") and GameHasFlagRun("$animal_gate_monster_c_killed") and GameHasFlagRun("$animal_gate_monster_d_killed") then AddFlagPersistent( "miniboss_gate_monsters" ) end end