dofile_once("data/scripts/lib/utilities.lua") function damage_received( dmg, msg, source ) local entity_id = GetUpdatedEntityID() local root_id = EntityGetRootEntity( entity_id ) local x,y = EntityGetTransform( root_id ) if ( source ~= nil ) and ( source ~= NULL_ENTITY ) and ( source ~= entity_id ) and ( source ~= root_id ) then local hm = EntityGetTransform( source ) if ( hm ~= nil ) then EntityInflictDamage( source, dmg, "DAMAGE_CURSE", "$damage_orb_blood", "DISINTEGRATED", 0, 0, entity_id ) end else --[[ local pls = EntityGetInRadiusWithTag( x, y, 160, "player_unit" ) if ( #pls > 0 ) then local pl = pls[1] EntityInflictDamage( pl, dmg, "DAMAGE_CURSE", "$damage_orb_blood", "DISINTEGRATED", 0, 0, entity_id ) end ]]-- end local comp = EntityGetFirstComponent( entity_id, "DamageModelComponent" ) if ( comp ~= nil ) then local max_hp = ComponentGetValue2( comp, "max_hp" ) ComponentSetValue2( comp, "hp", max_hp ) end end