dofile( "data/scripts/lib/utilities.lua" ) function item_pickup( entity_item, entity_who_picked, name ) local x,y = EntityGetTransform( entity_item ) GameTriggerMusicFadeOutAndDequeueAll( 10.0 ) GamePlaySound( "data/audio/Desktop/", "event_cues/sampo_pick/create", x, y ) GameTriggerMusicEvent( "music/boss_arena/battle", false, x, y ) SetRandomSeed( x, y ) GlobalsSetValue( "FINAL_BOSS_ACTIVE", "1" ) EntityLoad("data/entities/particles/image_emitters/chest_effect.xml", x, y) print("Sampo pickup: " .. tostring(x) .. ", " .. tostring(y)) local entities = EntityGetWithTag( "sampo_or_boss" ) if ( #entities == 0 ) then print_error("boss - couldn't find sampo") return end local reference = EntityGetWithTag( "reference" ) if( #reference == 0 ) then print_error("boss - couldn't find reference") return end local reference_id = reference[1] x,y = EntityGetTransform( reference_id ) local enemies_killed = tonumber( StatsGetValue("enemies_killed") ) local fight_player = true -- pacifist if( enemies_killed == 0 ) then fight_player = false for key,entity_id in pairs(entities) do EntitySetComponentsWithTagEnabled( entity_id, "enabled_at_start", false ) end end -- debug -- Note( Petri ): Boss should actually fight you all the time, since it's a more interesting problem for the player to -- to do a complete pacifist run. Which I think is totally doable fight_player = true if( fight_player ) then for key,entity_id in pairs(entities) do EntitySetComponentsWithTagEnabled( entity_id, "disabled_at_start", true ) EntitySetComponentsWithTagEnabled( entity_id, "enabled_at_start", false ) PhysicsSetStatic( entity_id, false ) if EntityHasTag( entity_id, "boss_centipede" ) then EntityAddTag( entity_id, "boss_centipede_active" ) local child_entities = EntityGetAllChildren( entity_id ) local child_to_remove = 0 if ( child_entities ~= nil ) then for i,child_id in ipairs( child_entities ) do EntityHasTag( child_id, "protection" ) child_to_remove = child_id end end if ( child_to_remove ~= 0 ) then EntityKill( child_to_remove ) end end end EntityLoad("data/entities/animals/boss_centipede/loose_lavaceiling.xml", x-235, y-73) EntityLoad("data/entities/animals/boss_centipede/loose_lavaceiling.xml", x+264, y-50) EntityLoad("data/entities/animals/boss_centipede/loose_lavabridge.xml", x-235, y+282) EntityLoad("data/entities/animals/boss_centipede/loose_lavabridge.xml", x+257, y+262) local player = EntityGetWithTag( "player_unit" ) if( #player == 0 ) then print_error("boss - couldn't find player_unit") return end local player_id = player[1] x,y = EntityGetTransform( player_id ) --local sampo_effect = EntityLoad("data/entities/animals/boss_centipede/ending/sampo_effect.xml", x, y) --EntityAddChild( player_id, sampo_effect ) end if( fight_player == false ) then y = y + 50 EntityLoad( "data/entities/buildings/teleport_ending_victory.xml", x, y ) end end