dofile_once( "data/scripts/lib/utilities.lua" ) dofile( "data/scripts/newgame_plus.lua") local entity_id = GetUpdatedEntityID() local x, y = EntityGetTransform( entity_id ) local doing_newgame_plus = false -- stats & locations local endpoint_underground = EntityGetWithTag( "ending_sampo_spot_underground" ) local endpoint_mountain = EntityGetWithTag( "ending_sampo_spot_mountain" ) local enemies_killed = tonumber( StatsGetValue("enemies_killed") ) local orb_count = GameGetOrbCountThisRun() -- print( "orb_count: " .. orb_count ) -- orb count 33 and on top of the mountain! -- handle newgame+ -- if orb_count >= 5 and we're on top of the mountain -- 5 + new_game_plus_number local newgame_n = tonumber( SessionNumbersGetValue("NEW_GAME_PLUS_COUNT") ) if ( newgame_n >= 3 ) then AddFlagPersistent( "progress_newgameplusplus3" ) end local greed = GameHasFlagRun( "greed_curse" ) local greed_gone = GameHasFlagRun( "greed_curse_gone" ) local nightmare = GameHasFlagRun( "run_nightmare" ) if greed and ( greed_gone == false ) then AddFlagPersistent( "secret_greed" ) end if nightmare then AddFlagPersistent( "progress_nightmare" ) end local essence_1 = GameHasFlagRun( "essence_fire" ) local essence_2 = GameHasFlagRun( "essence_air" ) local essence_3 = GameHasFlagRun( "essence_water" ) local essence_4 = GameHasFlagRun( "essence_laser" ) if essence_1 and essence_2 and essence_3 and essence_4 then AddFlagPersistent( "secret_allessences" ) end local newgame_orbs_required = 5 + newgame_n if( orb_count < 33 and ( ( orb_count > ORB_COUNT_IN_WORLD and newgame_orbs_required >= ORB_COUNT_IN_WORLD and orb_count >= newgame_orbs_required ) or ( orb_count >= newgame_orbs_required and orb_count < ORB_COUNT_IN_WORLD ) ) ) then local distance_from_mountain = 1000 --local distance_from_bottom = 1000 if( #endpoint_mountain > 0 ) then local ex, ey = EntityGetTransform( endpoint_mountain[1] ) distance_from_mountain = math.abs(x - ex) + math.abs(y - ey) end if ( distance_from_mountain < 32 ) then -- on top of mountain -> new game+ GamePlaySound( "data/audio/Desktop/", "event_cues/new_game_plus/create", x, y ) EntityKill( entity_id ) GameClearOrbsFoundThisRun() -- move player up 25 pixels, so they don't end up inside the ground at start local player_id = EntityGetClosestWithTag( x, y, "player_unit") if( player_id ~= nil and player_id ~= 0 ) then local px, py = EntityGetTransform( player_id ) py = py - 25 EntitySetTransform( player_id, px, py ) end AddFlagPersistent( "progress_ngplus" ) doing_newgame_plus = true do_newgame_plus() end end -- "normal ending handlings" if( doing_newgame_plus == false ) then print("Sampo: " .. tostring(x) .. ", " .. tostring(y)) GameAddFlagRun( "ending_game_completed" ) -- this affects the look of the game over screen GameOnCompleted() -- this does the achievement --SetTimeOut( 15.0, "data/entities/animals/boss_centipede/ending/sampo_show_ending_ui.lua", "main" ) --EntityLoad("data/entities/particles/gold_pickup.xml", x, y) -- print("Enemies killed: " .. tostring(enemies_killed) ) print(tostring(endpoint_underground)) if( orb_count >= 33 ) then -- ORBS >= 33 ENDINGs -- on top -> new game+ AddFlagPersistent( "secret_amulet" ) if ( orb_count > 33 ) then -- AddFlagPersistent( "secret_amulet_gem" ) GameAddFlagRun( "ending_game_completed_with_34_orbs" ) end local distance_from_mountain = 1000 if( #endpoint_mountain > 0 ) then local ex, ey = EntityGetTransform( endpoint_mountain[1] ) distance_from_mountain = math.abs(x - ex) + math.abs(y - ey) end if ( distance_from_mountain < 32 ) then -- ending 2, everyone is happy EntityLoad( "data/entities/particles/image_emitters/magical_symbol_fast.xml", x, y ) local player_id = EntityGetWithTag( "player_unit" ) -- "progress_ending2" AddFlagPersistent( "progress_ending2" ) GamePlaySound( "data/audio/Desktop/", "event_cues/happy_ending/create", x, y ) GameDoEnding2() EntityKill( entity_id ) -- this is done in GameDoEnding2() -- GamePrintImportant( "$ending_above_part_a", "$ending_above_part_b" ) end --[[ elseif ( orb_count >= ORB_COUNT_IN_WORLD) then -- in practice this the 12 orb ending -- ORBS >= 11 ENDINGs -- on top -> new game+ local distance_from_mountain = 1000 if( #endpoint_mountain > 0 ) then local ex, ey = EntityGetTransform( endpoint_mountain[1] ) distance_from_mountain = math.abs(x - ex) + math.abs(y - ey) end if ( distance_from_mountain < 32 ) then local endpoint_id = endpoint_mountain[1] local ex, ey = EntityGetTransform( endpoint_id ) local distance = math.abs(x - ex) + math.abs(y - ey) if (distance < 32) then EntityLoad( "data/entities/particles/image_emitters/magical_symbol_fast.xml", x, y ) local player_id = EntityGetWithTag( "player_unit" ) if ( #player_id > 0 ) then print(player_id[1]) local midas_id = EntityLoad( "data/entities/animals/boss_centipede/ending/midas.xml", x, y ) EntityAddChild( player_id[1], midas_id ) end AddFlagPersistent( "progress_ending1" ) EntityLoad( "data/entities/animals/boss_centipede/ending/midas_sand.xml", x, y ) EntityLoad( "data/entities/animals/boss_centipede/ending/midas_chunks.xml", x, y ) GamePlaySound( "data/audio/Desktop/", "event_cues/midas_above/create", x, y ) EntityKill( entity_id ) -- this sets the INFINITE GOLD action local world_entity_id = GameGetWorldStateEntity() if( world_entity_id ~= nil ) then local comp_worldstate = EntityGetFirstComponent( world_entity_id, "WorldStateComponent" ) if( comp_worldstate ~= nil ) then ComponentSetValue( comp_worldstate, "INFINITE_GOLD_HAPPENING", "1" ) end end end end ]]-- elseif ( #endpoint_underground > 0 ) then -- NORMAL ENDING local endpoint_id = endpoint_underground[1] local ex, ey = EntityGetTransform( endpoint_id ) local distance = math.abs(x - ex) + math.abs(y - ey) if (distance < 32) then EntityLoad( "data/entities/particles/image_emitters/magical_symbol_fast.xml", x, y ) AddFlagPersistent( "progress_ending0" ) EntityLoad( "data/entities/animals/boss_centipede/ending/midas_sand.xml", x, y ) EntityLoad( "data/entities/animals/boss_centipede/ending/midas_chunks.xml", x, y ) EntityLoad( "data/entities/animals/boss_centipede/ending/midas_walls.xml", x, y ) EntityLoad( "data/entities/animals/boss_centipede/sampo_working.xml", ex, ey - 30 ) -- Note( Petri ): This is what kills the player -- if( enemies_killed > 0 ) then if( orb_count ~= ORB_COUNT_IN_WORLD ) then EntityLoad( "data/entities/animals/boss_centipede/ending/gold_effect.xml", x, y ) end -- end GamePlaySound( "data/audio/Desktop/", "event_cues/midas/create", x, y ) local ambience = EntityGetWithTag( "victoryroom_ambience" ) for a,b in ipairs( ambience ) do EntityKill( b ) end EntityKill( entity_id ) end local machine = EntityGetWithTag( "ending_mechanism" ) if ( #machine > 0 ) then print("Machineryfound, trying to animate") local machine_id = machine[1] local machine_sprite = EntityGetFirstComponent( machine_id, "SpriteComponent" ) if ( machine_sprite ~= nil ) then ComponentSetValue( machine_sprite, "rect_animation", "active" ) end end elseif ( #endpoint_mountain > 0 ) then -- SECRET ENDING local endpoint_id = endpoint_mountain[1] local ex, ey = EntityGetTransform( endpoint_id ) local distance = math.abs(x - ex) + math.abs(y - ey) if (distance < 32) then EntityLoad( "data/entities/particles/image_emitters/magical_symbol_fast.xml", x, y ) local player_id = EntityGetWithTag( "player_unit" ) if ( #player_id > 0 ) then print(player_id[1]) local midas_id = 0 if( orb_count == ORB_COUNT_IN_WORLD ) then midas_id = EntityLoad( "data/entities/animals/boss_centipede/ending/midas.xml", x, y ) AddFlagPersistent( "progress_ending1_gold" ) else midas_id = EntityLoad( "data/entities/animals/boss_centipede/ending/midas_radioactive.xml", x, y ) AddFlagPersistent( "progress_ending1_toxic" ) end -- turn player extra vurnable to radioactive materials local comp_damagemodel = EntityGetFirstComponent( player_id[1], "DamageModelComponent" ) if( comp_damagemodel ~= nil ) then ComponentSetValue( comp_damagemodel, "materials_damage_proportional_to_maxhp", "1" ) end EntityAddChild( player_id[1], midas_id ) end AddFlagPersistent( "progress_ending1" ) EntityLoad( "data/entities/animals/boss_centipede/ending/midas_sand.xml", x, y ) EntityLoad( "data/entities/animals/boss_centipede/ending/midas_chunks.xml", x, y ) GamePlaySound( "data/audio/Desktop/", "event_cues/midas_above/create", x, y ) EntityKill( entity_id ) -- this sets the INFINITE GOLD action local world_entity_id = GameGetWorldStateEntity() if( world_entity_id ~= nil ) then local comp_worldstate = EntityGetFirstComponent( world_entity_id, "WorldStateComponent" ) if( comp_worldstate ~= nil ) then ComponentSetValue( comp_worldstate, "INFINITE_GOLD_HAPPENING", "1" ) end end end end end