dofile( "data/scripts/lib/utilities.lua" ) function death( damage_type_bit_field, damage_message, entity_thats_responsible, drop_items ) -- kill self local entity_id = GetUpdatedEntityID() local pos_x, pos_y = EntityGetTransform( entity_id ) local flag_status = HasFlagPersistent( "card_unlocked_pyramid" ) -- do some kind of an effect? throw some particles into the air? EntityLoad( "data/entities/items/pickup/heart.xml", pos_x - 16, pos_y ) EntityLoad( "data/entities/items/wand_unshuffle_04.xml", pos_x, pos_y ) local pw = check_parallel_pos( pos_x ) SetRandomSeed( pw, 44 ) local opts = { "NOLLA", "DAMAGE_RANDOM", "RANDOM_SPELL", "RANDOM_PROJECTILE", "RANDOM_MODIFIER", "RANDOM_STATIC_PROJECTILE", "DRAW_RANDOM", "DRAW_RANDOM_X3", "DRAW_3_RANDOM" } local rnd = Random( 1, #opts ) if flag_status then for i=1,4 do rnd = Random( 1, #opts ) CreateItemActionEntity( opts[rnd], pos_x - 8 * 4 + (i-1) * 16, pos_y ) table.remove( opts, rnd ) end else for i=1,4 do rnd = Random( 1, #opts ) CreateItemActionEntity( opts[rnd], pos_x - 8 * 4 + (i-1) * 16, pos_y ) table.remove( opts, rnd ) end EntityLoad( "data/entities/items/pickup/heart_fullhp.xml", pos_x, pos_y ) end AddFlagPersistent( "card_unlocked_pyramid" ) --EntityKill( entity_id ) end