-- todo - change the color of the sampo local entity_id = GetUpdatedEntityID() local orb_count = GameGetOrbCountThisRun() local MAX_ORB_NAMES = 13 if( orb_count < 0 ) then orb_count = 0 end if( orb_count > MAX_ORB_NAMES ) then orb_count = MAX_ORB_NAMES end local orb_name = "$item_mcguffin_" .. tostring(orb_count) local orb_desc = "$itemdesc_mcguffin_" .. tostring(orb_count) if( GameGetOrbCountThisRun() > 33 ) then orb_name = "$item_mcguffin_33" orb_desc = "$itemdesc_mcguffin_33" end local item_component = EntityGetFirstComponent( entity_id, "ItemComponent" ) if( item_component ~= nil ) then ComponentSetValue( item_component, "item_name", orb_name ) ComponentSetValue( item_component, "ui_description", orb_desc ) end local uiinfo_component = EntityGetFirstComponent( entity_id, "UIInfoComponent" ) if( uiinfo_component ~= nil ) then ComponentSetValue( uiinfo_component, "name", orb_name ) end